Caught In My Own Trap - Epilogue


Epilogue 1 Part 1

Xiao He He never like reading as she was growing up. But Zheng Xie really like reading, so he had required He He to like reading as well.

When he went to buy books, he always buy a few books for He He.

This is not only it. He often asked her to review the book as well as its publication.

As a result, He Hes plan to put those books on the shelf as decorations failed.

- Xiao He He and Xheng Xies Discussion on Books -

Grimms Fairy Tales 9 years old He He and 14 years old Zheng Xie

He He: I have completed reading Grimms Fairy Tales

Zheng Xie: So fast. You managed to complete a story book with more than 300 pages in less than 1 year.

He He: I read them very carefully. I have read every single words.

Zheng Xie: Which one is your favorite story?

He He: Of course it is Cinderella. The story illustrates that people with small feet will have the best luck. Among all the girls in our class, I have the smallest feet.

Zheng Xie: Your angle of understanding the story is really strange.

He He: Ballroom dancing is very important. Otherwise, even with the fairy Godmother and the pumpkin car is useless. Brother, you teach me ballroom dancing.

Zheng Xie: I will not teach you.

Andersens Fairy Tales 10 years old He He and 15 years old Zheng Xie

He He: Really sad. Mermaid The prince in the story, if he knows that he will save his little mermaid, he will not marry the princess.

Zheng Xie: He has to marry the princess. It is a political marriage.

He He: But.. he does not like her.

Zheng Xie: You did not read carefully. He actually like her.

He He: But.. he obviously loves the little mermaid.. Well, faithless! Fickle minded!

Zheng Xie: Since when you learn so well idiom?

He He: , why is it so? I hate Anderson.

(pin ying: W w) is a form of whining.

Zheng Xie: He He, you asked me yesterday why the ancient Chinese men can marry several women.

He He: But you did not managed to answer.

Zheng Xie: You see, if a man can marry two women, this problem would be solved. Isnt it?

He He: Well, then why now can only marry one?

Zheng Xie: In the past, the price is relatively low. So a man can support a lot of women. Now the consumer price index is now too high. Most men cannot afford to support two wife.

He He: .. Then you must be feeling regretful, since you can only marry one wife.

Zheng Xie: Nonsense! I think one is already too many.

Little Women 11 years old He He and 16 years old Zheng Xie

He He: Hum, I hate sequels. Hate sequels!

Zheng Xie: ?

He He: The actress married another man. The main actor married the actress sister.

Zheng Xie : So what?

He He: How can the author without my consent wrote such nonsense.

Zheng Xie: The author had passed away. Your protest is invalid.

He He: Give me time machine. I want to go back to the day before I read the sequel.

Zheng Xie: Why why you should go?

The Little Prince 12 years old He He and 17 years old Zheng Xie

He He: Have you read this book?

Zheng Xie: A few years ago.

He He: What have you been inspired by this book?

Zheng Xie: Let me think about what this book had written. Uh, is that the one with rose and ten thousand roses that present? The story tells us that if you accidentally missed a rose, do not be sad as there are exactly another ten thousand roses out there.

He He: So this book is talking about the other version of Do not cry over spilled milk. I really do not understand the story. I always thought that this story is about a romance.

Zheng Xie: Is there such content in this book?

He He:

Daddy Long Legs 13 years old He He and 18 years old Zheng Xie

He He: This book tells me not to be too honest. It would be a disadvantage.

Zheng Xie:

He He: You think ah, if it is not because Judy wrote such a naughty composition, how did Daddy found out about it?

Zheng Xie: He He, no wonder when you write your Chinese composition, you have always wrote out of the topic. You have never scored in the area.

Epilogue 1 Part 2

Jane Eyre 14 years old He He and 19 years old Zheng Xie

He He: Jane Eyre is very lucky.

Zheng Xie:

He He: If it is not because Rochester is blind, she would have never told him and end up together.

Zheng Xie:

He He: This means that if we always be a good person, do not do bad things. This way, God will always see and bless us.

Zheng Xie:

He He: So, I want to be a good person.

