Rakudai Kishi No Eiyuutan - Vol 12 Chapter 10

Vol 12 Chapter 10

Published at 5th of October 2019 11:00:34 AM Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Their duty as the Imperial Family


The soldiers of Vermillion who fought against Kledelland Army controlled by thethreadsof Or=Gaule .

A change like that happened all of a sudden in front of them, who fought against the threat .

What? Is it my idea or Kledelland Army stopped moving abruptly?

Yes . The soldiers of Kledelland stopped moving suddenly and collapsed into the ground .

Just like a puppet with cut threads .

All of them .

The soldiers were confused . How did this happen when we havent destroyed the hubs?

While that happened,

Black KnightIris Ascaride, who had a remarkably high true strength, andSeven Stars Sword King Kurogane Ikki, noticed the presence of an enemy who came flying in the air from the far west .

Thats Or=Gaule, and Lunaize-san!?

Crimson PrincessStella Vermillion, who confronted them in the air, also saw the unusual change of the battlefield below her .

(What does that mean?)

Vermillion, as a member nation of the League, has officially accepted the declaration of war of the new government of Kledelland . According to the rules of League, the battle will not be done by our armed forces, but instead, both sides will carry out a battle of representatives done by 5Mage-Knightsselected from their current national military strength to settle the war . These are legitimate war rights exercised in accordance with the rules, and as such, neither governments allow any emergency intervention by theInternational Mage-Knights Leaguewithin the territories of Vermillion and Kledelland

The words said by Lunaize who appeared with Or=Gaule unexpectedly .

Her head couldnt keep up with the situation below .

Thats why, Stella,

Youre rejecting the intervention of the League? What do you mean with that, Lunnee!?

She threw a question to the person who should be questioned .

What on earth happened?

Why was Lunaize with Or=Gaule?

The one .

The one who replied to all those questions was Johan Kristoff Von Collbrand, the new King of Kledelland who straddled a soaring golden warhorse .

He told Stella with a tender expression and with affection put into it .

Thats exactly what it means, Stellchan . Kledelland decided to eliminate the secret pact signed by the stupid former administration and to go to war with Vermillion to take back all the stolen territory and pride . And well, Lunaize-san accepted it with the power she was entrusted with from King Sirius . Themisunderstandings and misinformationended up causing unfortunate armed conflicts, but since I discussed this with Lunaize-san when she visited Kledelland not long ago, both countries have agreed to carry out a war based on new rules . Therefore, the reason whyLeagueinterrupting it is

Shut up!

Stella cut and discarded the words of Johan with a stinging voice .

And turned her eyes filled with anger that felt as if they spouted flames next to Johan . She glared atMarionette KingOr=Gaule, the boy with white hair who stood in the air .

Dont keep talking about ridiculous stuff with Johans voice!

She knew that Johan had already fallen under the evil influence of Or=Gaule .

All the words that came out from Johan now belonged to Or=Gaule .

Or=Gaule just handled him like a ventriloquists dummy to make him speak by proxy with his own voice .

It was an insult of the greatest category to an individual .

That couldnt be forgiven .

However, Or=Gaule stuck his tongue to Stellas fury like a kid who was questioned for his mischief,

AhaYou dont seem to jump into the mood so easily, huh . Since there are eyes of theLeaguein this, I want to keep up appearances .

He sent a fleeting glance to Nene who looked up towards them from the ground as he said so without being shy .

It looked like this guy was seriously trying to prevent an intervention ofLeague with the excuse he gave moments ago .

However, Stella decided such a thing wasnt going to be allowed .

It was an obvious excuse .

There was no reason to believe it .

There shouldnt be, and yet

Its as he said now . I went to Kledelland to have a discussion to reduce the scale of the battle . And so, we agreed to suspend the ongoing battle actions and put an end to the history of conflict between the two countries with a battle of representatives in accordance with the rules established byLeague .

Her older sister said she accepted it .

She didnt understand that at all .

Why are you doing such a!? Even thoughLeaguehad already prepared 1 million troops to help us!

Stella charged to reveal the frustration she had about the behavior of her incomprehensible older sister .

Lunaize, with an always composed and calmed voice,

One million, huh . As long as theyre reliable, that is . Its a very large scale, with such a great numberbut also too late .


She explained the hard fact that Stella failed to notice .

Who are the ones stopping those guys of the Kledelland Army while that big army comes slowly? Not even you can imagine what would happen if such a force were to be used in place of the Vermillion Army . To say nothing of the poor equipment that Vermillion Army has .

Thats .

Stellas complexion, who was told so, was growing pale .

The crust that was smashed by a hit ofHaboob .

Because of that, the soldiers of Kledelland were swallowed by the ground, with town and all .

If aBlazerwith such a strength were to act violently and seriously, there was no way to avoid a tragedy .

She could easily imagine so .

