Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Published at 10th of March 2022 08:37:33 AM

538 Regeneration of the Mischievous Demon (side: Alphiss)

Wow, Saint-sama, you even predicted this.

Aruane abruptly rises.

Aruane-dono? What are you

Aruane crawls backwards on the zephyr, then wraps Ool in a one-armed hug.

Wh-what are you doing! Stop, stop! Stop, you monster! Stop, please stop! I beg you, please stop I promised my parents I would return to my village!

Poor Ool-san Aah, if youre this scared then its too pitiable. Sorry, sorry about this, Ool-san. Aruane will make it real quick, okay? Okay?

Watching Aruanes strange behaviour, Alphiss draws her sword. However, shes too late, as Aruanes fangs have already sunk into Ools neck.

Please stop! No, noo. A, aa, aaaaah!

Ools skin tears as Aruane bites through his throat. Blood spurts out, and the life fades from his eyes as he slumps down. Aruane licks the blood from around her mouth with a look of ecstasy, then places her mouth on Ools neck again and sucks. In no time at all, the entirety of the zephyrs back is drenched in blood.

What are you doing!?

Her sword still ready, Alphiss yells. As though in response, the dead Ool jolts up. His eyes open wide, and his skin darkens as red disease-like flecks rise to the surface all over his body. Its Aruanes skill that lets her control a dead body by sending her blood into it, [Blood Doll].


Ool uses the white magic [Ligne]. White light wraps Aruane. The gouged-out parts of her body regenerate, and her missing arm rapidly grows back. Her [Blood Doll] skill even allows her to make use of the skills of the dead. Alphiss already knew this.

N-no way

Alphisss face pales, and she lowers her sword. When she had suggested to Lilixira that Ool might refuse to follow orders, Lilixira had suggested that they might still have options. She must have been referring this.

Aruane twists her wrist and waist, checking the condition of her body. Then, she looks down at the distant undead girl and tree spirit. They had a significant head start, and yet in this thick fog, their pursuers are still snapping at their heels.

With this, Aruane can easily take them on. As long as Aruane can properly move her body, killing those two is simple.

Aruane licks her lips, then glances up at Alphiss, who is still holding her sword.

Would you mind pointing that sword away from Aruane? Friend of Saint-sama, Alphiss-san?


Okay then? If you want to play with Aruane, then shell play with you. You see, Aruane wanted to try eating Alphiss-san, who seemed to get along with Saint-sama. Aruane has thought about it a lot, but after all, its best if she eats Alphiss-san.

Aruane opens her mouth, baring her fangs.

Wh-what are you saying!?

Aruanes nails grow long, transforming into sinister red crystalline weapons. She then uses them to tear through the zephyrs back. Crying out in pain, it begins to fall.


Screaming, Alphiss clings to the zephyr. She just barely manages to hold onto her sword, but compared to Aruane, her figure is far too defenceless.

Alphiss-san, thank you for the meal.

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As Alphiss desperately clings to the falling zephyr, Aruane raises her claws again. The frivolous smile usually on her face is nowhere to be seen. Instead, she stares into Alphisss eyes as though peering into her soul.

As the zephyr slams into the ground, Alphiss braces herself for death. However, Aruanes claw instead grazes her cheek to stab into the dying dragon.

Aruane lifts her arms, turning the crystalline blood coating her nails back into normal blood and licking it off her fingers.

Then, she sticks out five fingers and begins curling them one by one as though counting.

Was Ool-san the fifth person? He was the fifth, right? Aaah, Aruane completely forgot.

Wh-what are you saying?! Y-you monster!

Alphiss raises her voice, pointing her sword at Aruane.

That reaction Saint-sama really didnt say anything. Thats right Aruane thought Saint-sama was like that.

Admiration seems to be mixed into Aruanes tone. Alphiss is completely unable to understand the meaning of her words. Her sword still raised, she freezes in place. Aruane looks back the way they came, turning her back on Alphiss.

Go somewhere else. Youre weak, so youll just get in the way. Aruane alone is plenty against those two. Do you understand? You cant even be a lookout. If you stay here, then Aruane doesnt mind killing you though.

Upon hearing her, Alphiss slowly lowers her sword. Aruanes speech and actions are completely incomprehensible, and she cant understand her guiding principle at all. But, she understands that she was serious about that threat.

Alphiss is fully aware that, no matter how hard she fights, shes no match for Aruane. So then rather than pointlessly challenge her, she should focus on getting away and reporting her insanity to Lilixira.

But, going to Saint-sama is bad. Alphiss-san would probably just be a nuisance. Youd seriously get in the way. Alphiss-san should find some corner to hide in until its all over. Thats all you can do.

Dont look down on me too much, devil. If I would get in Saint-samas way, Id rather die. That is how us Holy Knights are. And, Saint-sama knows that more than anyone.

Thats right, Saint-sama is the same sinner as Aruane. But even so, its better if Alphiss-san doesnt go back.

I dont understand the slightest thing you say or do. Deviant No, abomination.

Alphiss spits those words out, then breaks into a run. From the direction shes going, its clear that shes still trying to return to Lilixira. Aruane watches her leave, but then soon turns away.

She should have run away. That dragon-san probably wouldnt have blamed her, as well.

In front of her, Aro and the treant are approaching. Behind her, the dead Ool slowly rises.