Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 488

Chapter 488

Published at 12th of January 2022 02:39:54 PM

488 Nightmare and Magiatite-jiis Evolutions

After defeating the killer queen, we travel around to hunt some fenrirs. We end up running into some monsters that appear to be [Giant Sand Centipede] subspecies, namely the green [Poison Lord], and the proficient at water magic [Andras], which looks like five naked owl-headed men stuck together, but we defeat them handily.

No more ranks like the shen or killer queen show up. It looks like those two might have been the strongest monsters below the summit.

Other than treant-san almost losing in a [Heat Ray] battle against the poison lord, and treant-san missing with [Meteor Stamp] before getting surrounded by three andrases and almost getting bludgeoned to death, nothing particularly dangerous occurs in the fights.

By the time weve finished levelling, it has gotten entirely dark. Its a relief that the Saint didnt attack today either. I really am glad I chose this mist-covered land.

The result of the last bit of levelling is:

Aro:Lv: 74/85toLv: 77/85

Nightmare: Lv: 64/70toLv: 70/70

Magiatite-jii: Lv: 65/70toLv: 70/70

Black lizard: Lv: 45/80toLv: 54/80

Treant: Lv: 39/85toLv: 54/85

The nightmare and magiatite-jii have finally reached their maximum levels. Because I stuck to a support role throughout, my level gains are a meagreLv: 83/150toLv: 85/150.

I tried to raise the skill level of [Ideal Weapon] further, but it didnt go up this time. Even so, Im starting to get the hang of how best to use it. The level of my [Dimension Claw] has increased from level 4 to 6, however.

As magiatite-jii apparently would find it difficult to evolve in front of others, he heads to the back of the waterfall cavern by himself. The nightmare wraps herself in a pitch black cocoon and hangs from the cavern ceiling. The treant then tries to poke her cocoon with a branch, before Aro desperately steps in. Choosing to hide like magiatite-jii really might be the sensible way of evolving.

The first to return is magiatite-jii. The difference is clear to see. Hes now clad in a golden glow. I-is he even still metal?

[Gold Magiatite Heart]: B+ rank monster

The result of excessive magic building up in a [Magiatite Heart], inducing a transformation in the magic metal [Magiatite].

Due to its incredible rarity, [Gold Magiatite] is widely considered to be a fictitious metal.

It possess extraordinary strength, even in comparison to ordinary [Magiatite], and has various properties.

S-so its classed as another kind of [Magiatite]? His metal is getting more and more rare.

Species: Gold Magiatite Heart

Condition: Normal

Lv: 1/92

HP: 55/55

MP: 41/222

Attack: 43

Defence: 301

Magic: 163

Speed: 224

Rank: B+

Characteristic Skills:

[Magiatite: Lv-] [Poison Sash: Lv9] [Automatic MP Recovery: Lv8] [Grisha Language: Lv2]

Resistance Skills:

[Physical Resistance: LvMAX] [Magic Resistance: LvMAX] [Status Condition Nullification: Lv-] [Magic Decomposition: Lv1]

Normal Skills:

[Magic Metal Creation: Lv9] [Liquid: Lv8] [Corona: Lv8] [Transformation: Lv8] [Telepathy: Lv5] [Fireball: Lv9] [Clay: Lv7] [Clay Gun: Lv7] [Autoregeneration: Lv7] [Metal Breath: Lv6] [Impact Suppression: Lv6] [Elude Hit: Lv5] [Extreme Poison: Lv7] [Humanisation Technique: Lv3] [Flare: Lv2] [Metal Balloon: Lv4] [Stealth: Lv2]

Title Skills:

[Final Evolution: Lv-] [Wiseman of Steel: Lv-] [Coward: Lv-] [Rare Monster: Lv-] [One Who Knows Antiquity: Lv-] [Demon Lords Subordinate: Lv-] [Fictitious Metal: Lv: -]

Th-thats a crazy high defence for level 1. He has three new normal skills, but What Im most curious about is the new resistance skill, [Magic Decomposition]. I guess it must be an especially rare resistance. At least, Ive never seen anything like it before.