Zheng Xie: .. As my dad always say, you are looking at the issue too highly

Pride and Prejudice 15 years old He He and 20 years old Zheng Xie

He He: I discussed this book with my fella student. It is so depressing.

Zheng Xie: Why?

He He: I like Charlotte. As a result, they laughed at me.

Zheng Xie: Normal thinking, should be like the heroine. The heroines sister is also good.

He He: Both of them have good luck. Like a good man, buying a lottery tickets can win a prize. And to nearly missed it. But Charlotte, she chooses her own life. You have always thought me, most respected people are those who take initiative in their own hands.

Zheng Xie: Do you read the novel so seriously?

He He: You told me before, do not read junk books as it is a waste of time. For example, can pick those with spelling or something. So I have always been reading a novel with the attitude of approaching to stylistic models.

Zheng Xie: You say that this book is junk reading?

He He: I did not say it. You said it yourself.

Dream of Red Mansions 16 years old He He and 21 years old Zheng Xie

Xiao He He found it impossible to sentence summary of the book and decided to start it from Zheng Xie.

He He: In this book, which woman do you like?

Zheng Xie: Well.

He He: Lin Dai Yu?

Zheng Xie: No feeling

He He: Xue Bao Chai?

Zheng Xie: A little

He He: Tan Chun?

Zheng Xie: So so

He He: Is it Wang Xi Feng?

Zheng Xie: I like Granny Liu

He He: I mean, if you want to choose a wife..

Zheng Xie: The youth version of old lady Jia

He He:

Besieged City 17 years old He He and 22 years old Zheng Xie

He He: I finally understand why you do not want to get married. After reading this book, I also do not want to get married.

Zheng Xie: I now have different thought about marriage. Anyway, when the time is right, and the right person comes along, one need to get married. Nothing wrong with improving lifetime.

He He: .. How can you not pay attention to the quality of life

Zheng Xie: What kind of rubbish book are you reading?

He He: Assassins

Zheng Xie: Small kid, why are you reading those kind of books?

He He: This is the book that you bought for me

Zheng Xie: Impossible

He He: How is it possible that I buy it on my own? Not possible

Zheng Xie: In short, I did not buy the book

He He: Oh. I remember now. I took the book from your bookshelf.

Zheng Xie: Why are you taking my book for?

He He: The stamp that you gave me, I am afraid of crumpling it. So I put it into the book and took it back to my room. Later, I took the book to read.

Zheng Xie: .. He He

He He: Ah?

Zheng Xie: Girls always have to get married

He He: Ah

~ THE END of Epilogue 1 ~

Epilogue 2.1 : Cherished First Love

Zheng Xies first love came very late. Only in his sophomore year that he publicly acknowledged having a real girlfriend.

In view of his good skin, good net worth as well as civil and military qualification that are good, the so-called love came pretty late.

The reason is pretty general. He had been chased by girls from young until he have grown-up. So he was annoyed by them. Hence, he is not tempted at all.

Even Gao Mo Mo herself is very surprised. She felt that the heaven had drop a piece of golden pie for her.

Who is Zheng Xie? He had difficulty to remember the name of beauties. Even rejecting love letters from others. He actually took a fancy to her. It feels like the fairy tale Cinderella from Grimms stories. This freshman Gao Mo Mo, at a glance had a calm personality, average grade points and came from ordinary family. Really a surprised to everyone.

Gao Mo Mo attracted Zheng Xie this way.

That year in school, the school welcomed a group of students whom were engaged in basketball. Zheng Xie was honored to be sent by the Student Union to coach the womens basketball team.

Zheng Xie is a good coach. He have very little expression and almost no temper. In the face of the young chattering girls, no matter fat or think, he remain handsome and glamorous while treating them all like cabbage. Later, this cabbage team actually reached the final and won runner-up. Although it is runner-up, the girls college is rare and unknown. Their achievement broke many expectation.

At the celebration dinner, the girls finally stood up and lined up to respect Zheng Xie. Some even sang song for him.

