Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 280

Chapter 280

Published at 6th of March 2021 03:21:46 PM

280 Abyss Pursuit

I continue to follow the abyss zombie. Its movement speed is slow because of its torn off legs and low status, so its easy to chase. If anything, its annoyingly slow. My partner sends a few glares of irritation to it.

The spiders were doing as they pleased until the nightmare glared at them and they quickly assembled I really am glad theyve got a leader now.

Yeah, its good.

My partner replies, looking a bit worn out W-well, please hang in there.

While looking at the nightmares mask thing or shell thing, I suddenly think of something. When it evolves, will that face look even more stern, I wonder?

For that matter, its next evolutions its last, right? If it evolves two more times, itd probably be around B rank. I cant imagine it, but I expect itd look seriously monstrous. My partner, who its clinging to, springs to mind and I softly close my eyes.

Dont like thinking about other peoples problems.

Theres no helping it. When keeping a pet, you pass through the cute puppy stage in no time at all.

It doesnt take much effort at all to chase after the abyss zombie. But the other monsters that show up en route give more trouble. I slice them up with [Wind Slash] to convert them to experience points, or use [Roar] to keep them away and protect the abyss zombie.

While Im protecting it, the way the abyss zombie frantically keeps running ahead doesnt make it look entirely uncute. My desire to protect it is welling up, or rather Im finally getting used to its gross appearance and, since I revived it, I have a responsibility to it, so Im getting a sense of duty

Are you thinking something strange?

My partner glares at me through narrowed eyes.

N-no, I was just wondering what an abyss would be like when it evolved

I hate it.

But see, since we revived it, weve got a duty

I hate it!

She hurls her thought at me Right, well, that would be the case.

In the first place, I dont get what you mean when by duty. Its just a corpse thats moving a bit.

She looks unashamedly at the abyss zombie. Then she looks at Aro with the same eyes. Frightened by her gaze, Aros body shivers. Uninterested, she returns her gaze to the front.

Because she was born as an ouroboros, reviving and killing for food might feel the same to her. From the start, her instinctive behaviour has stood out. Though if either of us are strange, it would be me who has notions remaining from my previous life as a human.

Well, if you dont like something, I can hold back.

O-oh, thanks Somehow, sorry.

But I hate abyss. Besides, didnt it try and attack us earlier?

No, but I checked and its also got [Servant of the Evil Dragon] The treant listens to my orders, so I think its got some effect. It might also have some sense of being protected during this journey, too.

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At times, the abyss zombie looks back and stops moving. I cant read an abyss facial expressions, but maybe somethings changing inside it

Hate it.

Ah, understood

The further we go, the steeper the route becomes. Theres are fields of pretty flowers, inhabited by swarms of strangely glowing insects. Twisted trees block my path. I didnt realise the forest had a place like this. Once things have calmed down, Id like to restart the exploration in this area.

DoraaaaAaAh! Dora, doraAaaah!

From far away, I hear a strange cry that sounds like a dull noise echoing in a hollow cavity. A moment later, the sound of thuds resound from far away. What is it? Im getting a sense of deja vu, or rather it sounds nostalgic somehow No, but that cry

Straining my eyes in the direction of the cry, I make out a huge yellow-ochre body. At the end of a long neck its got a head that has cavities where eyes should be. Ive got an idea of what that strange creature might be.

[Clay Dragon]: C+ rank monster

A monster born of earth.

It is strong, and its regeneration ability is particularly high.

The demon lords prank brings terror to people.

As expected, its a clay-type.


Well, all it can do is call out stupidly. Whats doraaa? Youre giving dragons a bad name. Shouldnt you be shoutingmaooo?

Either way, Im grateful to be able to collect that much magical earth. Another time, when I have the opportunity, Id like to go pick it up. Now that I have humanised hands to work with, my firepower is way greater than before. Im sure Ill be able to make some splendid pottery.

It seems the clay dragon is territorial and is trying to provoke me from a distance, but Ill ignore it this time. It roars out in triumph but I dont pay it any mind. Ive engraved this place in my memories, though.

While thats going on, the path continues to steepen. The twisted, hard trees become more common, and the ground gradually gets harder and harder. I see a number of half-eaten, bloodied monster corpses.

Finally, we reach a huge cliff. Rather than a cliff, its more like a fissure in the ground. The abyss zombie glances back, then descends down the cliff.