Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 405

Chapter 405

Published at 18th of September 2021 01:49:40 PM

405 Pursuit

I scowl at the door Thermal and Miria disappeared through. It wouldnt be impossible for me to ram my way through, but if the passages get any narrower, Id have no choice but to humanise.

Also Thermals objective is probably to split our forces. He must have judged that, with just two of the Three Knights and a few knight slimes, they couldnt have the combined forces of me, Aro, the nightmare, the magiatite heart, and Volk. If I were to leave, Id be forcing them to fight Mephisto and the slimes by themselves.

Among all of them, Volk is the strongest, but His HP has recovered, but his MP still hasnt. He must also have a lot of mental fatigue built up.

What should I do? If Thermal flies into a rage, he could easily kill Miria, but Its possible that his display of anger was a bluff. If Im not the one who chases him, he might give up on trying use her to negotiate and not bother threatening to kill Miria. But the reason Miria said he cant kill her is unclear, so I cant be certain. I cant discard the possibility that they she spoke without much thought out of fear of being taken hostage.

Its a choice between raising the danger to Miria, or worsening the situation for everyone here No, thats not all. I can easily beat any of the Three Knightsat least, Mephisto or Thermal, in a one-on-one fight. But the fact that Thermal fled with Miria means that he must have some sort of plan.

Our forces arent enough. Were seriously at the limit. When I think that the last of the Three Knights, Rogueheil, and the Demon Lord will join in, my head hurts. What is Lilixira doing? Shes sent Alphiss in, so she cant be unaware of whats happening I wish shed at least send seraphim-san in as well I guess shes not planning on helping until the Demon Lords position is revealed.

While Im thinking, more slime soldiers pour through the doors on either side of the hall, replenishing their numbers.

Fight to buy time, and dont let them rest!

Wheres the Saint? Im going to hunt that bitch and earn princess-samas favour!

In total, theyre close to twenty again There has to be a limit to their numbers, surely. Just how many did that slime make?

This is vexing. You must be wavering over whether to go because of my weakness.

Volk laughs through his nose in front of me.

N-no, I never said you were weak If anything youre so strong for someone with a human body that its terrifying, and you dont even know anyone by the name of Gods Voice, do you?

The adventures alone arent nearly sufficient. Like that, yes, slow their movements like that. I will handle the Three Knights woman.

Volk glances at magiatite-jii. While gliding across the floor, he is blowing on the knight slimes to coat them in metal and render them powerless.

Certainly, for clearing up the knight slimes, magiatite-jii seems the most suitable. The recovered adventurers have begun to move, but theyre clearly terrified. Most of them have already used up all of their MP. Besides, in the first place, theyre not a match for the slimes in terms of ability.

But originally, Volk was driven into a corner by knight slimes and the Three Knights. Even though magiatite-jii has joined, Im not confident

Hurry up and go. Its obvious that you are their primary target, ouroboros. I am the man who will be the strongest in the world one day. I cant afford to keep losing to these fake swordsmen slimes.

I understand what Volk is saying. Probably, Rogueheil will show up where Thermal wants to lead me. It wouldnt be strange for there to be other forces hidden in the castle, and there is the problem of the Demon Lord themself. Once they show up, If Im by myself, Id lose in terms of numbers. More importantly, we dont have time.


My partner looks up at the ceiling.

The nightmare has been crawling along the ceiling and dropping bundles of thread to seal the movements of several knight slimes, but upon noticing my partners gaze, quickly descends down a thread to land next to us. I bow my head down to Volk.

Once Ive cleaned up the small fry, Ill follow you right away.

Volk points his sword toward the indigo haired girl, Mephisto.

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Different from the last time I saw her, the front of her clothes are open, and a womans head with dishevelled hair is sprouting from her chest, giving her a bizarre appearance. But Im not at all surprised. Mepthistos species is a [Dual Slime].

[Dual Slime]: B+ rank monster.

A slime with two faces. One wields status condition-inflicting magic, while the other wields magic of death and destruction.

It specialises in the operation of magic while also locked in close combat, and also in pressing the opponent with a continuous shower of water blades.

Separates when driven into a corner.

Looking at the species explanation, she seems a pretty troublesome opponent. But the enemies Ill be fighting wont at all be inferior to the [Dual Slime]. Volk has also told me to leave it to him. Theres nothing to hesitate over.

I start to chase Thermal. The nightmare attaches a thread to my back and climbs aboard. The knight slimes in my path scatter. Since Thermal has said that he would lead me away, it doesnt seem like they want to go out of their way to challenge me.


Aro shoots wind magic from my head towards the fleeing knight slimes.

The Dragon Hunter, is it? It seems like youre looking down on us

As the girl speaks expressionlessly, her second head laughs derisively.

Hah, what an idiot. We know all of your skills and weaknesses! Dragon Hunter For someone like you to have survived this long, the ones fighting you must have been even more stupid than you! Even if we fought a hundred times, we wouldnt lose once, you know? Wouldnt it be better for you to cry for help now? Go on, beg the dragon to save you, rather than lustfully chasing after a girl!

Hearing Mephistos voice, I anxiously look back. But Volk doesnt show the slightest unrest, and holds his greatsword ready.

I told you, Id be right behind you. I wont forgive you if you look down on me any more, ouroboros.

I face the front and crash through the wall, entering the passage that Thermal fled through. Im not completely free of anxiety. I dont doubt Volk at all, but the enemies are all too varied.

Im worried if this is okay, whether its okay for me to prioritise my personal feelings for Miria while the whole world is in danger. That is why I am fretting over whether it would have been better for me to stay. But nevertheless, as sorry as I feel for the Saint and the other adventurers, no matter how much I worry, I am probably just be searching for excuses, and would choose the same option no matter what.

I recall the time soon after I came to this world. The figure of Miria anxiously calling out to me while using [Rest] after Douz cut me fills my mind.