When it is Gao Mo Mos turn, the usually shy lanky girl sang Close to you. Her singing is adoringly horrible. But she looked very confident and there were pure enchantment too. A little tipsy, while singing, she said loudly into the microphone: Brother Zheng Xie, today is my birthday. If I could make a wish, if it does not rain tomorrow, please come with me to the mountains to see the maple leaves.

Everyone whispered and laugh together. They have long planned to tease Zheng Xie today. And this girl caught up in Zheng Xie confession. Even Zheng Xies buddies whom were present were thinking, I am afraid this child will now be included in Zheng Xies blacklist.

But Zheng Xie reaction was beyond all expectation. He was silent for a second, and then very calmly spoke up: The weather forecast this morning said, tomorrow would be a sunny day.

So this was how Gao Mo Mo easily won Zheng Xies time to accompany her to see the maple leaves alone. And later, she became his girlfriend.

Unsuspecting girls were very flat. How come no such luck that would fall on their head? And those other girls were more jealous. How come it is not them who caught him?

In fact, in the relationship of male and female, there were a saying that human drinks water and, . In the eyes of others, the radiant Zheng Xie will never be the same as someone elses boyfriend. In the morning with a meal waiting in front for the girl, immediately after school will occupy a seat with the girlfriend.

(pin ying: lng nun z zh) know by oneself whether it is cold or warm

And he rarely smile, rarely speak. He cannot remember any anniversary. He does not fun and places with many people. He does not like to wait in line in any place and does not like someone standing close to him. He never takes the initiative to hold her hand nor say anything sweet.

But in addition to all these, Zheng Xie is smart, handsome and generous with good temperament with good background.

Although he could not remember any important dates nor her birthday, but often during the non-holiday season, Gao Mo Mo will received a variety of chocolates and expensive doll delivered by Zheng Xie. When she was ill, she will have a large restaurant takeout directly sent to the security room to be delivered to her.

Although he does not like foreign fast food but was willing to accompany her to eat KFC. But he will never line up but handed her the money and let her buy. Although he does not like shopping, he will never go shopping with her but he will be very generous and hand over his bank card for her to go and buy herself. Very occasionally, he even offered to take her to the ice-cream parlor or accompany her to watch a movie.

In short, Gao Mo Mo had always think that he had been perfect. She had been in an unreal state mind, living a day at a time.

Epilogue 2.2 : Cherished First Love

Towards the end of the year during the winter, onemorning, without prior appointment, Gao Mo Mo appeared in the city where Zheng Xie stayed. On the way to school going through the city, she suddenly want to get off to look around.

She bought the evening train to return. Then she call Zheng Xie to try her luck.

She was lucky. Zheng Xie did not had to travel far. He was not even surprised. She made an appointment to meet at a place. Not a second late, he had appeared in front of her.

Zheng Xie brought her to the parking lot. He personally drove to pick her up. As a sophomore with a car, she is very surprised.

Zheng Xie open the car door for her. As she just sat down into the car, she heard a soft voice: Hi,

(pin ying : Ji Ji) greetings for Older Sister

In the car, sat a little girl. Pale and slender with delicate features. Looking really small. She is looking back at her. She spoke with her hand pressing to half of her face.

Zheng Xie explained: This is Xiao He He, my sister. Just half an hour ago, she went to the dentist. The anesthetic had not cleared yet. The little girl nodded.

Gao Mo Mo said: Hello. We have the same two names structure ah. How old are you? She remembers Zheng Xie was an only child but she did not ask further.

He He made a 14 with both hands. But she looks nothing like a junior high school students.

Am I bothering with your plans today? I can actually look around myself. Gao Mo Mo says politely.

Nothing. The only task today is to look after this child.

He He covering her half face that is still under anesthetic and mumbled: I can play by myself. I do not want to be a light bulb.

Zheng Xie said: To be honest, you dont even think about running around today by yourself.

While Zheng Xie turned sideways to put on the seat beat, He He pulled her ears and stuck out her tongue, making a face at the back of his head. When Zheng Xie turned around, she immediately restored her cute look.

And then the three of them began the long tour for the day.

