Good Evening, Mr President! - Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

553 Pestering him (4)

Yun Xiao was stunned.

She suddenly came back to her senses and struggled to push him a few times. dont be like this. There are so many people watching! If your fiance finds out, Yingluo!

Shut up!

Shao moqian ordered Yun Xiao to shut up.

tsk tsk. Yun Xiao frowned, but he still kept quiet.

Shao moqian hugged her tightly, but he didnt say anything more.

After a long time, she heard him sigh deeply and let go of her.

He reached out and patted her head. alright, I still have work to do. You can go and do your own things!

Yingluo, yes.

Shao moqian left.

Yun Xi stared at his back in shock. She didnt know if it was her imagination, but she felt that the moment he hugged her, he actually felt lonely.

What was he feeling lonely about?

Yun Xiao inexplicably felt a slight pain in his heart.

Shao moqians hands were in his white coat as he walked forward with heavy steps.

At this moment, his emotions were complicated.

He realized that his feelings for su yunhua were wavering.

It seemed to be getting deeper and deeper!

For a second, he really had the urge to take this woman for himself!

But in the end, he still stopped!

Reason had triumphed over emotion!

There was no possibility between him and su yunhua!

She had a husband and a child! And he had a fiance!

Even if all these were not taken into account, there was still a deep chasm between the two of them that could never be crossed.

Su yunhua, from the very beginning, shouldnt there have been so many things between us?

Shao moqians eyes darkened.

Perhaps, five years later, they should not have started to quarrel in the first place.

The next day-

Late at night.

The hospital was eerily quiet.

Beibei was still lying in the ICU.

Yun Xiao slept on the chair outside, which had almost become her second home.

The nurse who pa.s.sed by couldnt stand it anymore and patted Yun Xis shoulder. sister Yun Xi, dont sleep here. Go home and sleep. If anything happens to Beibei, well inform you immediately!

Yun Xiao hurriedly sat up and said with a smile, Isnt it a little inappropriate for me to sleep here?

no, I just think youre working too hard, the nurse pitied her. how about this? Ill lie down in the waiting room at the nurses station, and you can sleep in my bed. Ill call you when I take turns, okay?

Because Yun Xiao had been in the hospital for a long time and was familiar with Fu lianshang, all the nurses here knew her.

How can I accept that?

Theres nothing to be embarra.s.sed about! Come, come with me, how can you sleep well here!

Thank you so much!

Yun Xi then got up and followed the nurse to the nurses station.

The nurse prepared a bed for her to rest on, and Yun Xiao gratefully thanked her before lying down.

After sleeping for a while, she heard the young nurses chatting outside through the door.

Did you guys hear? Something happened to Dean Shaos surgery today!

What happened? When the young nurses heard this, they all rushed over, and even Yun Xiao, who was lying on the bed, suddenly sat up.

She p.r.i.c.ked up her ears, and her heart was in her mouth as she listened nervously to the conversation between the young nurses outside.