Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 383

Chapter 383

Published at 24th of July 2021 08:10:36 PM

383. Small Talk with the Dragon Hunter

The Dragon Slaying Champion, Volk, has passed out in front of a dragon.

Well, its no surprise considering he did take a beating from myScorching Breathfollowed up byParalyzing Poison Claw.

Guess this shows that no matter how strong you are, humans are still a fragile species compared to rank monsters.

Well, leaving that aside, I cant believe Volks still hugging his big sword so preciously like that even though hes unconscious.

Wait, since the sword hit the wall first, shouldnt the damage have been suppressed?

That swords calledMoon-Piercing Swing Leral, right?

It looks expensive if you sell it, but its apparently a precious item to him.

Just looking at how he treats it already shows that. It must mean the world to him.

Nightmare pulls Volk out of the wall hes stuck in using her webs and places him on the cave floor.

Alo crouches near him and pokes Volks cheek using a long stick-like rock that she molded withClay.

Shes worried he might wake up all of a sudden.

If youre that worried, Alo, you can go pick up his sword for me.

It'll serve as a countermeasure if the first thing he does when he wakes up is rampage.

Separating him from his weapon isnt the only reason, we can also use it as a bargaining chip in case he doesnt listen to us.

Alo nods and attempts to take away Volks sword from his hands.

Half a minute has passed, and Volks fingers still show no sign of loosening from his swords grip.

That sword is glued tight alright. Alo is really struggling.

She bites her lip, looks back at me, and makes an apologetic face before facing Volk again.

Alo places both of her hands on Volks grip.

Then, a black light shines from Alos hands.

Oh, shes usingDrainto steal Volks strength and weaken his hold on his sword.

At least thats what I thought would happen, but instead, Volks skin slowly turned pale, and his grip hasnt loosened at all.

What is up with this stubborn old man?

I mean, I can understand not wanting to let go of your trusty sword before an enemy, but even fingers should have their limit.


Alo looks at me, crying.

Before I made a reaction, Partner moves her head towards Volk.

What, do you have a plan or something?

Then, as if moving naturally, Partner grabs the sword with her fangs.

In the next second, Partner pulls the sword from Volks hold with all her might.

Volks arms get stretched from the pull. His body gets lifted in the air as his hands let go of the sword, and Volk gets flung to the other side of the cave.

And I thought the sword would never leave his clutches.

Partner turns to me, with the sword in her mouth.


Dont give me that look.

You were way too rough on him.

Yeah, you got the sword but, you couldve also killed him in the process.

Then, even though I didnt give any orders yet, Nightmare just went and wrapped Volk around with her webs.

She knows how to get things done, alright despite her personality.

Nightmare turns and faces Partner, as if saying Will this do?.


Sure, why not

Partner answers with a growl, dropping the sword from her mouth.

Dont tell me the only reason you helped was because you were planning to eat it?

Listen here Partner, that sword of his is just like the Heros sword.

Itll be hard to replace once its gone.

Anyway, I ask Partner to heal Volk with recovery magic, but after looking at Volk, that doesnt seem to be necessary anymore.

Volks wounds are healing on their own.

It must be hisAutomatic HP Recoveryskill at work.

He also hasSelf-Regenerationtoo.

Weird for a human to have that.

Is he really human? His skillset is comparable to someone with a sacred skill.

I actually havent met any humans whove reached their max levels or at least close to it other than those with sacred skills.

With those high-level recovery skills of his, I can see why hes fine adventuring alone, and withSelf-Regeneration, he can still recover his arm in case he loses it, so his life as a swordsman wont end even after losing a limb or two since theyll just grow back.

He can take bigger risks than the normal adventurer without worry.

That must be why Volk leveled up so fast.

He can just keep on fighting strong opponents and shrug off any injury after the battle.

A few minutes later, Volks eyes open.

He looks around confused, and when he moves his body, he realizes that hes been constrained.

Volks face shows an astonished look as he sees his own body wrapped in a cocoon of spider web.

His expression then distorts and makes a scream that doesnt match his manly body.

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I put my face closer to him.

Good morning.

Thought this would scare him more, but looks like he still has his fighting spirit lit up.

His eyes are burning with fire, as if saying hes not given up yet.

Where is my beloved Leral?!

Aah, hes more worried about his sword than himself, I see.

Then, Volk looks at my other head and sees Partner just playing with his sword in her mouth.

A look of disbelief and misery is seen on Volks face.

This lump of thread will not stop me

Alo raises her hand at the back of Volks head, while Volk continues to escape the web cocoon.

She intends to release her magic the instant Volk escapes.

Guh, it is my loss, kill me. To think I would lose my life to a dragon in the midst of my path to the sword but, as a dragon hunter, I could not ask for a more fitting end

Your status shows that youre near max-level

Youre the strongest swordsman Ill probably ever meet. Even that blonde Hero can easily be at the brink of death from just one swing of your sword.

Now then, Im gonna need to useHuman Transformationif I want to converse with him.

Thankfully, I still have enough MP for that.

Sorry Partner, but Im gonna have to ask you to stay put inside me for now.

I move my tongue to get something out of my mouth and spit out the clothes I brought with me from the Lithuvar Tribe before usingHuman Transformation.

My body begins to shrink.

Partners head also turns small and disappears in my shoulder.

The more I use this skill, the smoother the transformation becomes.

I touch my face with my hands to confirm if Ive successfully turned into a human.

It would help if I had a mirror with me. Next, I stroke my hair.

A, aa, a, a ah

Voice seems good too.

Okay, Ive managed to transform safely.

R- Ryujin-sama!

AlosRevana Lichwhite skin blushes and she looks away from me as she hands me my drool-covered clothes.

Thanks, Alo

I wear the clothes offered by Alo.

Volk looks up at me, stunned.

W-! Why would the legendary two-headed Ouroboros useHuman Transformationbefore me?

I pick up Volks sword,Moon-Piercing Swing Leral: , and swing it around for a while before letting it lie on my shoulder and facing Volk.

Right, so where do I start.

After eyeing each other for a while, the confusion in Volks face disappear and he nods at me, as if understanding what Im about to do.

So he already understands that I dont plan on killing him and that I want information first, huh.

He reads the situation fast. HisLegendary Adventurertitle isnt just there for show then, seeing as he can be flexible if need be.

To take on the shape of a human I see so you wish to challenge me in a sword fight. Very well. I accept your challenge!

I take it back. Hes dumb.