Game, Live Stream - Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Xiao Tangqiu used the dagger stolen from the drowned ghost and fought side by side with Tang Mianmian all the way out of the room. Although Fei You and Zhang Zuo did not help much as rookies, they did not drag them down as baggage.

Escaped! We actually escaped! The coward cried with his head in his arms, looking like he had escaped death through countless sufferings and hardships.

Xiao Tangqiu couldnt help reminding him, This is just the beginning The real show had yet to come!

The coward shook all over.

Fei You asked anxiously, I wonder know what happened to the others

Tang Mianmian said with a grin, You mean Shen Yuans group? Dont worry, they are definitely fine!

Zhang Zuo looked back and sighed, No one else escaped other than the five of us.

Xiao Tangqiu couldnt help but sigh. Although he didnt spend much time with the newbies and didnt even know their names, the newbies were still a few lively people not long ago. In a blink of an eye, they became icy cold corpses This was the first time he saw people die so directly in an instance, and it was even a mass death.

He expression tensed, Theyre chasing us! Run!

Those drowned ghosts were almost upon them!

Without need to consider, everyone turned around and ran towards the deck. Since their room had been occupied by drowned ghosts, the other rooms in the cabin should also be filled with drowned ghosts!

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian ran onto the deck first to be met with a chilling and damp breeze that dispelled the lingering scent of death from the drowned ghosts in their noses. But soon they realized that this cold sea breeze carried a disgusting rancid smell.

The dark night that enveloped the turbulent sea had no stars or moon. They could barely even see their fingers and could only run in the dark. They didnt even have time to stop and take out a flashlight due to the drowned ghosts chasing behind them. Once they stopped, they might be torn into pieces.

As Xiao Tangqiu ran, he suddenly tripped over something and fell onto the deck. He discovered that it was a cold and wet hand grabbing his ankle. By then, the group of drowned ghosts behind him had already caught up!

He quickly turned over to block. In the panic, a drowned ghost snatched the dagger from his hand!

He looked up and saw that the drowned ghost who grabbed the blade had one arm missing&#k2026; It turned out that the owner had come knocking!

Seeing that Xiao Tangqiu was surrounded and had lost his weapon, Tang Mianmian rushed over to try to help him. However, even if he struck one down per hit, there was still a steady stream of drowned ghosts around him. Soon, he discovered that besides the ships pirates, there were many ordinary civilians among the drowned ghosts. He saw many gentlemen and ladies in Chinese robes. Although these Chinese robes had been corroded to rags by the ocean, it was still obviously high-quality fabrics&#k2026; Were these people innocent victims killed by the pirates?

Just as Tang Mianmian was puzzled, he watched as a lady in a dilapidated gorgeous dress rushed towards Xiao Tangqiu and throw herself in Xiao Tangqius face for a kiss!

Xiao Tangqiu didnt want this kind of

peach blossom luck

at all, even if it was from a lady that was probably a peerless beauty in her time based on her remaining facial features. He couldnt handle such beauty at all!

After the lady drowned ghost toppled him to the ground, she opened her mouth and lowered her head to bite him. The saltwater on her body dripped onto his face, but that was not the most disgusting part. Her open mouth was covered with thin and dense fangs and a long, slender tongue full of barbs. A string of fishy saliva dripped from the long and slender tongue

Xiao Tangqiu almost threw up from disgust. While resisting nausea, he gathered his strength, planning to headbutt it when it bit him. Although it was a bit disgusting, the human skull was the hardest part of a person, so it shouldnt be a problem?

Seeing the drowned ghost about to bite him, Xiao Tangqiu braced himself. But the next moment, the drowned ghost that had been on his body suddenly disappeared!

He looked dumbfounded as the drowned ghosts that had surrounded him disappeared one by one, leaving nothing behind His heart jumped and he raised his head and looked ahead. Sure enough, Shen Yuan was standing in front of him sullenly holding a silver gun.

Within moments, all the drowned ghosts besieging Xiao Tangqiu disappeared. Shen Yuan put down the silver gun and gave Xiao Tangqiu a cold look.

Xiao Tangqiu thought that Shen Yuan would walk away like before, but Shen Yuan did not. After taking a cool look at him, he walked straight towards him.

Xiao Tangqius heart jumped wildly. What was Shen Yuan doing?

In the next second, he saw Shen Yuan raise the silver gun in his hand and aim it at him.

Xiao Tangqius heart almost stopped beating. He couldnt believe that Shen Yuan would shoot him and could only watch Shen Yuans movements without daring to move.

Shen Yuan shot without hesitation.


Xiao Tangqiu instinctively closed his eyes and his heart contracted violently. But the pain he had imagined did not come. Instead, there was movement behind him. He turned around and saw a drowned ghost disappearing.