Pride is a good thing, but we arent Gods . We cant save everyone . Dont confuse priorities . The most important thing is to protect the lives of the people . We, the Imperial Family, have the obligation to think and act about that above all else . If war is done as we originally planned, it can be postponed for a week . In the meantime, it can be possible to let the people escape to a safe country . If soand in the worst case, if we are defeated in the war, even if Vermillion is destroyed, their lives can be protected .


Even if Vermillion was destroyed .

Stella felt a chill on her spine because of the tone of voice of her older sister who told so .

A heavy resolution was put into it .

Lunaize even considered their downfall, the downfall of the Vermillion Imperial Family .

She considered even the worst ending, moreover, she thoroughly thought the method to protect thecitizensonce they have reached the worst ending and implement it .

They would defeat Or=Gaule and company and save both Vermillion and Kledelland .

Always for the people, without clinging to such light expectations .

To fulfill the pride of the Imperial Family and to serve aka to protect the people even if they die .

Thats right, in this case, the choice they could take as the Imperial Family was no other than that .

There was no room for objection .

Stella had no choice but to say no more .


Well, although thats not something we know about .

Or=Gaule continued, facing Stella .

But honestly, the movement of League has been so fast so far that it has been unexpected for us . Im finally able to play with Stellchan, and yet, as things are, I have no interest in being mixed with those guys . Its not that I cant win, but its annoying to hit a fly that flies before your eyes . In short, the proposal of Her Highness, in which the war between the two countries will be done in the form of a battle of representatives as planned is also beneficial to us . So, we took part in it . But will you be able to give us your consent?

The explanations from both points of view .

Stella understood this, that this proposal was certainly a proposal with advantages for both sides .


(What is this unsatisfied feeling?)

Certainly, the course of events had their logic, but theyfelt terribly disgusting .

She could understand them, but not accept them .

It felt like something, like something very important was overlooked .

Then, at that moment .

Why are you settling this on your own, you bastard!

A black gust of wind blew right next to Stella who fluttered in the air with wings of flame .


A man with loose and disheveled hair and with black clothes covering his whole body .

TheBlazerknown as the strongest mercenary in the world .

HaboobNaseem Al-Salem .

Naseem ascended to the sky by riding a sandstorm then attacked Or=Gaule with his left fist together with an irritated and angry voice .

Or=Gaule prevented the direct hit by catching it withSpider weba barrier of threads stretched around the surroundings of his body . But, the strongest mercenary wouldnt be stopped with something of this level .

Naseem didnt care that his left hand was caught by the threads, he wrenched open theSpider webthat protected Or=Gaule with all his strength and thrust his right hand .

Then, he constricted the collar of the hood Or=Gaule had put on .

The hell are you doing just when Im finally getting up!? If youre watering this down then Ill kill you, youShitty brat!

*TN: Shitty brat is the furigana reading for Marionette King .

Ahayoure very excited, arent you? I see that you were very pleased withPrincess Yaksha .

His bloodshot eyes had not even a fragment of other emotion than murderous intent .

Naseem was serious .

The community of lone wolves didnt have a feeling of friendship from the beginning .

If he were to say something wrong, Naseem would bare his fangs against Or=Gaule .

However, Or=Gaule didnt have a panic look on his face, and without changing his easygoing attitude,

In that case, if I accept the reinforcements, limiting it to the people ofLeaguewho are in Vermillion now how would that sound?

He suggested that .


Well also change the existing order and put you and me as the representatives . It wont be fair if I dont approve changes to Vermillions order . Apart from that, if were going to do a regular battle of representatives, then you arent going to be hindered by League while fighting against the enjoyablePrincess Yaksha . This deal shouldnt be bad for you, dont you agree?

Naseems bloodlust calmed down with Or=Gaules suggestion .

Even though being interrupted in front of the best prey was unpleasant for him .


(Like I thought, something doesnt fit)

The suspicious, bad feeling that swirled in Stellas chest increased with the words of Or=Gaule .

Lunaize proposed a battle of representatives that was beneficial for both parties .

And Or=Gaule consistently showed a positive and cooperative attitude to this .

This gave her a terrible bad feeling .

What on earth was the thing she was failing to notice?

Stella was worried . However, and unrelated to her,

In the end, Princess Yakshacame to this country to fight against us, so theres no problem, is it?

Or=Gaule gave a fleeting glance at the back of Stella and continued speaking .

Stella followed the point of his eyes and the figure ofPrincess YakshaSaikyou Nene, who had ascended to the sky with her gravitational manipulation ability, was there .

She had a wry smile on her face as if she had heard a joke that didnt make her smile .

You just insisted that youre going togo to war following the rules of the League . But, as for me, just knowing that you are in Kledelland is reason enough for a forced intervention, you know?

*TN: You (plural) is the furigana reading for criminals .

Well, at that time, we also had to protect ourselves . However, if it becomes to that, we cant guarantee not even a bit the safety of the people of Kledelland that is close to us .