I stand out a bit much.

Perhaps not liking how much he shines now, magitite-jii seems a little disappointed Now that I think about it, the first time I met him he tried to run away as fast as he could. He might be used to being targeted by adventurers for his metal, and so has developed a habit of running away. Though now that hes climbed all the way to B+ rank, I dont think theres going to be many situations in which hes forced to run any more.

I see Umu, I see, I see.

Volk mutters, looking at magiatite-jii and happily nodding his head Isnt he entirely just looking at him as a weapon? W-well, magiatite-jii himself doesnt appear to see anything wrong with it, so I guess its fine.

In the meantime, a crack appears in the nightmares black cocoon. Treant-san, who had been reaching out with a branch towards it, quickly transforms into a tree spirit and flutters away If you were going to be that scared, then you shouldnt have tried poking it from the start. Still, the nightmare is probably B+ now Its possible that shes only B rank, too. The treants probably stronger than her now, but its totally gotten used to thinking of itself as below.

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Pushing through the crack in the cocoon, a human upper body with the nightmares usual mask emerges. Surprised by the drooping purple hair, I reflexively turn away. The nightmares evolved form jumps down in front of me.

Her whole body is covered in purple fur. Her total size is about the same three metres in length as it was before, but her spider abdomen has been replaced by the upper body of a human. Her arms are also covered in purple fur, and now end in sinister-looking claws.

Sh-shes changed a lot. Th-this really is the nightmare, right?

[Atlach-Nacha]:[1] rank monster

A cruel and fiendish spider monster with a human upper body.

Legend says that it once transformed a prosperous capital city into its nest over the span of a single night.

The night-black thread it produces disperses all impacts and absorbs the health and mana of those it touches.

rank!? She completely skipped over B rank No, I suppose that for a C+, her maximum level was somewhat high, as it was the same as the B- magiatite-jiis. She was probably within the top class of C+ rank. But still, I never thought that she would grow by this much

Species: Atlach-Nacha

Condition: Normal

Lv: 1/102

HP: 224/224

MP: 52/218

Attack: 196

Defence: 139

Magic: 214

Speed: 175


Characteristic Skills

[Dark Attribute: Lv-] [Automatic HP Recovery: Lv6] [Poison Sash: Lv7] [Presence Perception: Lv7] [Nekomata: Lv-] [Stealthy Movement: Lv7] [Demon Eye of Allure: Lv2] [Magic-Draining Sticky Thread of Darkness: Lv-] [Grisha Language: Lv1]

Resistance Skills:

[Physical Resistance: Lv5] [Magic Resistance: Lv4] [Poison Resistance: Lv7] [Curse Resistance: LV7]

Normal Skills:

[Poison Fang: Lv5] [Spider Thread: Lv5] [Ally Call: Lv1] [Thread Daruma: Lv5] [Poison Thread: Lv6] [Neck-Hanging Thread: Lv6] [Sneak Attack: Lv3] [Curse: Lv4] [Humanisation Technique: Lv6] [Autoregeneration: Lv4] [Dark Sphere: Lv4] [Clay: Lv4] [Evil Claw of Death: Lv3] [Telepathy: Lv2] [Plague Breath: Lv3] [Severing Thread: Lv3] [Iron Ball Pendulum: Lv3] [Puppet: Lv3] [Abyss Field: Lv3] [Doppel Cocoon: Lv3]

Title Skills:

[Demon Lords Subordinate: Lv-] [Thread Expert: Lv5] [Malicious: Lv-] [Mutation: Lv-] [Obsession: Lv5] [Cunning: Lv4] [Abyss Eater: Lv2] [Assassin: Lv6] [Final Evolution: Lv-]

H-her skills have increased a lot. Once she raises her level, she could easily be stronger than a shen or an adam

Im glad, but also little confused at how she suddenly got so powerful. Magiatite-jii only went from B- to B+, so I thought for sure there had to have been a wall in front of A rank. Sh-she really is the same nightmare, right? This is okay, right?