Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 364

Chapter 364

Published at 24th of July 2021 08:07:57 PM

364 Father

I can only think that the conflict over territory between monsters and humans is a charade. Most likely, Gods Voice intentionally drove the divine skill holders, the Demon Lord and the Hero, into conflict so that they would destroy each other.

Like me, the Hero had Gods Voice. If its the same person behind both of ours, then theyre advising both humans and monsters. No matter how I think about it, they would have to be intentionally inducing the sacred skill holders to fight one another.

However, now that I know there were the Six Great Sages, theres a possibility that theres a different person behind my Gods Voice and the Heros. The Human Great Sage and the Monster Great Sage could be each manipulating those who inherit their powers in order to wage a war by proxy That theory might be the most consistent with what Ive been told.

However when I remember the Heros confusion in his last moments, I cant help but have doubts. It seemed he was cut off from Gods Voice. Right after that, his [Human Realm] skill passed over to me. To me, that whole situation looks like we were two pawns made to clash so that the survivor could be chosen.

I cant even be certain what it is that Gods Voice is scheming, or what my place in it is. It would be one thing if I was being sent out as a Demon Lord candidate from the start, but its not like I had a sacred skill at the beginning.

The candidate to be my father, Dragon King Eldia, also has [Gods Voice], so are they simply laying claim to all monsters that look like they might be strong? Theres too little information, so theres not much use in thinking about it here. If the Hero had only been someone who could be reasoned with, we could have exchanged information.

I return my focus to the world around me to see my partner staring up at me from point-blank range. Startled at her closeness, I rear backwards.

Oops. Sorry, I got lost in thought a bit.


What are you worrying about?

That is It seems I let myself get absorbed in stuff that wasnt relevant and forgot where I was.

If I get carried away thinking about other matters right now, it might be Eldia in a bad mood. Plus, if my thoughts get picked up with [Telepathy], things could get complicated. Ill think about all this again once Ive calmed down. Ill also need to decide what to do from here. So that when the critical moment comes, I dont act halfheartedly.

What are you pondering over? Conversing with your fellow is fine. However, if you have something to ask, then you may do so.

With a thump, Eldia stamps his feet down. Something I want to ask There is something, yeah.


That is I was wondering if, outside of this island, you might have a son?

As I ask, Eldias eyes open wide.

My sons? Regrettably, all seven were killed by the sword of Hero Miia five hundred years ago.

The sound of Eldia grinding his teeth together rings out as he emanates bloodlust. I-it was a sensitive topic I guess it was a sore spot. D-did Miisan set out to subjugate the Dragon King along with his seven children? From the name, were they a woman? She sounds like she must have been quite the active person.

For that matter, does this mean Im totally unrelated to him? Well, if what hes has said is true, then since hes been staying on this island ever since he received his divine revelation, its a bit hard to imagine how he could have a connection to my hatching in a completely unrelated forest. In the end, its only a matter of a similarly named title skill.

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Recently, I copulated with an island-wandering flying dragon that passed by, although I do not know if a child was produced. What of it?

an island-wandering flying dragon?

That kind of dragon does not stay in one place. They are fickle and uninhibited. She unexpectedly appeared one day and unexpectedly disappeared another. The day after she said she would leave this island, there was already no sign of her. As I have sworn to hide in wait on this island for the arrival of the next Demon Lord, she was not one I could ever be compatible with. In the first place, such a low-rank dragon is of little consequence.

Eldia says with a slight note of annoyance. He might be feeling a bit lonely. Suddenly the image of him searching the entire island for the flying dragon crosses my mind.

I quickly look away from him As I thought, this dragon, Dragon King Eldia, is my father. But thats not something I should say. Should the Demon Lord reappear, Eldia will serve them. Hes someone I could imagine becoming my enemy. Hes not someone I should get involved too deeply with.

In truth, it might be best to try and kill him now while his guards down. However, Im not able to do such a thing. Theres a chance the day that we become be hostile never arrives and he will remain on this island indefinitely.

I focus strongly on my desire to return home so that Eldia picks it up. I Then look at Aro and the others to tell them that were leaving. Aro looks at me bewildered, while next to her, the nightmare dashes towards the stairs. Eldia is taken aback Treant-san, who was cautiously keeping position near the stairs, deftly climbs up with its roots.

Oh? Are you leaving already? There is much more that I know Besides, I still have not heard anything about you?

Still crouched down in the depths of the ruins, Eldia stretches out his head.

Sorry, but Im still exhausted from the battle against the three guards of this place Im going to head back to our nesting hole and rest for a little bit.

Hrmm Thats right, I suppose you wouldnt have a name. One day you will serve the next Demon Lord with me, so being nameless would be a poor fit. I shall grant you a fitting name. How of it?

Sorry, but I already have a name.

O-oh If you had one, then why did you not give it

Eldia retracts his head. With a glance back and a slight bow, I leave the ruins.