God's Love Game [unlimited] - Chapter 23.1 - Tian Yan Clan - Lonely Island: Only Hug

Chapter 23.1 - Tian Yan Clan - Lonely Island: Only Hug

Chapter 23.1 - Tian Yan Clan - Lonely Island: Only Hug

Chapter 23.1: Only hug

The old man was angry, and his resentful gaze seemed to materialize, affecting the surrounding environment.

It was noon at this time when the sun was supposed to be bright, but a thin layer of mist quietly floated up and spread out in the dungeon world, surrounding the mountains and rivers.

Xiang Nu looked up at the sky, then looked at the old man, and asked, Master, besides you accepting us as your apprentices, is there any other ceremony? If not, can we leave?

The old man smiled grimly, Leave? You cant leave now, and there is still a ceremony to complete. Disciples, you are still too young, so you dont know the past. Just ten years ago, there was a famine in our village, and every household was suffering from hunger. They were so starving all year round that their faces became yellow and skinny. They all respect me as a master. I remembered it, so every year I would kill a sheep for the villagers to share with them when I recruited pupils. Its just a pity that there are not enough materials this year. But this practice has been going on for many years, it has become the tradition of the village, and it cannot be abandoned this year.

The old man glanced at Shu Jian abruptly, the plain young mans face turned pale, although the old man didnt say anything, he suddenly realized what the old man meant.

If its true, the sheep in the old mans mouthwas him?

Xiangnu nodded clearly and smiled slightly, but the smile did not reach his eyes, and his narrow eyes were full of coldness, Since the materials are insufficient, then Master, hurry up and prepare the materials, and the disciples will not disturb you.

The old man looked at him expressionlessly, with deep wrinkles like the root bark of an old tree, rigid and gloomy, As the most talented disciple of this teacher, you will inherit the mantle of a master in the future, wont you?

Xiang Nu said softly, But this is the Masters intention for the villagers. Is it good for me to overstep my authority?

The old man twisted his face, smiling viciously, stood up, and patted the shoulders of Xiangnu who was not broad, Its okay, why not! You are the proudest disciple of this master, and for the master, I want everyone to believe in you as much as I believe in you. In general, the preparation of the sheep is left to you, you have to work hard. The whole sheep feast starts at Xu s.h.i.+, so from now there are still four hours for you to prepare.

Little Yaoer, the Quanyang Banquet is held once a year. Everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time. You must let the villagers eat the delicious Quanyang Banquet reminiscing their memories. If everyone cant have the same taste from their memory

The old man smiled coldly, the words were not finished, but the malice in his eyes was obvious.

The worst result will be that Xiangnu will be replaced by the sheep and let everyone taste it. He looked at him blankly, and said looking towards the taskers, Master, dont worry, this disciple will make good preparations. Other brothers have nothing to do, so requesting the master will lend them to me, and the brothers have no opinion about it, right?

Everyone shook their heads, and Xiangnu deliberately said to the old man, Master, then I will take senior brothers away, dont worry, I will bring them to the Quanyang Banquet on time before the time of Xu(eleventh hour).

The older mans face became even more gloomy, his chest heaved violently, and it looked like he was out of breath.

The old man said lightly, Okay By the way, for lunch, dont delay outside for a long time, and remember to come back on time.

Xiangnu smiled and refused, Its Okay, Master, we still want to save our stomachs to eat roasted lamb at night, so lets not eat it at noon.

The old mans face sank, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Xiangnus head tilt with his innocent face saying, And if I dont finish the task given by master, I dont have the heart to do anything else. Master only gave me four hours, the apprentice may not be able to find the sheep in these four hours, dinner in the waste of half an hour, or forget it.

The old man smiled mischievously, Dont be afraid, Master is just testing your other abilities, eat lunch obediently, if you really cant find a sheep, then this Master will take out his kiln collection for the villagers to use.

You are Masters proud disciple, the old man said with gritted teeth, If you starve yourself out, Master will feel distressed then Master will not help you deal with the aftermath.

Thank you master for your kindness, but this disciple wants to prove his ability. Xiangnu was impatient to continue talking nonsense with the old man, and said coldly, Senior brothers and sisters, what are you still standing for, lets go.

After Xiangnu finished speaking, he turned around and left. Miao Dong looked at the gloomy old man and did not dare to speak, but honestly followed Xiangnu and left.

Xiangnu wanted to go to Xishan(west side of the mountain). When everyone went to cut yarrow before, everyone discussed what would happen in Xishan, so he wanted to go to see that place.

After leaving the old mans field of vision, Shu Jian immediately showed a grateful expression, looking like he was about to cry, Little Junior Brother, thank you, thank you so much, if you didnt stop me just now, I feel like I might be gone by now.

Xiangnu showed a gentle smile and said softly, Third Senior Brother, you are polite, we are companions, and we should help each other.

Its just that he was not a kind person by nature, and Shu Jian didnt expect him to devote himself to acting. Therefore, although he smiled, his eyes did not portray any heartfelt smile. His glamorous face and narrow eyes always gave people a lot of attention. Now there was a feeling of contempt.

But Shu Jian didnt care either, it didnt matter how Xuangnus nature was, whether it was hot or cold, he only needed to know that he(Xuangnu) would save him and save his life at the critical moment.

Ding Zeming couldnt help but sigh at this moment, Actually, I also thought of stuffing the porridge into Masters mouth but I didnt dare to do it, Junior Brother, were you not afraid of Master would turn his face around suddenly?