Are you calling them human shields?

Either way, you gave a splendid interpretation .

That seems to be the only interpretation, huh Nene spoke bitterly .

In other words, Or=Gaule had demandedLeague to participate in this farce with the people of Kledelland as shields .

Nene asked Or=Gaule about his demand in a low voice after a brief silence .

The rules of the League arent there just to not involve the general public in the war . Theres also an agreement that prohibits the tyranny of the government towards their own citizens . If youre pretending to follow the rules, then youll abide by them, no?

That was a question to make him guarantee the safety of the people of Kledelland if theLeague gave up the plan to intervene .

Regarding this, Or=Gaule,

Of course .

Returned without hesitation and raised his right wrist as if scooping up theregret .

In an instant, the soldiers of Kledelland, who were swallowed up by the collapse created by the crust smashed by Naseem, were pulled up one after another from the dry sands surface .

Or=Gaule raised the ones who were buried in the underground with his own threads .

With that action,

So, can you trust me with this?

Or=Gaule asked Nene .

Nene returned, without hiding her disgust .

Who will trust in you?

AhaIts that a no then?

But I understand . Ill join this farce . Now I dont have to persuadePrime Minister-chan .

The reason of being of theLeaguewasThe powerful ones must protect the powerless people

There should be nothing for them with more priority than the lives of the populace .

The people of Kledelland was currently in the hands of Or=Gaule and the others . How much could they trust the words of the lot that guaranteed their physical safety? It was something to suspect, yes, but still, better than nothing .

Nene decided so as a knight of theLeague .

As expected . Youre down to earth . The squad that came is glad with you .

Or=Gaule clapped his hands together, looking happy and asked Naseem .

With that said, why dont we take our retreat here?


Although what was said had some benefit for him, Naseem looked dissatisfied that this took a form that excited Or=Gaule, so he turned his body into sand and disappeared from the sky while being scattered by the wind .

He probably would return to Kledelland first .

After he made sure of it,

Now that he did something like that, can you withdraw as well? Dirty Rose .

Or=Gaule used histhreadsto send a withdrawal instruction toDirty RoseAin, another one of his fellows who launched a surprise attack on the distant Imperial Palace of Vermillion .

To this instruction,Dirty Rose, who confrontedFutenTatara Yui, her little sister that chased her andCrimson Wild LionSirius Vermillion in the Imperial Palace,

Fufu . Oh well . Here I also had just an unexpected surprise . Shall we stop for today and start again another day?

She said so, swung the rose ivy that appeared from the arm and pulverized the wall of the closest window .

She turned her back on the two and bent herself forward .

And to that back,

Are you running away?

Tatara Yui provoked her, butDirty Roselooked back with a facial expression that deeply showed scorn,

If you follow me, Ill be your opponent . If you think you have the chance to win against me today, after you wasted your once-in-lifetime opportunity called surprise attack to show up in front of me to save King Sirius, then chase me .

Tatara couldnt say what came next .

Because her cells that received training inAbgrundas a professional killer truly understood that the words ofDirty Rosehad no room for objection .

And so,

Alright, everyone . Adieu .

During that silence, Dirty Rosethrew herself through the hole to the air .

Tatara, who ran up to the hole drilled too late, saw the figure of her older sister who disappeared into the northern sky, holding the fluff of a giant dandelion .

Then, Your Highness, please contact me if the members are officially decided . Oh, but please make Stellchan register as promised . Because I dont want to reach the situation in which the Imperial Family wont participate in the fight where both countries are wagered, and more than anything, my enjoyment will die, you see

Marionette KingOr=Gaule left those words with the liberated Lunaize and withdrew to Kledelland, bringing the safe soldiers along with him .

After that, the Vermillion Army, that was deployed in Caldia, gave medical treatment to all those who were wounded .

Not only the soldiers of Vermillion, but also the soldiers of Kledelland who were left wounded .

The seriously wounded soldiers of Kledelland were a few because of the non-killing weapons that were used under the order of Sirius, but almost no one could walk on their own because of the after effects of Or=GaulesNoble ArtsMarionettethat controlled other people and the intensified muddiness of their consciousness .

The withdrawal became formal and now it depended on the arrival of the wheeled vehicles of the logistical support force .

During that time he was standing by, Kurogane Ikki looked for his girlfriend .

An all-out war had occurred in her beloved motherland .

He was worried about her health, but he was way more worried about her heart that was going to witness this scene .

There .

Her deep red hair stood out noticeably .

He immediately found her in this devastated battlefield .


Ikki let Stella, who was watching over the withdrawal preparations with Lunaize surrounding at a distance, knew he was there .

Stella turned around quickly, looked at Ikkis figure and showed an expression of relief .

Ikki . Im glad . Your injuries seem to be okay .

Yeah . Because I was healed once again by Ascaride-san .

