Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning - Chapter 347

Chapter 347

Global Awakening: Join the Chat Group at the Beginning Chapter 347 Laufey and Odin Bloodline Blessing?

It is not difficult to guess his thoughts through his pause after that Xia Shizi finished speaking.

As Bai Xuan said, in his eyes, Odin is partial to Thor only because Thor has his blood flowing through him.

If Odin's blood also flows in his body, then he, who surpasses Thor in both resourcefulness and strength, should be the king of Asgard as a matter of course!

What, you said he is not as strong as Thor?

Wouldn't he be better than him when he spent all these points!

When the time comes, Hela will not need to crush his Meow Hammer, he will do it himself!

Ordinary group leader: "Odin's blood... I'll go, it's so expensive!"

Ordinary group owner: "It actually takes 50 million points!"

Ordinary group leader: "Temporarily reclaiming one Odin is only 500,000 points."

Ordinary group leader: "Asgardian bloodline only needs 500,000 points, a hundred times the difference!"

Su Yunqing glanced at the points needed to exchange for Odin's blood.

The price of 50 million is a little too exaggerated, right?

But considering that the price of infinite gems is 100 million points, Thanos with only one infinite gem can't beat Odin, so it's acceptable to think about it this way.

Son of Nature: "Odin's blood is different from Odin's blood."

Son of Nature: "The price is actually not high."

Son of Nature: "Both Hela and Thor have the potential to become the level of the heavenly father, and the later Thor even surpassed Odin!"

Son of Nature: "Although there are factors from both mothers, Loki also has the blood of the Frost Giant Wang Laufei. If combined with Odin's blood, I think Loki's potential is higher than the two of them!"

Bai Xuan is not sure about the mother of Hela, the goddess of death. Maybe it is Frigga, but it is more likely not to be.

In the comics there is, but in the comics Hela is the daughter of Loki and the witch Angrboda, which is obviously impossible.

As for Thor, in Baixuan's memory, he does not seem to be Frigg's son, but his adopted son.

His mother is Gaia of the Vanir Protoss?

Being able to marry Odin, there is no doubt about the blood of the two parties, but Laufey, who is the king of the frost giants, will never be inferior to anyone in this regard.

Ordinary group leader: "Laufei and Odin?"

Ordinary group leader: "Something strange appeared in my mind."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Please be normal."

The richest man in Lighthouse: "Looking at it this way, the price of 50 million yuan is really not expensive."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Well, the movie, because of the special effects, definitely can't show the true strength of the character."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "It is impossible for a chat group to give a high price to a low-value item."

Just look at the Super Seminary.

It is obviously a battle between the top civilizations in the universe, but due to limitations in technology and funds, the battle scenes depicted are completely unable to set off the style of the top civilizations in the universe on both sides.

Therefore, the specific price is still subject to the price given by the chat group.

Da Qin Jiuzi: "It is indeed an extremely high price, but if it is Odin's blood, it is normal."

Daqin Jiuzi: "It's a pity that I only get ordinary Asgardian blood in the lottery given by the newcomer."

Daqin Nine Sons: "It's worthless."

Daqin Nine Sons: "Father and the others don't like it either, it can only be used as a reward from the army."

The blood of the alien gods of the Fanbang clan, the effect after fusion is not strong.

After all, his world is a fusion of Qin Shimingyue, and it can be regarded as a world of high martial arts. A master who can be named a little bit will not be able to beat an ordinary Asgardian.

Not to mention Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang.

The only thing worth taking a second look at is the lifespan of 5,000 years.

But after the first emperor took the life-prolonging elixir, he would not be able to fuse the blood of a foreign race for the sake of five thousand years of life.

The same is true for Meng Tian and others.

The life-extending elixir is not expensive in the chat group, and Ying Zinian doesn't mind if they give him something he can recycle in exchange for an elixir.

Loki: "Don't like it?"

What Yingzi read made Luo Ji stunned for a moment. He also drew a lottery for free, but what he drew was just a very **** thing.

At first, he was only surprised by Ying Zinian's luck, but later he was a little surprised.

The group member who joined the chat group at the same time as him was just an ordinary human being.

Although the world he lives in is somewhat special, ninety-nine percent of the people are like ordinary people, with a lifespan of only a hundred years.

Can't even look down on the Asgardian blood with a lifespan of 5,000 years?

Da Qin Jiuzi: "If you understand the history of mortals, you will know how powerful my dynasty is at the same time."

Daqin Jiuzi: "There is no opponent in the whole world."

Daqin Nine Sons: "How could we possibly appreciate the bloodline of a **** in a foreign country?"

Although he exchanged Kaido's template, the template is a template, although it will allow him to have all the innate and acquired talents and abilities of Beast Kaido, and the blood is also included.

But the fusion of templates is also related to his own will, and he doesn't need Kaido's blood, so he naturally discarded it.

He is still Ying Zinian, with the blood of Qin Shihuang flowing.

He can't even look down on him, let alone Qin Shihuang.

Compared with the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, even if the First Emperor exchanged blood, he would only exchange the blood of the Human Emperor.

Foreign race?


Ordinary group leader: "Almost."

Ordinary group leader: "Native gods are fine, but gods outside of China don't even look at it."

Ordinary group leader: "Not to mention you are an alien at best. UU reading"

Ordinary group leader: "It has nothing to do with the gods in mythology."

Even if you give Su Yunqing 500,000 points, she will not exchange for this bloodline, but will choose a better devil fruit.

Compared with exchanging blood, she prefers to rely on cultivation to improve her life level step by step, and then let her blood transform.

Even if it is really necessary to exchange, it should be the blood of various immortal gods with names; not gods other than China.

I would rather exchange for the blood of a beast than to exchange for a foreign god.

What's more, this Asgard is not a myth, but an alien.

Su Yunqing is like this, Bai Xuan is even more like this.

In the beginning, the incomplete template of Obito Uchiha he drew, besides Kaleidoscope Sharingan, also had Uchiha blood.

The Uchiha bloodline was directly abandoned by him.

But it is a bit more burdensome when using the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and Baixuan will not be able to merge because of this.

After merging the kaleidoscope, because of [Natural Authority], while different pupil techniques were born, the burden on the eyes has also disappeared.

Just like piercing eyes, it has become a kind of pupil technique.

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