Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Published at 16th of February 2021 04:04:19 PM

272 Lv UP

The spiderlings tear apart the grafant through its wound. It doesnt look like they enter very deep, but its blood keeps spurting out in waves. At first, it puts power into its crushed legs to shake them off in resistance, but it gradually comes to a stop. Eventually, all it can do is convulse.

With blood flowing from wounds all over its body, its HP decreases. Finally, its HP becomes zero and its eyes roll back into its head as its life ends, strength fading from its body.

173 experience points have been acquired.

Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 173 experience points have been acquired.

The level of [Ouroboros] has risen from 71 to 72.

With the awarding of experience points, I know that it has finally died. Bye then, grafant. You were a good guy, probably. No, I wouldnt know, though.

Now then, Aro and the others shouldve gotten experience points too. As their level increases, I should be able to take them hunting more safely. I can heal them endlessly thanks to the amount of MP I have as an ouroboros, so being able to survive a single hit makes a big difference.

First of all, I shift my gaze to the eight baby araenie that are smeared with the grafants flesh and blood.

Species: Baby Araenie

Condition: Normal

Lv: 5/12

HP: 8/17

MP: 5/9

They went from level 1 to 5. For their level to rise this much just from gnawing at it, thats not bad. They might have been attacking a downed enemy, but what finished it off was the [Bloodshed] status condition they inflicted.

Their next evolution is well in sight. The E-rank baby araenie evolve easily, after all.

Now then, the next question is the lesser treant and Aro. I shift my gaze to the lesser treant.

Species: Lesser Treant

Condition: Cursed

Lv: 9/25

HP: 38/75

MP: 9/29

It went from level 4 to 9. It feels slow because I have my experience-doubling cheat, but this is a good pace. Fundamentally, it was only supporting Aro in that battle; its not like it directly attacked the grafant at all Its rather brilliant overall, but its not got any attack skills.

Next up, I shift my attention to Aro, whos languidly reclining in the lesser treants branches.

Name: Aro

Species: Revaana Mage

Condition: Cursed

Lv: 14/30

HP: 60/78

MP: 60/78

Ooh, she went all the way from level 6 to 14! Shes finally reaching to the turning point. If she gets through the rest, shell officially be a C-rank monster. Her appearance should be a lot closer to a human next time, too.

Though, perhaps because shes out of MP or because shes strained herself too much, shes looking quite weak. It might be that she needs to MP to maintain her body. In actuality, the texture of her skins looking pretty bad. An MP shortage is worse for her than it is for me.

Since she specialises in using magic to attack, Aro can only act within the limits of her MP. In raising her level, thats the biggest limiting factor. If she never ran out of MP, she could attack endlessly and we could raise her level in the blink of an eye. Though theres nothing quite so sweet. Well have to go at it again tomorrow Hmm?

Name: Aro

Species: Revaana Mage

Condition: Cursed

Lv: 14/30

HP: 60/78

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Characteristic Skills:

[Grisha Language: Lv2] [Undead: Lv-] [Dark Attribute: Lv-] [Flesh Transformation: Lv4]

Resistance Skills:

[Status Condition Nullification: Lv-] [Physical Resistance: Lv3] [Magic Resistance: Lv2]

Normal Skills:

[Gale: Lv4] [Poor Curse: Lv3] [Life Drain: Lv2] [Clay: Lv5] [Self-Regeneration: Lv2] [Clay Doll: Lv4] [Mana Drain: Lv1]

Title Skills:

[Servant of the Evil Dragon: Lv-] [Hollow Sorcerer: Lv3]

Her title skills have increased? No, thats not whats important, her normal skills have increased. She must have gained one upon levelling up.

Its faint, but I have a memory of the [Mana Drain] skill. I cant be certain because the [Status Inspection] couldnt quite get through, but I remember that the slime had skills that looked like [Life Drain] and [Mana Drain]. Their names are similar, so maybe I remember them as a set. Aro already had the [Life Drain] skill, so getting it might not be strange.

Judging by the name [Mana Drain] sucks up the targets MP and makes it her own. In which case, if I let her suck up my MP, everythingll be fine. After all, my MP is inexhaustible to the point that I can even use the shitty [Humanisation Technique] for a decent length of time.


Species: Ouroboros

Condition: Normal

Lv: 72/125

HP: 1808/1808

MP: 1926/1926

By simple calculation, I can fully charge Aro 22 times. As a bonus, [Automatic MP Recovery] will restore my MP right away. The MP for the [Wind Slashes] I fired off earlier has already been recovered.

By continuously using [Mana Drain] on me, she should be able to keep firing off her high firepower magic of [Clay] and [Gale] endlessly. Her magic stat is far above the rest of her stats, so since shes level 14, she might even be able to properly damage C-rank monsters.

I know a monster thats a higher rank, doesnt have much defence, and is scattered around all over the place. Right, the abysses. Even without me helping attack, she might be able to hunt an abyss now. If she can hunt an abyss, then her level should go up by the largest amount so far.