Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 368

Chapter 368

Published at 24th of July 2021 08:07:57 PM

368 Bound Spiritual Beast

To start with, I shall reveal my trump card. The skill that I rely on more than any other is [Spirit Servant], magic that I learnt when my [Saint] title skill reached level 5. Please take a look at it.

It seems that like [Hero], [Saint] also grants skills as it levels up.

Following along, I ask Gods Voice about [Spirit Servant]. Soon the familiar message window appears, floating in my mind.

Normal Skill [Spirit Servant]

Binds the soul of a contracted monster, and allows them to be put to work in a [Spirit] form.

Next I focus my consciousness on [Spirit].

Status Condition [Spirit]

A state of being a manifested soul. Experience points can no longer be earned.

Manifested soul So that Holy Dragon Seraphim-san that she rode in on was a bound spiritual beast.

To be able to produce an A rank monster whenever she wants must be useful. If there are no restrictions, then its quite the atrocious skill.

The seraphims soul was sealed in a statue of the Holy Dragon in my Holy Country. According to a stone slab, she was preserved in a previous age for when the Saint would reappear and would become able to use [Spirit Servant].

So then in accordance with that slab, she took the Holy Dragons soul out of the statue.

If she can bring out the seraphim whenever she wants, her actual power is equivalent to two A ranks, which is ridiculous. No, thats not all, she had one other title skill that caught my attention. Right next to [One Who Is Trusted By the Holy Dragon] is [One Who Is Obeyed By the Magic Beast King]. By any chance, is that also

You seem to understand the gist of it. Thats right, the seraphim is not all I can use with [Spirit Servant]. Once [Spirit Servant] reached the maximum level, I became able to use two spiritual beasts at once. Earlier, with the help of the Holy Knights, I was able to bind the soul of the fiendish monster, the Magic Beast King Beelzebub. However, using it is difficult for me, and I deally would prefer to avoid using it as much as I possible.

By herself, Lilixira is equivalent to three A ranks No, if what shes saying is true, then that monster took the combined effort of herself, the seraphim, and the Holy Knights to defeat. Theres a chance the Magic Beast King could be stronger than Lilixira herself.

In my mind floats the image of three Eldias lined up side by side. I-I really cant make her my enemy. Id thought she came to negotiate on equal terms, but in truth the difference in our power is so vast that Im hardly a threat.

If Ardesia really is in that much of a predicament, then I would be willing to risk my life to help. I left Nina and the ball rabbit there. Also, from what Adofu said, it seems that its a fairly influential country. If the king of monsters is occupying it and using it to build up strength Then its easy to imagine that this world could get thrown into a massive conflict.

Plus, the stronger Lilixira is, the more reassuring she would be as an ally.

Of course, thats dependent on whether she can be trusted. Because shes maxed out [Gods Voice], as well as various bad titles skills, shes not someone I can trust unconditionally.

Theres also the matter of Aro and the others. Do I leave them behind or take them with me? Theres no doubt that therell be a lot of danger, so Id like to go by myself, but I doubt Aro and the nightmare will accept that.

The fact that Lilixira revealed her strength upfront makes it easier for me to trust her. Although if I read into it too much, I could see it as her threatening me so that I cant refuse. But the presence of her two spirits really is far too precious a card. Unless she really wanted to cooperate with me, they would be much more useful as hidden trump cards.

By the way, Saint-san. Umm, could you not use that Beelzebub to attack the Demon Lord?

I ask, and Lilixira looks down, slowly shaking her head.

The seraphim is of course famous But my subjugation of the Magic Beast King Beelzebub is also well known. If I deployed, the fact that I was the cause would soon be well known. If anything, I could collect the soul of another monster and use that, but the Demon Lord is, at a minimum, a high B rank The Demon Lord should also have preparations against being attacked. A clumsy probing attack would only alert them.

High B rank That much would be fine, but I expect theyre stronger. I guess this was what she wanted to tell me. So that there wouldnt be any misunderstandings, she wanted to reveal her hand from the start. She has many pieces, but none that she can use in the current circumstances.

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Now then, lets leave the topic of myself here for now. Next

Please wait a second. Before that I would like to hear your perception of Gods Voice. Sorry, but your answer to that is what Im most interested in.

She hesitates briefly. With how fluently shes spoken all this time, its an unexpected reaction. After a moment of thought, she breathes deeply.

In my Holy Country of Liarm, it is taught that, of the Six Great Sages, four split into two sides, which give counsel to humans and monsters. Those who have inherited the power of the Great Sages are myself, the Saintand also the Hero, the Magic Beast King, and the Demon Lord. In my Holy Country, the Holy God-sama is defined as the will of the Great Sage whose power resides in me.

It generally agrees with what Eldia said. The current Magic Beast King must be Beelzebub. But it cant be true. It cant be more than an old legend thats been passed down.

Lilixira is someone who has come into contact with the Hero and the Magic Beast King. Theres no way she couldnt have picked up on the sense of wrongness that comes with Gods Voice. That must be why shes speaking as though its another persons matter.

However, that is incorrect. From my standing, I cant say anything to publicly deny the scriptures, but Regardless of what the myths say, Holy God-sama is a single person. There is much that I do not understand. The only thing that do know is that Holy God-sama has entrusted the future of the era to us to some degree.

Wh-what do you mean? No matter what you say all of a sudden, I dont understand the start of it.

As I thought, Irushisama, you havent heard anything from Holy God-sama. I was worried you had been targeted, but it seems that your taking in of [Human Realm] was a coincidence No, it would be better described as a result of your nature.

Lilixira says with a hint of amazement.

In the underground sanctuary of my country, the most important secrets of Holy God-sama are kept. Once the matter of the fake Ardesian princess is ovet, I shall invite you to visit. You have a right to know. From the start, I planned to invite you there as part of your reward. You should find the answers to many of your questions in that place.

It sounds like theres some sort of secret about [Gods Voice] is hidden there. Though saying that, it not like Id take whats written there at face value.

And as for your second reward, I plan to use my name to secure your place in the world. If you can safely subjugate the Demon Lord, I will grant my public acceptance for the attack on the royal palace and laud you as a champion of the world. I can use my influence so that the facts do not become twisted. From what Ive heard of you so far, I can tell. As a result of your huge body and fearsome power, Im sure youve been exposed to many misunderstandings.

My shoulders tremble in surprise. Lilixira closely follows my gestures with her eyes.

AN: Activity Report CorrectionMy apologies I announced that DoraTama volume 5 would go on sale on the 15th of the 10th month, but it should have been the 17th.