The first stop is Ocean Park. Gao Mo MO tried to go along with Zheng Xie in order not to lose sight of him. But Xiao He He looking around like a child, always stays behind.

Zheng Xie always stopped to wait for her. And finally pulled the strap of her bag, just like holding a puppy to get her firmly in sight.

He He this time resisted and said: I will not wandered off.

Zheng Xie said: Recently, there are a trafficking group. Your look is very suitable to being trafficked.

Gao Mo Mo is very surprised. Because when she went with Zheng Xie, regardless if two person or in a group of people, Zheng Xie always instinctively refused to be close to anyone. If she took the initiative to pull Zheng Xies hand, he does not throw her off. But before long, do not know when, she will discover that he had siphoned off his hand.

The second station is to eat. The location is.. KFC. Zheng Xie face is a little speechless.

When he asked Mo Mo, What do you want to eat?

Mo Mo said: Anything. As long as it is convenient.

He He enthusiastically said: , do you like KFC? with an eager look in her eyes.

Mo Mo carefully consider the situation a little. Although Zheng Xie does not like KFC, but apparently He He loved. So she said: Well, then we have KFC for lunch.

He He make the gesture of YEAH with her fingers. Zheng Xie then poured cold water on her. Where to eat has nothing to do with you. Your dentist says that you cannot eat at noon.

He He said: The doctor say that I can eat ice-cream at noon and drink iced drinks.

Zheng Xie frowns at her: Eating all these cold stuff in winter?

He He said: The doctor said, although I cannot eat, I also need to replenish my energy.

Then I will send you to get intravenous drip to replenish your energy.

Gao Mo Mo was surprised. The Zheng Xie that she know, never continuously talk so much. He usually is quiet, not speaking too much.

When He He very generously took away two dollar bills from Zheng Xies pocket, she took the initiative and bounce off to queue. Much to Mo Mos surprised, Zheng Xie got up and pressed He Hes head. He told her: Obediently sit down. Then Zheng Xie actually took the initiative to queue up! This is the first time she saw Zheng Xie queuing! But to He He who obviously did not feel that Zheng Xie lining up to help to buy food is an honorable gesture, also become very picky: I do not like milk. I want coke. And continued: I like chocolate sundae. I do not like the strawberry flavor.

Epilogue 2.3 : Cherished First Love

The third station, to the mall. Zheng Xie waited patiently and review all the doll in the toy area. He He said: I like the one wearing the yellow color clothes.

Zheng Xie said: The pink one is good. Wrap it up

He He said: I like the yellow one.

The sale staff asked: Which one do you want in the end?

Then Zheng Xie said: Wrap both of them up. Then he turned around and asked Gao Mo Mo: Do you have any that you like?

Gao Mo Mo is not used to this situation.

Passed through the gas station. Zheng Xie got off to refuel. Xiao He He had pro-actively went to sit at the back seat, giving the front seat passenger to Gao Mo Mo.

While waiting, He He had been playing with her new doll while gently humming a song. She sang Close to you in a very fluent English.

He He found herself being watched and said frankly: I am tone deaf. When I was in primary school, my music score had C. Brother taught me this song ten times a day, so that I dont sing it out of tune. Then I was able to cope with the talent show.

She saw Mo Mo keeping quiet, so pulled out from her pocket a beautifully packaged candy and handed to her: Sister, do you like chocolate? The package of chocolate is very familiar as well as the brand. He He showed Mo Mo the two dolls: Sister, which one do you prefer? I give you one, okay?

Gao Mo Mo said: Your favourite is ice-cream, chocolate and dolls, right?

He He thought about it and then said: I also like to watch movies.

Gao Mo Mo turn the womens magazines, and read the emotion column that said: most hopeless wait, is not that he will never be as what you wish. But he obviously did it all, is not for you. The article is titled shadow woman.

Shortly after the start of the new semester, Gao Mo Mo requested for a break up.

Zheng Xie asked quietly: Are you serious or joking?


Okay. Zheng Xie said. He did not ask for any reason nor did he try to retain her.

