Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 523

Chapter 523

Published at 19th of February 2022 02:54:25 PM

A tree, an undead, and a spider. Not a single one looks even slightly appealing.

Aruane glances over us. As she does, I sense something sinister. Her form is that of a young girl, but her eyes are closer to that of a predator. Rather than the eyes of a human, they appear similar to those of the manticore I often saw back when I was a tree.

She sways, taking a faltering step forward, then suddenly lowers her stance and dashes madly towards us. Shes even faster than Alexio, who fought on equal terms with Volk-dono.

Behind her, Alexios corpse rises and breaks into a run too. His body has also become thin and blackened, with strange disease-like red flecks having risen to the surface of his skin. There is no sign of life in his eyes. But, his movements seem even faster than when he was alive.

Hes in the same state that the dragon that Aruane came flying on was in. It seems shes able to strengthen and control dead bodies. Its similar to Aro-donos [Undead Maker], but the range of valid targets is probably not as wide. The fact that she quickly threw away the dead dragon suggests a limit of some kind. However The way she can enhance the targets physical abilities, and the precision with which she can move the dead body is far superior to what [Undead Maker] is capable of.

The girl opens her mouth wide, revealing an array of sharp, inhuman teeth. She flexes her arm, and her nails grow out into sinister red claws. She truly is a monstrosity.

Aro-dono, atlach-dono! Lets fall back!

I call out with [Telepathy].


But, Aro-dono shakes her head, keeping her eyes fixed on Aruane. Atlach-nachdono doesnt respond at all. She might be exasperated with me.

Its obvious. Of course, with this difference in speed, theres no way we could escape.

This is no time to falter. We must fight back, and somehow prevail. Theres no other possibility in which we could all survive.

Its not as though we have no chance of victory. Atlach-dono excels at physical attacks, and Aro-dono excels at magical attacks. As long as we can find the timing to attack without retaliation, we have the power to take down a higher-rank opponent.

In order to produce that opening I will probably have to play a role. Ill be walking a terrifyingly thin tightrope. But, if I falter here, well all die. If all three of us dont fight at our best, we have no chance at all. If I half-heartedly prepare to flee, itll only result in Aro-dono and atlach-dono being killed.

All this time, Ive only been protected. Ive stayed off the front line. In the battle at the royal capital too, I was left behind in the mine.

But Now it is different! Even if it costs my life, I will protect Aro-dono and atlach-dono!

I step forward while Aro-dono and altach-dono are still trying to work out how to fight.


Aim for the moment she focuses on me! We havent got any other way to make sure your attacks land!

If Aruanes only means of attack is in close combat, then even if its only small, she will inevitably present an opening as she strikes. I have faith that Aro-dono and atlach-dono will be able to seize that opportunity.

N-no! Dont be a decoy! Come back!

I dont plan on sacrificing myself. This is so that we can all laugh and survive together.

I cancel my [Tree Spiritisation]. My body suddenly swells in size, and I return to my normal tree form of over ten metres in height. I reapply [Physical Barrier] to myself And then cast [Decoy], which should make it easier to draw my opponents focus.

Alexios dead body raises its sword overhead as it runs alongside Aruane. There is still some distance between them and me. As I try and work out what hes about to do, Alexio swings his sword.

The slash produced from his sword flies towards me. The target is the centre of my trunk.

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This is the one that Volk-dono uses, [Shockwave]!

Aruane can use the skills of dead bodies! The [Shockwave] collides with my centre. A burning heat blooms out from the impact as it carves into my body.

I cant put any strength into my limbs. Unable to resist, Im knocked to the ground. I took a direct hit. I can feel my life wearing down, almost to the limit.

Even though Aro-dono protested my plan to act as a shield, I had confidence in my endurance. But, I was naive. A modicum of defensive ability is meaningless against a higher rank opponent.

In the end, I really am powerless. I cant move my body the way I want to. My consciousness is hazy. Just how deeply did that attack cut into my body?

Aro-dono stands in front of me.


Fierce winds blow, barreling towards Aruane and Alexio. But they split left and right, easily avoiding the attack. With this difference in speeds, simple attacks will never land. The difference is so wide that even keeping them in check is difficult.

Having dodged the windstorm, Aruane suddenly speeds up. That wasnt already her fastest?

She sprints towards Aro-dono. Aro-dono must have been thinking that she still had plenty of distance, and was planning to launch a follow-up long range attack.

But, all shes able to do is stare in shock as Aruane rapidly closes the distance. That said, it truly is a short moment. In that tiny span of time, Aruane has covered the ground between them.

Sorry about this, undead onee-san.

Aruane sings in her creepy voice as she swings her red claws. In the same instant, Aro-dono suddenly lurches backwards. I understand what has happened immediately. Atlach-dono used thread to pull her back.

Sh-she made it in time But, as Aro-dono lands on the ground, she collapses like a puppet with its strings cut. Her abdomen splits open in a spray of flesh as her body folds backwards. My feeling of relief inverses into horror.


Her eyes snap open, then she blinks rapidly. She wasnt able to fully dodge. Aruanes claw grazed her abdomen.