Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 505

Chapter 505

Published at 30th of January 2022 02:51:02 PM

505 The Movements of a Certain Saint 1 (side: Lilixira)

While Irushia was making contact with Umukahime, Lilixira and her subordinates were resting on a island between the mainland and the Easternmost Strange Land.

Calculating Reestablishing hypothetical scenario Adjusting battle conditions Calculating

Lilixira sits on a tree stump away from her subordinates, writing on a sheet of paper with a quill. The simulation ability of [Laplace Interference Authority] is powerful enough to be considered precognition. She is using its power to prepare for the coming battle with Irushia by examining different strategies. As the skill requires a high degree of concentration, her subordinates are keeping their distance.

Assuming a level 100 dragon, with attack as the highest stat

As she speaks to herself, a four-armed majin with six wings and ashen-grey skin lands nearby. Several pitch black pupils are contained in each of his eyes. Its the Magic Beast King, Beelzebub, in human form.

Yo, Saint-sama. I was finally able to get a look at them. Do you see how to win yet?

Lilixira turns to look at him and thins her eyes.

Alongisde Irushia, was the undead, that human Aah, the sword that human had was a monster too. There was also a giant spider, a treant, and a giant lizard. There was also someone strange with them. She was in human form, but was probably another monster.

How far have the monsters evolved?

Other than the undead, all of them! Hahhahaa! All I can do is laugh at how bad the situation is. I could tell from the footprints, but that Irushia guy is totally different from before. Isnt he a Legendary class with multiple divine skills now? Isnt it about time for Saint-sama to resign as well?

Beelzebub drawls provokingly. Lilixira ignores him.

Cheh! You really are a boring woman. If I was going to be sent on errands like this, maybe it would have been better if the Hero had killed me.

He looks at her subordinates.

Arent you expecting too much of the Holy Knights and dragons? The same is true for me. If you make me do a surprise attack, itll just be a waste of resources. Whether its against the slime, Irushia, or the Dragon King, you always choose fight in a boring way. Why not try fighting from the front for once?

For the coming battle, Lilixira has brought fifty of her Holy Knights as well as fifty dragons for them to ride from the Kingdom of Shard that neighbours the Holy County of Liarm.

The Holy Knights morale is high, and they are widely considered to be the strongest armed group in the world. The Knight Commander, Alexio, is thought of as the strongest military man in the world, and several of the knights are skilled swordsmen whose names are renowned throughout the world.

Also known as the Kingdom of Dragon Riders, the Kingdom of Shard is the best in the world at handling dragons. By gathering users of [Telepathy] from all over the world, they succeeded in taming the dragons that roam their mountains. By threatening them, Lilixira managed to borrow fifty of their strongest military dragons, [Zephyr]. The power of these fifty [Zephyr] alone is enough to topple a small country by themselves.

The [Zephyr] are also called the guardians of the Kingdom of Shard. The reason she was able to borrow them on such short notice was thanks to her careful preparations ahead of time. To forcefully move negotiations ahead, she used those sympathetic to the Holy Country to seize the weakness of the royal family, assassinating two of the kingdoms leaders and driving a third to suicide. As a result, many citizens of both countries hold doubts, and the reputation of the Holy Knights has plummeted while the relations between countries have deteriorated. To Lilixira, the dragons are a force that she obtained at great cost.

Regardless of how she obtained them, Lilixira has a battalion composed of the strongest order of knights and the strongest dragons that can be handled by humans. It could be said that it would be impossible to raise a force of people more capable of fighting a Legendary dragon.

A Holy Knight stroking the head of his dragon notices Lilixiras gaze and stiffens, bowing his head towards her. His movements are clumsy. Hes a young man, only recently recruited. Lilixira smiles at him and waves, causing him to blush.

If you throw this much at Irushia, then even if hes the Legendary class you think he is, he might be pushed back. Theres no feeling of tension here at all. Hey, youll give me a chance to fight too, right?

Unfortunately, all of them are sacrificial pawns.

While smiling and waving at the young man, Lilixira says matter-of-factly.


1000 attack, 800 speed Do you know what those are?

How would I know? Dont you know best of all how stupid I am?

Its the minimum requirements for dealing real damage against the [Human Realm]s current hypothesised status. Anyone weaker than that can do no more than serve as a distraction.

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Beelzebub tilts his head.

I can only tell if someones stronger or weaker than me. How many of the Holy Knights clear that?



Not even one of those fifty clear that threshold. Ive depleted the Holy Countrys treasury quite significantly to strengthen them with weapons, and gathered [Zephyr] from the Kingdom of Shard to make up for their speed, but its still far too little to stand against the [Human Realm] directly. Theyre still far below the minimum requirements. At most, Alexio might be able to do something, depending on the situation. But that is fine.

Beelzebubs tiny pupils swivel around as he peers at the Holy Knights.

Then what are they here for?

Didnt I say? Theyre sacrificial distractions.

Beelzebub frowns slightly.

Legendary class is that dangerous, then? So are you just brazenly heading towards suicide?

Of course, that is not the plan. We have the [Fiend of the Great Prison] Aluane, as well as you, and the [Dragon King]. Not all of the conditions have been met, but Howgrey the [Ascetic] is a remarkably capable man. According to the calculations of [Laplace Interference Authority], if the predicted stats are correct and all members strike at the same time, the probability of winning rises to ninety percent.

Huh So I will get to fight at least. Thats good.

There is no shortage of users of [Rest] among the Holy Knights, and we have the [Regenerator] Ool and Aluane with us. Ive also devised a plan to get everyone into the position while losing as few as possible. By sacrificing themselves, the Holy Knights and dragons will distract the subordinate monsters and draw them away from the [Human Realm], reducing the uncertain elements as much as possible for the main forces attack. Meeting up is difficult because of that fog, but fortunately your kin will allow us to communicate and share information quickly.

Thats not what Id call fighting. I really have been caught by a boring woman.

As he sighs, Beelzebub looks at a small old man among the Holy Knights.

Is he really any good? That legendary swordsman youve been desperately appealing to, Howgrey the [Ascetic]. Its the first Ive seen him, but Are his stats that different from the Holy Knights? Wouldnt that Alexio fight far better?

He might well achieve far more than you.

Theres no way thats possible.

Beelzebub replies, offended.