Many years later, accompanied by her husband while attending a high business meals, Mo Mo met Zheng Xie. She instantly recognized Zheng Xie. But he took a long time before he could remember who she was.

She could then happily showed Zheng Xie her baby pictures. Taking the opportunity, she frankly asked him: Why did you choose me as a girlfriend then?

Zheng Xie gave her an answer that is no different from not giving her any answer: Because at that time, I needed a girlfriend.

Epilogue 2.4 : Cherished First Love

He Hes First Love

He He has always thought that her first love is Cen Shi. But in accordance to Zheng Xies psychological definition of first love, he has always believed that He Hes first love object is a man named Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo is a very talented young man. He had personally held calligraphy and painting exhibition as a teenager. Often, he leaves a little poem in the local newspaper in small text, so considered as a local minor celebrity. His writings are evil and sharp while his paintings are an alternative. But Xiao He He loved these so much.

When Zheng Xie was heading into his sophomore year that summer, the local television stations organized a month-long comprehensive profile talent competition show. This semi-celebrity actually participated.

Although in he is nothing remarkable in the eyes of Zheng Xie but in He Hes eyes, he is simply a man of God. This is because he is the highest scorer in the painting group, and in the dancing and singing group, he is the highest too. In the calligraphy group, he writes the best and also the most handsome. Moreover, this young man has a melancholy temperament.

He He become a fan of this person to the extend she watched the live broadcast on the TV daily. Once, during the broadcast, there was a sudden power cut. She cried anxiously. Zheng Xie thought that she thoroughly unpromising.

What more unpromising things is yet to come. She had phoned the television stations to protest the unjust judges. She make a total of two calls with the other call with her nose pinched to make it sound different. She even pester Zheng Xie to get her tickets to the live show while holding a handful of flowers for her idol.

Since Zheng Xie went to college, according to his request, He He wrote to him a letter every two weeks. It has to be handwritten and not less than a thousand words.

As he expected, the letter from home, the content is filled with Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo has a single out. The song is

Our family Xiao Mo has launched a new poetry and painting sets. The content inside are

Our family Xiao Mo want to direct and act in a movie. The movie is about.

Our family Xiao Mo..

He He more and more daring behavior, later directly copy the text from Xiao Mo into the letter.

Zheng Xie finally became intolerable, and reduce her words requirement is reduced to six hundred words while warning her to not mention the name in the letter.

Still later, he began dating with Gao Mo Mo. As to how both of them had the words Mo, it is purely coincidental.

But Xiao Mo did not hit it big. He confidently invest in his own self-directed and acted in a small budget film. He was hit with a severe blow after the defeat, hence disappeared.

He He was sad after a while and then never mentioned this person again.

After many years later, when Zheng Xie went to the inland city for business, he found vicissitudes of a street painter that look very familiar.

He stopped and looked at him for a long time. He said to the people accompanied him: This is a very talented people. But a little lofty. Mr Zheng, he is said to have come from your hometown.

That time, Zheng Xie brought home a gift for He He. It is a very old poetry and signature collection as well as a small He He sketch figurine. The sketch is a picture of her college graduate who was found from the Internet according to Zheng Xie.

He He asked with a puzzled: Who is Xiao Mo?

Zheng Xie: He is your first object of interest.

He He: Do not fool me. How would I do something so shameful?

No matter how Zheng Xie describe her humiliating moments, He He refused to recognize any of them. But she very seriously kept the figurines on the desk and carefully read the Xiao Mo poetry set. And she felt that those poems are familiar.

Then, after 2012, in the entertainment field, there was a man with a melancholy vicissitudes that quickly become popular. He shot his own film, his own records and wrote his own script. He design his own style and was able to write very well. He could draw very well and was touted by media and the cultural circles.

His youth is emerging a middle masquerade that was depressed. And then the hard work of a famous battle to the legend with a concert and news feeds that was well written.

But artist like Xiao Mo are very low-key. In addition to the work itself, he rarely talked about his private affairs.

