Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Published at 26th of October 2021 02:39:02 PM

433 Let It End With This

Boring tricks!

The slime raises its remaining sword high. I flap my wings in the air and send the created wind down my right foreleg to shoot a blade of wind. Its the [Wind Slash] skill.

It wont deal damage, but if I did nothing, Id just receive the slimes hits.

That skill is not just yours!

The slime uses the wings sprouting from its lower scorpion half to push the wind, directing it towards me from a hand that was freed when my partner took the swords. The blade of wind hits my [Wind Slash] and they cancel out.

Cheh! It matched my skill to precisely intercept it.

Behind the cancelled-out [Wind Slash], I see the slime already swinging its sword. A [Shockwave] is coming! A wide slash flies towards me. An attack that big at this distance is unavoidable. Damn it, the gap between attacks is too short!

I cant afford to get hit directly. I abandon evasion, curling up my body into a ball to block as much as I can. But if this is all I do, I wont be able to respond to the slimes follow-up attacks.

Suddenly, an idea pops into my mind. With [Roll], I might be able to negate some of the force of the [Shockwave] through the speed of my rotation, and once I land I can run away while minimising my openings. Balled up, I begin to roll forwards.

The [Shockwave] hits my body. Sharp pains runs through me as I feel my back getting torn open. I almost stop the [Roll] on reflex, but if I did that Id get hit by more of the slimes attacks.

Shot away by the impact, I maintain my [Roll] though force of will while keeping the damage under control with [Autoregeneration]. As I hit the ground, I enter a backwards roll, taking myself away from the slime.

Do you plan on distancing yourself again!?

The slimes scorpion half moves. Its still under the effect of [High Quick]. Can I get away with [Roll]? As I wonder, my gaze is catches the section of floor that I peeled up to use as a shield. Its still up, and looks like a jumping ramp.

If I use that to jump, could I create more distance? No Could I somehow use it to attack?

The slime has the extremely troublesome shell of the Millenium Turtle to block with. Breaking through that shield with a frontal attack is difficult. But, a moment ago, I was able to push it away with [Dragon Punch].

Itsdoable? Ill need to rely on luck, but theres no other way I can see of dealing real damage to it. At this rate, Ill just gradually have my MP shaved away with each use of [Autoregeneration].

My MP is already mostly used up, since I was pushed in the fight against Rogueheil. Its a bet, but if I dont try to force this strategy, Ill lose for sure.

The slime is still looking down on me. Its not seeing me as anything more than Saint Lilixiras opening act. Thats fine. While its still holding back, Ill defeat it in one go!

The slime chases after me. Its speed with [High Quick] is almost the same as mine with [Roll].

It swings its two free arms, and two new swords appear in their hands. Theyre produced in an instant out of slime. It really is a convenient body its got.


The owl screeches. Its [Enthused Owl]! Argh, its annoying!

I zig-zag. Almost as through following my path, magic balls of fire and water, wind and earth explode right behind me. With each slight detour, the more the slime closes the distance.

Look, look, Ive already caught up!

The slime raises its three swords overhead. Next is a triple [Shockwave]! Its faster and more direct than the magic bullet skills, this is bad.

But, Ive arrived at the slope.

Accelerating as much as I can, I take a sharp right turn. The space where I was a moment ago explodes from the slimes [Shockwave].

Hmm So you can dodge. But, how long can you keep up such excessive movements?

The slime prepares to swing two of its swords down on me. I suddenly spin backwards, throwing myself at it.


It seems my sudden attack was unanticipated. For a moment, the slime steps back and stiffens. Its the perfect opening to attack. I can do this! Ill nail the bastard with a [Roll] tackle!

I keep telling you, its useless!

The slime holds out its shell shield. The shield grows in size, sticking into the floor. It forms into a sturdy wall blocking my path.

Im hit by an intense recoil as I slam into the giant shell. Unable to push the shield forwards, my body doesnt proceed forwards. I try increasing the speed of my rotations, but all I do is scrape away at the floor.

God-sama Once I leave this castle, Ill stop hiding and prepare to fight the Saint in an all-out confrontation as the Demon Lord To do that, theres one thing I need.

G-guh! How can the shield get so big!? But I cant back down now! Ill push through!

I want a name. Once I win, as a reward, please give me a name. I want to receive one from you, God-sama. Thats why, even though Thermal suggested I take a name, I stayed nameless. Thats why I didnt take that girls name, either. I would prefer something cool But if its given to me by God-sama, anything would be good.

From behind the shell, the slimes arm grows additional joints and stretches out. While pushing me back with the shield, it plans on one-sidedly beating me down. Th-this damn slime!


[Roaring], I roll even faster. Please! I wont ask to smash through the shell. But just a little! Let it lose its balance!


The slimes body finally wavers. I push against the slimes body through the shield. I-I did it!

Youre persistent! Its pointless Agaah!