-Orichalcos its an amazing power, isnt it? As expected ofBlack Knight, the one ranked 4thin the world . I havent thanked her properly . Wheres Ascaride-san now?

Shes treating other severely wounded persons now .

Is that so? In that case, I cant interrupt her .

Black Knight Iris Ascaride, who was a blood relative ofMarionette KingOr=Gaule, as well as a knight belonging toLeague, and who was lying in wait in the area of Vermillion in advance to sniff out the threatening movements ofMarionette King, had the ability to control the concept ofFortitude .

With it, she manifested an armorDeviceOrichalcosthat boasted of an absolute strength that protected herself with strength and at the same time a superpower that granted an extremely powerful healing power to its wearer .

That healing power surpassed anIPS Capsuleby far, it regenerated any external wounds instantaneously .

It looked like it was the greatest fortune for Vermillion that she was here .

Stella wanted to thank that fortune, so she closed her eyes for a moment, saw Ikki again and,

Thank you too, Ikki .

She made a slight smile and bowed her head .

I heard from Til and the others . You also had it difficult . But thanks to Ikki, who risked his life, the injuries of the forces deployed on the Central Road were minimized .

However, the facial expression of Ikki got slightly cloudy with such words of gratitude .

No, my strength didnt do that . Its all thanks to Ascaride-san . If she hadnt saved me, I would have died .

Still, it doesnt change the fact that you made frantic efforts for Vermillion .

Thats why, thank you . Stella thanked Ikki from the bottom of her heart,

Not only Ikki . Everyone fought desperately . Everyone did their best .

She raised her face and stared .

At the near destroyed Caldia City that lost its original form .

And at the wounded soldiers sitting down there .

What was floating in her bright red eyes was a deep gratitude, pride,

Still 83 people, 83 people ended up dying!

And tears of sorrow that felt like blood .


If wasnt because Lunnee displayed a quick wittedness, more people would have died! And killed! Because I was weak! I couldnt protect them! If only I was the strongest in the world! This wouldnt have happened if I was way stronger than all of those damn guys!!!!

Stella, thats not tr

It is!!!!

Stella shouted, hit her own chest with strength and asked Ikki .

Who am I, Ikki!? Im Stella Vermillion, the Second Princess of Vermillion! This body, this sword exists to protect the people of Vermillion and the families of Vermillion! I decided so! And by deciding so, I determined I could hone myself until today! Not only that, I intended to become stronger! I intended to certainly protect everyone from any threat! And the result of that is this scene!!

WhatCrimson Princess?

What best magic powers in the world?

Iwas frightened, I couldnt do anything!!

Tens of thousands of armed forces collided, and as result, 83 deaths seemed to not be a lot .

But it wasnt a problem of a lot or a few .

83 people couldnt be protected .

83 families ended up being destroyed .

That fact and the disparity between ideal and reality tormented Stella .

This cant continue! I must become stronger and stronger! At least to the extent where I can compete with them! If I cant do that, then this sword, this life, have no meaning!


Ikki grinded his teeth, seeing Stella who hugged her own body and sunk her nails into her white arms .

The bad presentiment came true .

The same as when Tsukikage showed him the other day the state of an incoming hopeless future .

She carried the country on her back . She carried the lives of the people on her back . Because of that overly strong sense of responsibility, she was torturing herself .

Her own powerlessness .

Her mentality wasnt good .

She now partly knew the existence of those outside cause and effect calledDesperado, and for that reason,

( This state of hers is dangerous)

She was capable of doing something absurd, like driving herself to death .

However, that kind ofoverworkoccasionally had the opposite effect .

She just hurt herself in vain, greatly damaging herself without reason .

It would be dangerous unless he made her calm down .

He knew .

But what were the words he should be able to say to her now?

( Theres no way she can be calmed)

Stella had killed her family now .

With an irrational and unreasonable violence .

Her anger and hatred couldnt be suppressed .

Nonetheless, Stella was the royalty .

Her body carried that responsibility on her back . Ikki, who was a commoner, could just imagine that weight .

That truly couldnt be shared .

What kind of words could he give to Stella?


He couldnt do anything for Stella who tortured herself .

Its alright, Im here with you .

He wasnt able to declare that, he felt frustrated and hopeless .

A real war for the first time in his life .

Stella wasnt the only one who felt her own imperfection there .

Im sorry . I went too emotional . Its not like I wanted to drag Ikki into this .

Stella apologized to Ikki after a brief and heavy silence .

But Ikki shook his head,

Its fine . Im not the person who is responsible for the lives of other people, so I can only imagine Stellas suffering now . That said I want Stella to share with me the responsibility she carries on her back and the pain that Stella feels, or even some words at least .

He said and held out a handkerchief to Stella .

Without remonstrating the emotional Stella, he just cuddled her .