It turned out that Shen Yuan didnt shoot at him but at the drowned ghost behind him!

Xiao Tangqiu was ecstatic and then felt belated fear. He didnt know when the drowned ghost behind him approached. If Shen Yuan wasnt here, the drowned ghost likely wouldve taken him down No, If there was no Shen Yuan, he didnt even know if he could have handled the lady drowned ghost!

Before he could react, Shen Yuan arrived beside him and stretched out a hand towards him.

Xiao Tangqiu stared at Shen Yuans hand blankly. The hand was fair and slender, but also looked very powerful

Seeing Xiao Tangqiu not reacting for a long time, Shen Yuan frowned slightly and pulled Xiao Tangqiu up from the ground with one hand.

By the time Xiao Tangqiu reacted, he had already been picked up by Shen Yuan like a puppy. He quickly thanked him, Thank you



The next moment, he was gagged by the handkerchief in Shen Yuans hand. Shen Yuan took out a handkerchief from who knew where and was wiping his mouth with it. No, it was to wipe off the seawater near his mouth that dripped from the drowned ghost.

Shen Yuan expressionlessly wiped Xiao Tangqius mouth with the handkerchief. He used some strength and it hurt a little bit. Xiao Tangqiu wanted to struggle but Shen Yuan grabbed his wrist and continued to wipe.

Xiao Tangqiu didnt know if he wanted to laugh or cry, Ill do it myself

Shen Yuan didnt listen and kept a hold of Xiao Tangqius wrist and wiped his mouth, but he lessened the strength. Xiao Tangqiu struggled a few times and didnt break free, so he just bit the bullet and let Shen Yuan continue to wipe.

Shen Yuan meticulously wiped off the seawater on every inch of Xiao Tangqius face. Towards the end, his movements became extremely gentle, as if he was wiping precious porcelain.

Nevertheless, when Shen Yuan put down the handkerchief, the skin on Xiao Tangqius face had been rubbed pink. Fortunately, the sky was already dark and it didnt look obvious.

Xiao Tangqiu said uncomfortably, Thankthank you

Shen Yuan lowered his head and looked at Xiao Tangqiu as if he wanted to say something. At this moment, Duan Hongzhen suddenly yelled from nearby, Captain! Come help! Cant hold this side anymore! These water rats are too much. too much!

Shen Yuan paused, took a look at Xiao Tangqiu, then turned and left. Xiao Tangqiu hesitated for a while and quickly followed. Duan Hongzhen and others fought on their own, every one surrounded by dozens of drowned ghosts. Although they killed quickly, new drowned ghosts quickly lunged over.

Xiao Tangqiu shouted, Quick! Flashlight! His equipment had dropped when he died, but luckily Tang Mianmian had prepared a flashlight.

As soon as Tang Mianmian turned on the flashlight, everyone in the audience was horrified. They saw countless drowned ghosts crawling on the deck and the railings around the deck were crowded with drowned ghosts trying to squeeze in. The flashlight shone towards the sea to reveal a scalp-tingling scene of the sea full of drowned ghosts!

Those drowned ghosts stretched their arms towards the ship, obviously a part of the boarding army.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Tang Mianmian exclaimed repetitively, How can there be so many! How can there be so many!

Xiao Tangqiu felt unwell all over. It was no wonder that the ship felt particularly bumpy at night. It was not that the wind and waves are bigger at night, but that these drowned ghosts were desperately squeezing onto the ship!

Wait! He suddenly realized something was wrong, This ship seems a little shorter than before! The ship deck was a distance from the sea level, but it was obviously much closer now than before.

He quickly realized that it was not that the ship had become shorter, but that the ship had sunk a lot due to the increased weight! This ship was originally small and it had been abandoned for a long time in disrepair, but these drowned ghosts were still climbing continuously

Xue Junli quickly realized, The ship is sinking!

Tang Mianmian instantly paled, Fuck, fuck, fuck! I cant swim!

Duan Hongzhen sneered, Its not a question of whether you can swim. With so many drowned ghosts down there, guess if youll drown first or be bitten to death by these drowned ghosts first?

Tang Mianmian paled further, Can I not guess?

The drowned ghosts continued to climb onto the deck from the sea and the small broken ship began to become overwhelmed and gradually sank.

Xiao Tangqiu was very anxious. At this moment he suddenly saw a piece of very familiar clothing hanging on the railing of the deck. He quickly grabbed Tang Mianmian, Look! That piece of clothing!

What are you caring about clothes for at this time! Tang Mianmian turned to look, and suddenly reacted, Fuck! Isnt that the clothes that arrogant guy was wearing? How can his clothes be there?