Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 493

Chapter 493

Published at 15th of January 2022 04:22:08 PM

493 Harvest Feast

Just before it collides with me, magic circles appear on both sides of the shub-niggurath.


A repulsive moan escapes its many mouths, and two spheres of earth materialise. Its the [Clay Sphere] skill Its been doubled with [Parallel Chanting]. Its magic significantly stronger than any of the other monsters Ive seen on this island. Its not something I can let hit me lightly.

I suppose I should use [Mirror Counter] here. I wanted to try it out before fighting Lilixira, anyway.

A wall of light appears in front of me. As the earthen spheres touch the wall, they reverse direction and shoot back at the shub-niggurath. This is good. It can completely shut down magic-bullet type skills. I also got it at a high skill level, so its nice and easy to use. Still, not knowing for sure what it can block is a bit anxiety-inducing.

I swing my arm up, intending to hit it with a [Dimension Claw] while its staggered. But, the shub-niggurath ignores the [Clay Spheres] and instead flicks a tentacle towards me I guess its able to shrug off hits that black young take for it.

I swing my claw to directly tear through the [Tentacle Whip]. But, the tentacle doesnt break. Instead, a nearby black young explodes into a shower of green blood and entrails. I managed to knock the tentacle away, but If its tentacles can be invincible too, Im put at a disadvantage.


From the shib-nigguraths mouths, a black smog leaks out. This must be its [Plague Breath].

As the smog cloud grows, several tentacles reach out I see, its using it as a smokescreen.

Attacking wildly after reducing the visibility isnt a bad strategy. But, I have [Gravity]!


A black dome of light extends out from me, and the shub-nigguraths tentacles drop to the ground. I seize the fallen tentacles and grip them tightly in my claw. This should have killed another of the baby goats.

The [Plague Breath] fades. Surrounding me are black lumps of flesh, more of the shub-nigguraths kin. H-how!? Their stats are low. They shouldnt be able to freely move around in my [Gravity].

My understanding arrives too late. The most likely explanation is that it spat them out at the same time as the tentacles. Their stats are low, but the aim was only to get them around me.


The shub-niggurath moans, and the black young burst into flames.

BmeeeeEeE! MgaaAAAA!

The black young bleat in agony. It seems its not just their legs that are goat-like, their cries are too. Its coming! The shub-nigguraths skill, [Harvest Feast]!

N-no, calm down, its for times like this that I have [Mirror Counter]!


I roar. A magic circle expands, and a wall of light surrounds me. Heheh, even if it doesnt reflect it, this should be enough to block

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The [Mirror Counter] cracks. The shub-niggurath has charges against it. The wall of light begins to fade, and the black flames rush in.

I-if it rushes straight into the blaze like this, itll lose a lot of its kin from the recoil! N-no, thats wrong. R-right, it has [Fire Attribute Nullification]! It can heal while burning the goats!

I feel teeth sinking into the base of my neck. Another of its mouths bites into my shoulder.

Sharp pain runs through my body. My flesh is torn away in a spray of saliva and blood.

Its a feeling Id started to forget over the past few days the sensation of terror that accompanies pain which could easily lead to death. My HP begins to rapidly plummet from the the black flames and its teeth.

Guu, guuOOOOOOOOh!

I swing my claw hard into its body. But, all it does is jolt slightly, and doesnt show any sign of letting go. Not being able to deal damage makes it this much harder to get it off me!? I-is it impossible to get rid of it once its sunk its teeth into me!?

N-no, I still have another option! I raise my upper body up, lifting it up. Then, I kick off the ground.

O, OoOO?

With [Dragon Mirror], I change my body, temporarily taking the form of a [Baby Dragon]. The shub-nigguraths teeth close on empty air. Seemingly unable to understand what has happened, it stops moving.

I immediately change my form into that of Eldias species, [Diabolos]. Its the biggest species of dragon that I know of. My stats change toAttack: 3462(2770). I see, I knew [Dragon Mirror] changes my stats, but seems theyre halved when I grow small and increase by about 20% when I grow larger. The larger form has terrible fuel efficiency, so it doesnt seem all that usable, but it might be useful for critical moments like this.


I slam my fist into the shub-niggurath as it floats in the air. Even if the damage is cancelled, the momentum should still send it flying while it cant support itself against the ground. Its fleshy body shoots down at a sharp diagonal, then craters into the ground. I cancel my [Dragon Mirror] and move away from the flames while healing the damage with [Autoregeneration].

I want to get some distance from it. Itll be dangerous if it shifts targets to the others, but I need a moment to gather myself. There also arent any more off its goat offspring in that direction, so there shouldnt be a danger of the ones theyre fighting suddenly bursting into flames. Itll probably charge at me again in just a moment, but this has bought me a little time.

Theres also something I want to try. I learnt its attack pattern by clashing with it head-on, so theres something Ive thought of. Perhaps the skill I got at the maximum level of the Hero skill, [Flash that Drives Away the Darkness], could bypass the goats [Substitute].