Precisely because he truly understood and thought of Stella with great care, to that consideration,

Thank you .

Stella put back just a little smile on her face and wiped her tears with his handkerchief .

Then, it was exactly at that moment .

Lunaa! Stellaaaa!!

A deep voice that they knew well came down from the sky .

When they looked up, Sirius Vermillion, the father of Stella, accompanied by the evacuation force, had gotten on a helicopter and rushed to Caldia City .

Sirius jumped from a height of about 5 meters to the ground, he didnt wait for the landing of the helicopter .

Are you both okay!? Youre not injured, are you!?

Stella and Lunaize, the two of them returned a nod .

Were fine . The damages if we consider the scale of the battle, are few . More importantly, what about you? We heard that there was an attack while we werent there, but is Okasama and the others okay?

Yeah . Thanks to an unexpected helper, there were no severely wounded persons on our side . Im like this thanks to theCapsule . Mama is, at this time, bringing the chaos under control though it has calmed down already, hasnt it?

A helper?

Stella inclined her head, she happened to know nothing of that .

However, Sirius didnt answer Stellas question and saidMore importantly!with a voice that let anger ooze,

Luna! Doing negotiations in Kledelland all by yourself is way too much! What would you have done if something happened to you!?

He scolded Lunaize who went to meet Or=Gaule in Kledelland without a proper guard .

But Lunaize, without quailing at it, talked back coldly .

If we take on the appearance of doing a battle of representatives as it was planned from the beginning, then it will be possible for us to prevent reinforcements from theLeagueand we can also have an extension of time to make the citizens evacuate . Reducing the scale of battle to the minimum is beneficial for both sides . I just triggered an action because I judged that there was room for negotiation . In the first place, what would you have done are my words, Chichi-ue . Have you thought how many victims Vermillion Army would have had if they kept fighting with such poor equipment?

Ugh . However, if we had resisted a bit more, then the reinforcements from theLeague

Protecting our own citizens is the duty of the Imperial Family . If so, what we should be aiming for is not the biggest war results for our friendly nation, but the minimal sacrifices of our own country . And nothing else . In the first place, if Chichi-ue didnt recklessly open hostilities with soldiers equipped with police equipment from the beginning, I wouldnt have had the need to do this . Really, what was Hahue doing?


Sirius decided to fight to save his friend country Kledelland .

Lunaize prioritized the safety of their people than Kledelland .

Pride and life .

Both were very important choices .

The decision of both sides werent incorrect .

But, as a result, the bold negotiation of Lunaize had protected the lives of the soldiers of Vermillion from Naseem and the others who were Blazers outside of the norm, and that was a fact .

Therefore, in this argument between the two, the position of Sirius looked bad .

But, as she stared at this arguing back and forth of the two from the side,

( Is it really that? I have a bad feeling after all)

Stella thought so once again .

Lunaizes claim made sense, she thought it was like completing a puzzle, but once she looked at it very, very carefully, it was as if she thrust pieces of completely different shapes into it such was the uncomfortable feeling she had .

Your face says I cant agree to this . Stellchan .


Princess YakshaSaikyou Nene, who was behind her all this time, talked to Stella who grimaced to the doubt in her heart .

But intuition isnt wrong, you see?

What do you mean Nene-sensei!?

Just like you dont use dollars in Japan . Just like you dont use yen in America . To do business with the devil,you need the devils currency, dont you?

What, does that mean?

All those wacky ones feel as if they are causing war to kill time, like a ball that moves with anewadvantage .


As Nene had pointed out, Stella realized that the doubt that was whirling like a black mist in her heart had formed a certain shape .

It was evidently as she said .

Stella observed .

The reckless malice that boiled strongly from the whole body of Or=Gaule .

The only gesture that seemed to be fixated on Stella Vermillion was his mouth .

There was no particular vector regarding that mans malice .

Black KnightIris Ascaride said .

Once he had found an interesting-looking toy when he didnt know what to do in his free time, he tried to reach it .

That was it .

Anyone was fine .

Anything was fine .

Because he genuinely and simply liked to hurt and destroy others .

A deviant who completely took actions that were very far apart from reason .

A pure wickedness .

There was no way such a devil would move with anew advantage .

But moving didnt seem to be possible .

In fact, Or=Gaule was hounded byHabooband he quickly allowed the participation of Nene and the others . He himself had relinquished advantage .

Because it didnt matter .

However, Or=Gaule jumped on Lunaizes negotiations .

In other words

Ohime-sama . How did you payto that demon?

Lunaize paid something that was nothing but a valuablecompensationfor that demon .

And so, Nenes deduction wasright .

Lunaize certainly paid .

With devils currency to inspire the demon who didnt find value of any kind in reason .

Lunaize wouldnt forget throughout her life .

The aberrant-like way of rejoice of Or=Gaule when she presented the payment for it .

The eyes that became bloodshot from the cruel delight .