Until after a few years later when he was more popular, during a talk show, he said: I want to thank you a girl called Xiao He He and her brother. During my lowest point of life where I completely lost the power of life, her brother met me on the street. He told me that many years ago, his sister was one of my fans. And he hope that I can continue to create good works. At that moment, I suddenly rediscovered the meaning of life.

This is the most baffling accidental Zheng Xies charity that was completed.


Epilogue 3.1 : Special Accidental Episode

A sudden one-night stand

Zhong Lian Chen opened her eyes and discovered that her eyes is looking at an unfamiliar ceiling, high and deep arch curve with the painting of Birth of Venus nude, sea, clouds and surrounded by cherubs.

Where? In Europe?

After that, her heart skipped two beats. She had a second amazing findings. She is totally naked!

This discovery made her heart feels like a space shuttle riding up and down with a somewhat overweight like weightlessness. She sat up. She rotates quickly her handover to recall through her brains how the female lead deal with the male lead.

Then she discover a very frustrating fact. On the nightstand, there is a metal tag, nice light green in color with elegant print: Hyatt Regency Hotel welcomes you!

Zhong Lian Chen shake her groggy head. And this time, she heard from the direction of the bathroom, the sound of rushing water.

She quickly clarify to herself: A- drunk. B One night stand.

The problem is, at the moment of this state, whatever done is done. In her alcohol-wasted stage, the pain in the head overshadowed the possible discomfort of the body, making it difficult for her to judge.

The second question: Who is in the bathroom?

Zhong Lian Chens heart is pumping and accelerating hard.

A minute later, she finally remembered. The wisest strategy at the moment is, should get dressed quickly and escape. She shifted her weight but at the same time, the bathroom door open. She look from the dripping on the ground and saw the beautiful shape of the foot and lower leg. Then it moved up to the muscular thighs that are wrapped in the towel. With lean waist and chest.. okay okay, pretty good shape then. Then her turn to look up to the face on the body.


Zhong Lian Chens morning bell rang with her student singing Love China.

Acquaintances! It turned out to be an acquaintance! She would rather now have a stranger coming out of the bathroom.

Cheng Shao Rong looked at Lian Chen and said sincerely: Xiao Chen, I will take responsibility for you.

Cheng Shao Rong, nothing happen between us. You have made a mistake! With a high tone, she continued to scream.

Unfortunately, she saw a small scratch on his chest. It would be impossible if nothing had happened.

I will ask Father whereabouts Uncle Zhong to propose marriage. Cheng Shao Rong continued to earnestly say.

Cheng Shao Rong. You are now sleepwalking! Changed into F tone, she continued to scream.

Unfortunately, his eyes are too clear, so sleepwalking is impossible.

Xiao Chen, you calm down a little. Last night Cheng Shao Rong said. The sheet had already slipped to the waist, Zhong Lian Chens is now totally 70% naked in front of him.

This time she stopped screaming. She directly rolled herself with the sheets over onto the other side of the bed. Her body on the side across the bed sheets, she declared:

Cheng Shao Rong, this matter is to be kept in this room. If you dare to mention this outside of this place, I will end everything with you!

Uh, end is too ambiguous of a word. Change it.

If you dare to mention this incident later, I will tell your mother!

Hey, it is not right. This is a trick that you used to use on me when we were children. Now this trick has no use. Change it!

If you dare to mention this incident, I will report you to your troops for strong xx!

Ai, this does not work. In the end who is stronger xx who really cannot say. Continue to change.

You do not dare to mention a word about this later. If you do, I will break off relation with you and will never meet you again!

Hu, this is intense enough.

Zhong Lian Chen disregard Cheng Shao Rong, holding her clothes, quickly slipped into the bathroom.

Flushing, she found her back pain. And there were a thin hickeys with a little bit of blood remaining on her legs.

Ah. Her precious virginity.

Epilogue 3.1 : Special Accidental Episode

A sudden one-night stand

Zhong Lian Chen opened her eyes and discovered that her eyes is looking at an unfamiliar ceiling, high and deep arch curve with the painting of Birth of Venus nude, sea, clouds and surrounded by cherubs.

Where? In Europe?

After that, her heart skipped two beats. She had a second amazing findings. She is totally naked!

