Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 490

Chapter 490

Published at 12th of January 2022 02:39:54 PM

490 To the Interior of the Easternmost Strange Land

Together with Aro, treant-san, the atlach-nacha, the black lizard, Volk, and magiatite-jii, we begin to ascend the mountain. Our aim is to find out if there is anything hidden further inland, behind those clay guardians. We could be stirring up more trouble than its worth, but even so, I dont want to have any remaining uncertainties for the battle with Lilixira.

As we climb, the mist gradually becomes thicker again I couldnt find the source last time I went this way, even though I climbed fairly high. I suppose it must mean that the mists master is something significantly stronger than a shen.

We walk up the bare ground, passing by leafless, gnarled trees. Suddenly, a chill runs down my spine. My [Presence Perception] is picking up on a familiar magical signature. Two large shadows loom out of the mist.

Species: Clay Guardian

Condition: Normal

Lv: 85/85(MAX)

HP: 785/785

MP: 225/225

Species: Clay Guardian

Condition: Normal

Lv: 85/85(MAX)

HP: 785/785

MP: 225/225

Two large stone faces emerge from the fog. It was one of these guys that caused me a lot of pain when I was an ouroboros. On top of being so difficult to damage that being I was forced into a hand-to-hand battle, it bound me in place before blowing up with [Direct Burst].

Id like to keep levelling Aro and the rest but The prospect of losing someone to [Direct Burst] is scary. It was strong enough to bring me to the verge of death, even though I was an A rank health-specialist ouroboros. So, Ill just have to kill them before they get a chance to explode!

I open my mouth and amass the black light of [Gravidon]. Im not going to bother getting close. As an ouroburos I could only make progress against their defence by fighting head-on, but with the power of [Gravidon] and how strong I am now, a single hit should deal more than twice their HP in damage.

The two clay guardians float up and split apart, flying to the left and right. A red light begins to tinge their eyes. Its coming! The long-range skill, [Heat Ray]!

Thankfully, their eyes are pointed towards me. They probably want to stop me from shooting the [Gravidon]. If I try and avoid, Aro and the others might end up getting hit.

I stand my ground and receive the attack. The four beams trace lines from my shoulders to my chest.

The [Heat Ray] skill does continuous damage as long as its fired, and was responsible for making my life a living hell in the desert. I thought I might have been making light of it a bit too much by receiving it head on, but


Species: Oneiros

Condition: Normal

Lv: 85/150

HP: 3548/3581

MP: 3694/3694

Thats all? It isnt enough to make me budge. My defence is now 1634. Its impossible for a B+ rank that isnt specialised in attack to deal real damage to me.


I release the black Gravidon sphere. It slams directly into the clay guardian which flew right. Its earthen body appears to be pulled inwards to the centre of the black ball, before being crushed as every inch is placed under an immense pressure. It cracks and deforms, then crumbles apart.

3400 experience points have been acquired.

Due to the title skill [Walking Egg: Lv-], an additional 3400 experience points have been acquired.

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Sure enough, the experience it gives me is delicious. I guess its not a maximum level B+ for nothing.

The clay guardian that darted to the left opens its mouth, and a black light starts to swirl inside it. It looks like its about to try sending its own [Gravidon] my way, hoping to fight on the same stage. Though it might be that its got no other option at this point, since close combat is out of the question due to its slow movement, and [Heat Ray] has already proven ineffective.

But I dont plan on sitting here and waiting for it to fire. I swing my arm and strike it with [Dimension Claw]. First a diagonal slice, then a backhand, and finally a downswing! The clay guardians earthen body slams against the ground, and huge cracks run through it.

3400 experience points have been acquired.

Due to the title skill [Walking Egg: Lv-], an additional 3400 experience points have been acquired.

The level of [Oneiros] has risen from 89 to 92.

Normal skill [Dimension Claw] has risen from level 6 to 7.

Normal skill [Ideal Weapon] has risen from level 6 to 7.

Normal skill [Hellgate] has risen from level 2 to 4.

It looks like I got a level-up bonus to my skills. It might still be difficult to hit speedy opponents, but my accuracy with [Dimension Claw] is much better than it was at the start. The dream sword made by [Ideal Weapon] was also limited to the B rank [Sword of Disaster], but now that the skill level has increased, perhaps itll be able to produce a slightly higher-rank weapon?

Anyway, its there isnt it? I can sense its presence. It was hanging back behind the clay guardians. It seems it lost its timing to appear after I killed them so quickly.

I glare into the mist. The silhouette of a gigantic, lumpy figure with five spindly legs is visible against the fog. Its the [Shub-Niggurath] monster that I escaped from before. But now, Im more than a match for it.

I glare at the silhouette for a while but Suddenly, it disappears. Reflexively, I glance around. W-what? It ran?

I have [Illusion Nullification], so its hard to imagine that the silhouette could have been some sort of trick of the light. My first thought was that it might have teleported, but theres no sign of it anywhere nearby. I can only reason that it simply put some distance between us. Though, its also possible that it could have dived underground

Irushias Party

[Oneiros]: LLv: 92/150

[Volk]Lv: 85/85

[Atlach-Nacha]: Lv: 29/102

[Revaana Lich]: B+Lv: 77/85

[Tyrant Guardian]: B+Lv: 49/85

[Gold Magiatite Heart]: B+Lv: 24/92

[Venom Goddess Lecherta]: BLv: 54/80