She placed that much on the table of negotiations and settled a truce .

To not cause more war on the people of their country .


I just carried out my duty as the First Princess of Vermillion .

Lunaize didnt answer Nenes question .

She put away everything inside her and closed her lips tightly .

Because that was something nobody needed to know .


Stella, who knew her well, saw a pathetic resolution on her face .

And, she understood .

Even if she continued pressing her older sister, those lips of hers would never open .

It appeared that that also was transmitted to Nene .

Nene shrugged her small shoulders grandiosely,

Oh well, what gives . Theres no use in talking this and that about the past at this late hour, is it? Besides, it certainly hurts that we cant use the reinforcements of theLeague, but not everything is bad news . As long as we win the battle of representatives, everything will settle peacefully, thats the easy way to understand the situation . So, lets look on the bright side of it .

She said so and asked Lunaize again .

Ill ask this just in case, but wagering the rights of the oil fields have nothing to do withputting an end to the history of confrontation between the two countries , am I right?

Nene switched the topic to the settlement of the problem in front of them .

Lunaize replied positively to that .

Yes, you are correct . Thats an agreement with the former administration of Kledelland . The new administration of Kledelland criticizes the independence of Vermillion as an appearance and did a declaration of war, demanding for its merging with Kledelland . Therefore, what is being wagered in this battle is the nation itself .

Literally a war in which the destiny of the country is waged .

Not only that, a few points decided with the former administration have been changed .

And those are?

We agreed to stick to the schedule and the number of representatives, 5 in this case, decided with the former administration, but the format of the war and the hosting place have changed . Essentially, this years war had been planned as a team competition where 5 knights represent each nation and compete to snatch each others win, but the war against the new administration will be a Battle Royale set in the capital of Kledelland .

A Battle Royale in a metropolitan area . Well, were talking about the mentality of those guys, so isnt that natural?

Ikki, who was near them and heard their exchange, sincerely agreed with Nenes murmur .

A victory; now, the enemy didnt have a good behavior as if they were acting obediently to that extent .

Battle Royale .

This format, in which the fight continued until the last person remained, seemed to be chosen based on their liking .

Their order is decided, no?

I heard its done already .

I have a general idea about it, but can you tell us for the time being?

Marionette KingOr=Gaule . HaboobNaseem Al-Salem . BB . TheBlazercalledDirty Rosethat attacked Chichi-ue and the others . AndGolden WindJohan Kristoff von Collbrand, new King of Kledelland .

Nene nodded and saidwell, thats no surpriseabout that lineup .

Since the limit of representatives was five, the order of Kledelland side wasnt very good .

However, what worried them was

Excuse me, Lunaize-san . When Or=Gaule left, he said to make Stella participate as promised . Does that mean that Stella registering to participate on the Vermillion side was decided as a prerequisite?

Lunaize nodded to the query of Ikki,

Yes . Changing to Battle Royale and the participation of Stella . Those were the conditions to accept the battle of representatives . Can we leave this to you, Stella?

Lunaize turned her eyes towards Stella with a small apologetic look .

Although it was an emergency, she may have felt indebted because she forced her little sister into a dangerous situation without any sort of discussion .

However, Stella replied with a firm look towards such Lunaize .

You dont need to tell me .

Whether you entrust this to me or not, not being involved in the war of Vermillion is something it cannot be, dont you think? Im the sword of Vermillion after all . The one drawing the line to those who came to do as they please with this country will be me . I will certainly do so!

Youre full of spirit, thats good, very good .

Nene laughed at the returning cheerfulness of Stella,

So about Naseem, he said so before me, so its natural for me to take care of him .

It will help us a lot if you do so .

Thats why Im here . I came here to help . And now thatthe people in Vermillion are allowed to participate, having Iris-chan as a member, who knows that damn Or=Gaule very well, is great .

As for Vermillion, if she can do it, then certainly will .

Iris came with a mission, so shes not going to decline . So, who will be the other two?

Nene showed a pondering gesture as she poked her chin with the pointed end of theRed Ageha .

Ikki announced himself,

I will also participate .

Towards Nene .

I already have permission from Lunaize-san and King Sirius . I will also fight as a representative .


Kurobou . The situation changed, no? If youre trying to look good in front of her, you should choose a better place for that, alright? This is a serious war, isnt it?

Nene turned sharp eyes towards Ikkis proposal, as if gauging his resolution .

However, Ikki replied without recoiling from that gaze .

It upsets me that my resolution is being questioned at this point of time . Im not carrying the title of theSeven Stars Sword Kingon my back on a whim or to show it off .

In the first place, knights were combatants and no sportsmen . Both the regular lessons, theSeven Stars Sword Art Festival and everything were trainings to protect the nation and the powerless people in the event a war occurred .

And now, the motherland of his beloved girlfriend was getting into a scrape .

Danger was approaching to each person that recognized him .

