Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Published at 12th of May 2021 01:48:56 PM

316 Battalion Commander, Nowell the Angel of the Battlefield

Guooo! Aaaaah!

Unarmed, Belmond rushes towards me. There is no trace of sanity in his eyes. His movements are faster than before. It seems that at the cost inflicting a state of rage, [Beserk] greatly enhances the targets physical abilities. Its support magic with a drawback.

But I dont plan on falling behind someone whos only been strengthened a bit.


The archer releases arrows aimed at me. Like before, he shoots three arrows. Even if they hit, they wont do much damage. The danger they pose as a distraction is greater.

I grab Belmonds arm. The instant I touch him, Nell kicks off the wall towards me. He nimbly steps on Belmonds back to jump over me, cutting behind me.

I dont have enough hands. Theres no helping it. I didnt want to use it since Im still not used to it and it seems it uses more magic power, but Ill try using partial dragonisation.

I yank Belmond off his feet and throw him in the direction of the arrows. I then focus my concentration on my tail.


The three arrows pierce deep into Belmonds shoulder and abdomen. Unable to react in time to the sudden tossing of someone towards him, the archer is impacted as Belmond crashes into him.

My tail enlarges and wraps around my body. I then twist it towards Bell behind me. He avoids the first vertical swing, dodging to the right, then jumps over my sideways sweep. As it misses him, my tail smashes heavily into the floor and wall. Nell uses his jump to create some distance.

Im really not used to this still Im treating my body like putty, so theres getting around the difficulty. But I dont plan on playing with these guys any longer than I need to.

Partial dragonisation is hard to control, and its fuel efficiency is bad, but Its not like its impossible to get the hang of. If I can bring myself closer to dragon form all over, I can regain my scales and stabilise my defence. Besides, my current body is too small and restricts my skills, so I cant get rid of the enemies all together If I can make my arms a bit bigger, they should be great as weapons. Theres value in trying it out.

I stiffen and turn my attention to my entire body. Heat runs throughout me and I feel a melting sensation.


Uoooh! Oooooh!

Belmond rises to his feet covered in blood and breaks into a run towards me. Since I was aiming to use him to stop the arrows, did I fail to damage him enough? Thanks to [Berserk], he might have completely lost his sense of pain. I shouldve put a bit more force into my throw.

B-Belmond-san, please stop! Its doing something!

Nell asks him to wait and see, but hes in no condition to hear in his [Berserk] state. Nowell laughs scornfully.

What an idiot. If youre not going to attack when theres an opening like this, when will you?

She raises her staff high, and a light appears above her head. I guess shes planning on shooting some attack magic.

My body swells larger and larger, and my skin hardens. My claws taper off into fiendishly sharp tips. Im about halfway between human and dragon. I can put out a lot more power now.


I swing to the left to brush away the oncoming Belmond. My claws tear three deep lines through his body. Droplets of his flesh and blood dance through the air.

162 experience points have been acquired.

Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 162 experience points have been acquired.

Im more used to a body like this. Its easier to move with a tail, and actually killing them is a lot simpler.

[Stone Spear]!

The spear of stone that Nowell summons overhead darts towards me. I grab it out of the air, crushing it, then fling the upper half to finish off the injured triple-shot archer. The fragment sinks silently into his throat and he stops breathing.

174 experience points have been acquired.

Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 174 experience points have been acquired.

Great, I can move effectively All that remain now are the mage Nowell, her guard Baris, and the sword-wielding beastman.

Wh-what is that monster! Azalea never said it could do anything like that!

I instantly move to close the gap to the bewildered Nowell.

Baris! A moment is enough, just stop it!

Hearing her order, Baris steps between us. But its clear hes on the brink of breaking.

H-how am I meant to stop it!

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Baris throws his sword at me and braces his shield with both arms.


I vigorously swing my arm down.


He raises his shield towards my arm. My claw split him in two along with his shield.

162 experience points have been acquired.

Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 162 experience points have been acquired.

Now theres just two left


Nell shouts from behind. I feel his presence drawing closer, but I should be able to kill Nowell before he arrives.

Well done earning time! [Berserk]!

Nowell raises her staff towards me. In exchange for physical enhancement, [Berserk] inflicts a state of confusion. But it wont work on me.


I use my own magic power to interfere and make use of her magic, resisting the deleterious effect.

Nah! M-my magic isnt having the slightest effect

Nowell has [Magic: 277+62], but I have [Magic: 1039]. Support magic of this level is worthless. My magic stat is unchanged even in human form.



I grab her by the throat and slam her into the ground. Her head pops off, and her body convulses for a second, but soon stops moving.

216 experience points have been acquired.

Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 216 experience points have been acquired.

I let go of her body and it thuds to the floor Now all thats left is the beastman sword user. Fighting a child is difficult, so Id prefer it if hed run away though


I use my tail to parry his sword swing, sending him flying with all my strength. He skilfully tumbles as he lands to regain his footing and resumes his sword stance.

It doesnt look like he has any intention of falling back.