Xiangnu was not afraid of death. In the last dungeon, he was thinking that he wanted to pa.s.s the dungeon and survive because he wanted to exchange rewards to restore the light and take a serious look at the world.

His bones were full of madness.

But that doesnt mean that Xuagnu was really just messing around, fighting hard against the copy bosses because hes not afraid of death.

Xiangnu had the strength and confidence, he calmly asked back, The purpose of our mission is to find the weakness of monsters and seal them, not really to let us be the food for the monsters. If thats the case, there would be no need to go through all that effort to package rewards for us. After we enter the dungeon, the dungeon or the central hall has restrictions on monsters, and monsters cannot directly kill us. If they want to kill us, they must meet certain requirements or conditions, am I right?

Ding Zeming was silent for a moment, then nodded his head to acknowledge.

Xiangnu raised his lips slightly and continued to ask, Then let me ask you, sixth senior brother, what do you think the conditions for Master to kill us would be?

Ding Zeming was silent for two seconds and sighed, Divination error. Masters words are very clear. He heard that our talent is comparable to that of our senior uncle(Martial uncle Masters senior brother), so he accepted us as apprentices. And he was defeated by our senior uncle. , so he took a small problem to try our divination skills. If we fail even this small problem and prove that we are a waste of such fame, he will kill us

Xiangnu nodded and affirmed, Yes, his killing condition should be that our divination results go wrong, but our final result was correct, does it matter what method we use? We forced him to drink porridge, he must hate us very much, thus so we havent touched his killing conditions. No matter how much he hates us, he cant do it directly, there is no need to doubt this. After determining this point, what is there that we dare not do?

Several people thought about it, and they all sighed. Although they could understand it, at that time, not everyone could make the determination to do it.

Perhaps because of his problem, Jiang Chao seldom spoke, but when he speaks, he speaks to the point, and the question was very sharp, he asked stuttering, Just now, why, say, dont eat, lunch?

Xiangnu tilted his head on purpose, blinked slyly, and teased, Guess?

The crowd really had no clue. They could see that the old mans proposal was malicious, but for a while, they couldnt figure out what the malicious intention was.

Xiang Nu looked at the few people and saw that their expressions were all blank and sincere without being pretentious. So he raised his lips with a slight smile and said only one sentence, Have you forgotten the Mongolian sweat medicine(sleeping pill) treasured by Senior Brother

If the old man sprinkled the Mongolian sweat medicine into the pot at noon, it would be troublesome if they fell asleep.

For the first time, when everyone didnt know about the medicine, the old man couldnt kill people directly.

Now the taskers have learned from Qingfeng about the existence of sleeping medicines, and they had to avoid eating them.

It was only then that everyone remembered the existence of sleeping medicines, and were immediately scared into a cold sweat.

Its no wonder that everyone didnt consider things this way because it was incongruous and out of place that things like sleeping medicine appeared in the ghost dungeon.

Then, about sheep, how, to prepare? Jiang Chao asked.

Xiangnu kicked the soil under his feet and said lightly, Dont have to prepare, just branch off to find clues, and go straight through the customs after finding good clues.

A few peoples hearts tightened, Miao Dong raised his eyebrows, Just continue to search for clues separately according to the previous a.s.signment?

Xiangnu nodded and said to Shu Jian, Third Senior Brother, lets go to Qiuyuan first.

Several other people looked at each other and asked each other, Where do we decide its good to start looking for clues first?

Zhong Liyun hesitantly called to Xiangnu, Little Junior Brother, if we go to the villagers to inquire about the news, will the villagers pay attention to us?

Xiangnu blinked his eyes and smiled, Do you think Im omnipotent, Fifth Sister? Although I can make a guess, I cant be sure that the villagers will do what I think ah, after all, I have never dealt with them either.

You ask boldly, just be careful not to touch the killing conditions of the villagers.

Several people scratched their heads, still a little tangled, but Xiang Nu had already taken Shu Jian along the mountain to the north.

Walking on the hill, Xiangnu did not forget to observe the environment on the west side of the mountain. The environment on the west side was similar to that on the east side and south side, but it was not as steep as there, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the river.

The ground on the west side is very flat, the ground was dry and hard, and then the soil was not very clean, and there were several sheets of paper whose color could no longer be seen scattered on the ground.

While Xiangnu was walking, he just happened to have a paper under his feet, so he squatted down and sc.r.a.ped the surrounding soil carefully, and dug the paper out of the ground.

Because the soil was too dry and hard, Xiangnus nails hurt a little bit, and there was a lot of dust mixed in it. Xiangnu blew lightly on his hand, and the dry pain disappeared a little.

Shu Jian scratched his head and whispered, Little Junior Brother, you can just ask me to do it in the future.

Xiang Nu looked at the paper in his hand intently and didnt answer. The paper was a little white, and there were some very strange patterns on it. Those patterns were drawn by some dark red things. Xiang Nu took the paper to the tip of his nose and sniffed it. He smelled nothing, in particular, so he thought about it, showed it to Shu Jian, and asked him, Third Brother, I used to have some problems with my eyes, I could not see many things, and I was not sure what these things are written here. You help me look at this paper, what do you think it looks like?

Shu Jian hesitantly whispered, It seems to be a talisman

Rune paper Xiangnu murmured, recalling the strangeness of Qingfeng, muttering to himself, Then again, does the Master know Daoism or not? If he does, would he have some other way to curse us? And that room of his, we havent even been inside

T/N: It has been many days, guys. Nice to see you all. Due to health inconvenience, I couldnt post chapters. Thanks for your understanding. Though I may post chapters sporadically.