His honed swordsmanship, if he was not going to exhibit it now, then when?

Besides, among the knights who are in Vermillion now, Im among the top five, arent I? There should be no reason for me to be excluded .

Resolution and logic .

To Ikki, who showed those two,

Okay . Your answer got 100 points, a perfect mark . Ill talk to the Japanese branch .

Nene, being touched by him, smiled broadly and allowed his participation in the war .

Thank you very much .

In reality, what Kurobou says has logic behind it . And above all, Kurobou has the qualifications for it . Now, four slots are filled, and one remains, so who would be the last one?

The last one is me, of course . Im the King of this country and a knight as well .

Sirius, who kept silent until now, announced his candidacy .

The serious matter of the country .

He showed the dignity of a father who couldnt leave this matter just to his daughter .

But Nene,

No, that cant be .

Returned a bitter immediate reply .


Because, to put it bluntly, its the same as giving a win to those guys . In that case, Id rather talk about participating with one member not taking part in it . If its a Battle Royale, then all the more, isnt it? Its just an inconvenience allowing you to participate when you cant even protect himself .

Can really a teacher put it bluntly like that!?

Sirius was shocked by the outspoken notice and that he was not included in the team .

Certainly there were other ways of saying it, but what was said in itself wasnt wrong .

But, although there was that,

Well, that also can be said about Stellchan .

A harsh look suddenly dwelled in the facial expression of Stella due to the words told by Nene .

It wouldnt be so bad if it wasBBorGolden Wind, but Stellchan is unfortunately being targeted by Or=Gaule . And a battle withthatwill inevitably occur . And if the current Stellchan were to square off againstthat, she will probably end up being killed in less than three minutes .

Youre not answering back, so, does that mean you are also self-aware of something of that degree?

Stella nodded as she bit her lips .

Yes . I am .

Stella revealed an affirmation .

The panic until not long ago that started from the assault in Kledelland .

And during that, the fact that she felt herdeathin the presences released byMarionette King andHaboob .

The end of the path of the fate she was making progress on .

She felt despair, as if fixedly staring at the hell stretching out there .

ThatisDesperado, isnt it?

Uh huh . And this war is a battle against world-leadingDesperado . A war in which well try to kill the demon that keeps having his own way and that destroys even the causality of the world with his own will and strength . That burden is a bit heavy for Stellchan now . The difference in experience, true strength, and all aspects is too much . So, in this fight, Stellchan will devote herself to protect herself . Ill bear the responsibility of polishing Stellchan to a level she can protect herself at least before the battle of representatives . Well, it will be quiiite a hard intense training .

Nene informed so and tried to tap Stellas shoulder .

But Stella returned before that hand touched her shoulder,

I appreciate it, but I decline . Nene-sensei .

A clear rejection .

You decline? What do you mean with that, Stellchan?

I said earlier, didnt I? Im the sword of Vermillion . All that I diligently studied so far, and that I fought so far, all of me exists to protect the people of Vermillion . It makes no sense for me to be strong enough to run around, trying to escape from the enemies of Vermillion in front of me . That doesnt change absolutely nothing . In that case, I dont need such strength! What I need is the strength to protect Vermillion from those guys!

I understand your feelings . But nothing can be done with feelings alone . Stellchan . How many times have you been killed today? Arent you being completely conceited? Have you thought it is thanks to your strength that you survived and you are here now?

Stella nodded a bit regarding Nenes severe question,

I know that . It may be impossible to close the difference between me and those guys in a week . Even if Nene-sensei gives me an intense training, theres a limit to how much I can protect myself . However, I know a person, just one person that can make the impossible possible .

Stella said and turned her eyesto the north horizon .

Fortunately, Vermillion is a Nordic country . Herdwelling, Kenhou Edelberg, is just nearby .

Stella, are you telling me

Edelberg .

The worlds highest peak with an altitude of over 9000 meters that towered in Estonia, one of the three Baltic countries .

Only one person in the world was there .

Stella returned a nod to the are you telling me question of Ikki,

And said with a strong tone as if to inspire herself .

Ill challenge her . The as far as I know strongest swordswoman . Wings AbreastEdelweiss .

The night of the day when the large-scale clash between Vermillion and Kledelland occurred .

After she returned to the Imperial Capital Flareberg for a moment, Stella, without taking a break, boarded a jet as if valuing every second and took off towards Estonia .

As they saw off the lights of the airplane going away,

Say, Nene-sensei, Stella will be okay, right?

Sirius, standing next to Nene, let his uneasiness show .

At this, Nene shrugged her shoulders and returned .

Who knows? Im a very kind teacher, but Im not responsible for the lives of the one who flew out disregarding my advice .

U-Ugh .

But both Iris-chan and Kurobou are with her, and in the first place, Hiyoku isnt a girl who will go all-out indiscriminately . She wont do something like taking up to her life . In all probability, she will end up being treated lightly . She wont get anything, shell only lose time and come back shamelessly .

