Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning - Chapter 369

Chapter 369

This is a battlefield that Loki specially customized for other group members to allow them to score points, and also to prevent them from taking the limelight that should belong to him.

"The power of lies is indeed great, but so is the consumption."

"Your current strength cannot last for long."

Bai Xuan looked at the pale-faced Loki next to him, soft green energy surrounded his body, and was then controlled by him to send into Loki's body.

Loki, who was originally pale, also recovered instantly, and he was relieved.

Regarding Bai Xuan's words, he said helplessly:

"If it's in Asgard, with Asgard's energy supply, no matter how many people I deceive, I don't have to worry about energy."

"But the strength of Midgard..."

"I'm not like you. No matter which world you are in, or in any direction in the universe, as long as there is an earth in this world, you can get the blessing of the earth."

Speaking of this, Loki glanced at Bai Xuan with some envy.

If he has this ability, he can enjoy Asgard's blessing no matter where he is, then he will dare to steel the purple potato head now.

However, this is also related to the fact that his awakening time is too short. When he becomes familiar with him in the future and his strength is raised to the level of the Heavenly Father, the consumption will not be so great.

"Although the power of lies is powerful, it is not easy to convince them all."

"Mr. Loki is very gifted in illusion."

Aizen showed a gentle smile, looked at the battlefield and said softly.

"Only you, I don't want to hear such words from you."

Loki glanced at Aizen and said angrily.

He has seen the memory copy of the world of the **** of death, and knows how terrible Aizen is.

Deceiving the entire soul world, almost no one sees through his illusion.

What an amazing thing.

Even the protagonist of that world was cultivated by him.

Although the game collapsed in the end, it was only because the opponent was the protagonist, and no one who replaced the protagonist would be able to collapse.

And as far as the ability to manipulate the five senses, in the eyes of Loki, it is far behind his supernatural power of lies.

It is easy to manipulate the five senses, but not so easy to convince a person.

What's more, there are so many people in the entire soul world.

Anyway, he absolutely can't do this kind of thing.

Only when Lan Ran praised his talent in this area, he felt it was mocking.

But the other party is indeed praising him...

"Get ready, Loki."

Bai Xuan said.

"I see."

Loki also nodded, and looked at the battlefield.

The illusion of his current situation is very bad.

The arms, legs, and kidneys were all seriously injured. If he hadn't added the setting of recovery power after the awakening of Odin's blood, he might have been blown away.

But that's all there is, and it's time for the climax of the script.

on the battlefield.

Laufey was once again knocked away by Loki's Gungnir, but this time when Laufey stood up, a dark breath of death visible to the naked eye erupted from his body.

The originally huge body grew bigger again, sharp fangs grew out of its mouth, and strings of sharp thorns grew out of its arms and feet.

It is unbelievable that its body seems to be absorbed by something, and its skin becomes more and more old.

Only the dark green flame burned hotter on his body.

"This power... seems to be the power of Haim's underworld?"

Sif looked at the burning flames on Laufey's body projected in the sky, and said with a frown.

Not only Laufey, but other frost giants also had dark green flames on their bodies, and their entire bodies also underwent tremendous changes.

The Asgardian warriors who were able to stalemate or even kill them showed a bit of defeat in the face of the changed Frost Giants.

"You ask us, we don't know either."

Vostagg and the others looked at each other, then spread their hands and said.

They don't understand this aspect of things.

Sif glanced at them angrily, then looked at Thor.

But at this time Thor could no longer hear their voices, and his eyes kept looking at Loki in the projection, as if he couldn't see anyone else except Loki.


At this time, Thor hated his current weakness, why he couldn't get Odin's approval, why he couldn't break through Odin's seal, and why he needed Loki to bear all this for him.

Whenever he sees Loki getting hurt, Thor hates his weak self very much!

How he wished, how he wished that he could hold Mjolnir, stand in front of Loki, and kill that damned Laufey and that damned Frost Giant!

Thor didn't notice that Mjlnir, his hammer of Thor, which was sent back by Loki but still didn't recognize him, was shaking slightly.

At this moment, Jane looked at Thor and couldn't help sighing.

Although this is like a brother who sees his younger brother hurt, cares about his younger brother, and is angry and hurts his younger brother, why does it feel so weird to her?

Are they really just brothers and sisters?

It seems that Thor hasn't looked at her since he saw Loki in the sky projection...

As if feeling Jane's thoughts, Sif looked at her, and Jane also looked at Sif in unison, and the eyes of the two converged.

Then, the two sighed together.

How could a mere lover surpass Loki in Thor's heart.

It's wishful thinking!

Regardless of the several people in the tavern with different moods, Laufey and Loki fought again under the blessing of the death power on the battlefield.

Loki, who had turned the phantom into a real body, felt Laufey's power, and his complexion changed involuntarily.

This power is a bit exaggerated!

Their sister, who had never met, put in a lot of effort to kill their father.


At the moment when Loki was stunned, UUReading's abdomen was pierced again by the sharp thorn on Lau Fei's body. If it wasn't for the actor's self-cultivation, Loki would have cried out at this moment.

Sure enough, the phantom and the real person feel completely different!

Although he can rely on the magic power of lies to make the phantom show various expressions, but compared with himself, it is still a little bit less interesting.

This group of frost giants with bad brains can't see it, and people on earth can't see it through the screen, but his stupid brother may not be able to see it!

According to Bai Xuan, the bond between them has surpassed the shackles of mystery. Whether Thor can discover his ability does not depend on how strong Loki is, but on Thor's own feelings.

You can't feel it through the screen, but when Thor regains his power and appears on the battlefield, he is more likely than anyone to see that Loki on the battlefield is an illusion and not a real person.

In order to prevent Thor from destroying his perfect script, he can only come to the battlefield in person.