The slimes posture falls apart. It hadnt notice that the slope was behind it and lost its footing. I keep pushing through the shield.

From the tip of the slope, both of us are thrown into the air. Theres no ground to support the shield any more! It also didnt expect to be suddenly forced into an aerial battle, so will be too bewildered to react initially. I stick out my tail as I roll, scooping up the shell shield and sweeping it away.

Uguu Y-you!

Using the momentum of my [Roll], I wrap my foreleg in black flames and release a [Dragon Punch] uppercut at the defenceless slime. I punch through the owl in its chest, then pierce the jaw of its human body.


The owls face tears open, and it screams. Its really put me through the wringer this battle! I absolutely never want to meet the original monster. I feel like Ive already seen enough magic from owls for a lifetime.

The slimes face gets bored out by my punch, half of the mass from its lower jaw getting blown away. The bright red cross-section quickly loses its colour and reverts to slime. Yes! I won the bet!

Y-you can do it after all, partner!

Its not over yet! If we dont end it here, there wont be another chance!

As the slime feebly clutches its face, I release a follow-up attack with my tail to blast it upwards. I roll, punching it with another uppercut, then roll further and my tail into it.

Hit, hit again, and dont let up! Dont give it a chance to recover! If I cant bring it down here, Ill seriously have nothing else!

The slimes body caves in. One of its arms tears off and falls to the ground.


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A devilish face appears on the shapeless slime and glares at me. I swing my forelegs directly down into the forehead of that face. Its the skill I got from Hero, [Heavens Drop]. The slimes face deforms easily, and it shoots down at tremendous speed.

To do a final follow-up attack, I sharply drop, holding both my forelegs below. I tear apart the slime with my claws that have all my weight behind them. Its the [Return to Ground] combo. The floor tears apart, and slime splatters in every direction.

That attack was my everything. Theres no leeway left in my status.


Species: Ouroboros

Condition: Normal

Lv: 109/125

HP: 331/2816

MP: 93/2718

Less than one twenty-seventh of my MP remains. Though some time has passed, the fight against Rogueheil still really hurts. Just by healing a few times after that has caused me to run dry.

The slimes not such an easy opponent that I could rely on waiting for [Automatic MP Recovery] before using [High Rest]. Please Let it end with this.

A short distance away, one of the scattered pieces of slime lifts up and forms into a humans upper body.


Its still alive!? It must have been compressing itself down even while I was attacking it. But it must have used up most of its MP. E-even it has to be running out now

Species: Chaos Ooze

Condition: Power (minor), Quick (minor), Enhanced Physical Resistance (minor), Enhanced Magic Resistance (minor)

Lv: 100/124

HP: 433/1681

MP: 447/1780

H-haa!? N-no way?! Even though I did all that, it still has plenty of MP left!

Im sorry, Im sorry, God-sama Did I disappoint you..? Its the second time hes driven me into a corner like this Back then, I said Id definitely win the next time with plenty of leeway, and yet

The slime tears at its face with its nails.

D-dont screw with me! How am I meant to win this!? If that wasnt enough, then I was checkmated the moment I came face-to-face with it. I cant think of any way of winning from here.

Wh-what do I do now? Can I get away? Lilixira might be able to save me No, the slimes faster than me.

L-Laplace! Whats my probability of winning! Answer me!

The slime shouts.

Laplace? The one from that Interference Authority skill? I thought for sure it was the same as [Gods Voice], but from the slimes tone of voice, it seems like its a different entity.

Its probably the same probability predicting function as I used in the fight with the little rock dragon.I stopped using it because it felt creepy, but it seems the slimes using it without reservation.

95% Fu, fufu, thats right I wont lose to someone like that Theres no way I could lose Its okay, its okay. Ill crush him now

I was on the brink of falling into despair, but upon hearing those words, I regain hope. Th-thats right, its not zero. I have a 5% chance? Then I can totally do this.

Even if its just bravado, Ill keep fighting to the end. Giving in and letting myself be killed would be a boring way to die!

Theres no way out? Thats normal. If anything, in this world overgrown with monsters that eat each other to survive, I am the odd one out for constantly fighting from behind the safety of my recovery skills. I need to resolve myself. The last time I fought it, all I had was a half-hearted [Rest] that wasnt even a skill.

The slime squirms, and lumps of flesh erupt all over its body, engulfing its human body. Its appearance changes to a jumbled mass of internal organs. Wings stretch out in each direction, and the lump of meat soars through the air. Then, four faces of owls appear on it.

PooOOOOoOh! PogogooOOOOOOh!


The four faces revolve around. I had thought I had gotten used to the slimes bizarre appearance, but I was still unprepared for this. F-four [Enthused Owls] at once!?

It seems its completely given up on holding back and is trying to kill me for certain.

Lets settle this, IrushiaaAaAaAAA!

I almost flinch back, but shake my head and charge forwards. Thats fine, slime. Ill beat you down without any skills!