Nenesintense trainingwas not enough to bridge the difference between Stella andDesperadosin a week .

In that case, by throwing herself into the most severe life-and-death situation, she would be able to grasp her limit and measure an awakening of her potential capacities .

The idea that came when Stella was irritated was in no way incorrect .

A dramatic progress was always attainable in a predicament .

She had no superior experience in the actual battle .

Thats why, ifHiyokuwere to stick with Stella all the time, then that would do it .

ButHiyokuhad no connection with Stellas circumstances .

Therefore, she had no reason to associate with Stellas irritation .

Besides .

Maybe even if she luckily were to meetHiyokuon Edelberg,she wouldnt even be able to get close to her . This Stellchan .

Just like when Stella tried to launch a reckless attack onHaboobby herself .

She still didnt know the dreadfulness of the beings calledDesperado .

Their true special characteristics .

I-In other words, what Stella is trying to do is just a waste of time!?

Well, isnt that almost the case? I dont know though .

W-Well, then why you teacher didnt try to stop her convincingly? If its a waste, then she should not be dangerously harmed by challenging the worlds strongest swordsman, right!?

Nene thought that Siriuss protest was a completely fair argument .

In fact, if Nene felt like it, she could have stopped her by sheer strength .

But Nene didnt do so . She permitted her reckless challenge on the condition that she allowed Ikki Kurogane and Iris Ascaride to accompany her as her guard .


If she were to say the reason why,

Because I look forward to it .

Nene remembered .

In that case, I dont need that strength!

The figure of Stella when she rejected her suggestions by saying so .

She was trembling .

She came in contact with thedomain of the Desperados, which made her realize the difference in true strength between herself and them . This frightened her from the bottom of her heart .

It was no wonder .

Stella was a knight with a certain true strength .

She should have experienced her owndeathin detail byMarionette KingandHaboob .

And then, she would have to face them again .

That was the same as the act of throwing oneself to hell without a lifeline .

Her legs trembled, her heart froze, her soul screamed

And yet, Stella didnt try to run away .

The flame of courage dwelling in her scarlet eyes wasnt lost .

That figure she shouldered her when she came to seek knowledge from her before .

When she showed noble results that rose above and beyond her assumptions .

In that case, and like that time,

I dont think that Stellchan is inferior to that extent to Kurobou . Rather, and speaking of the two, Im part of Stellchan group . I decided to completely believe in her . Stellchan, like that time, easily leapt over my very small imagination, surpassing her own limits and becoming stronger .

Nene said so and put a wry smile on her face a little .

It was a sort of emotional decision even if she say so herself .

Even poor bets had a limit .

But still, she bet a coin .

In that case,

Well, dont worry, papsan . Even if she were to come back without any positive results, this time well have a Battle Royale . I decided to take care of her . Both Stellchan and this country .

She had to take that responsibility, if not .

Nene, who strengthened her resolve, asked Sirius .

So, are the preparations of the helicopter ready?

Y-yes . If its about the helicopter heading towards Caldia, then I have arranged it as you told me, but are you really going to train by yourself? Since teacher will fight for Vermillion, you can use the training facilities as much as

I decline . Because Ill wreck everything .


At any rate, the opponents were world-leadingDesperados .

Particularly the worlds strongest mercenaryHaboobhad a dexterity to the point she had to completely cancel it with her forbidden skillHadou Tensei .

Even for Nene, the most that she had experienced as a death situation with an opponent of that level was the fingers of one of his hands .

She needed to hone herself to the utmost limits .

In that case, standard training facilities were too small and weak .

Because her abilities were powerful and strong . They wouldnt fit into a building .

In that case, if that was done in desolated ruins or wastelands from the start, she wouldnt need to feel hesitant .

That was why Nene refused Siriuss cooperation and started walking towards the heliport .


Oh, I almost forgot .

Nene realized that she had forgotten to tell Sirius one important thing,

If you want to help me, tell this to everyone .

She came to a stop, turned her head to Sirius and said .

No one get close to me for a week . Tell that .


Nene, who said that much, turned her eyes away from Sirius and walked again towards the heliport .

The tone of voice of Nene at that moment was low, heavy and chill, he even felt shudders because of it .

Her usual easygoing tone quieted down, the bloodlust kept in her pupils made him feel even cruelty .

Nene had already turned on the switch inside her .

Sirius saw off the long hair swaying on her back as he remained standing stock still .

His expression froze with astonishment, sweat ran on his forehead .

Was he overwhelmed by the mood ofPrincess Yakshawho turned her switch on to a battle stance?

There was that .

But, more than that, what made Siriuss blood run cold was,

( W-what was that, just now)

Was it an illusion or a nightmare?

He gave a fleeting glance to Nenes head and,

A pair of hugehornsswayed like black flames there .