This discovery made her heart feels like a space shuttle riding up and down with a somewhat overweight like weightlessness. She sat up. She rotates quickly her handover to recall through her brains how the female lead deal with the male lead.

Then she discover a very frustrating fact. On the nightstand, there is a metal tag, nice light green in color with elegant print: Hyatt Regency Hotel welcomes you!

Zhong Lian Chen shake her groggy head. And this time, she heard from the direction of the bathroom, the sound of rushing water.

She quickly clarify to herself: A- drunk. B One night stand.

The problem is, at the moment of this state, whatever done is done. In her alcohol-wasted stage, the pain in the head overshadowed the possible discomfort of the body, making it difficult for her to judge.

The second question: Who is in the bathroom?

Zhong Lian Chens heart is pumping and accelerating hard.

A minute later, she finally remembered. The wisest strategy at the moment is, should get dressed quickly and escape. She shifted her weight but at the same time, the bathroom door open. She look from the dripping on the ground and saw the beautiful shape of the foot and lower leg. Then it moved up to the muscular thighs that are wrapped in the towel. With lean waist and chest.. okay okay, pretty good shape then. Then her turn to look up to the face on the body.


Zhong Lian Chens morning bell rang with her student singing Love China.

Acquaintances! It turned out to be an acquaintance! She would rather now have a stranger coming out of the bathroom.

Cheng Shao Rong looked at Lian Chen and said sincerely: Xiao Chen, I will take responsibility for you.

Cheng Shao Rong, nothing happen between us. You have made a mistake! With a high tone, she continued to scream.

Unfortunately, she saw a small scratch on his chest. It would be impossible if nothing had happened.

I will ask Father whereabouts Uncle Zhong to propose marriage. Cheng Shao Rong continued to earnestly say.

Cheng Shao Rong. You are now sleepwalking! Changed into F tone, she continued to scream.

Unfortunately, his eyes are too clear, so sleepwalking is impossible.

Xiao Chen, you calm down a little. Last night Cheng Shao Rong said. The sheet had already slipped to the waist, Zhong Lian Chens is now totally 70% naked in front of him.

This time she stopped screaming. She directly rolled herself with the sheets over onto the other side of the bed. Her body on the side across the bed sheets, she declared:

Cheng Shao Rong, this matter is to be kept in this room. If you dare to mention this outside of this place, I will end everything with you!

Uh, end is too ambiguous of a word. Change it.

If you dare to mention this incident later, I will tell your mother!

Hey, it is not right. This is a trick that you used to use on me when we were children. Now this trick has no use. Change it!

If you dare to mention this incident, I will report you to your troops for strong xx!

Ai, this does not work. In the end who is stronger xx who really cannot say. Continue to change.

You do not dare to mention a word about this later. If you do, I will break off relation with you and will never meet you again!

Hu, this is intense enough.

Zhong Lian Chen disregard Cheng Shao Rong, holding her clothes, quickly slipped into the bathroom.

Flushing, she found her back pain. And there were a thin hickeys with a little bit of blood remaining on her legs.

Ah. Her precious virginity.

Epilogue 3.2 : Special Accidental Episode

She resisted temptation so many time. Including those blue-eyed, green eyed, blond and brunette good looking guys. She observed this little reference to the thousands of words, even writing papers is not an issue. She studied so many portions of the X-Rated piece of postural aesthetics with unique and profound insights. She had illusion of the scene countless of times on how romantic it would be filled with ecstasy.

But now, even breaking her head, she could not remember anything about her first night.

In the gloomy morning bell, in the bathroom, the major G pitch continued to scream.

One will hold onto the seat.

Zhong Lian Chen had many ideas about her future. But the structure may not include the involvement of family interests. Those boring and shameless marriage or a child sleeping in the cot that resulted her in a marriage.

Of course, it cannot be avoided if the interest of the marriage. If she had to marry Cheng Shao Chen, she is tolerable.

Well, she was not so hypocritical. She was an honest person. Of course, that feeling is much better than tolerance.

But of course this is impossible. Because Cheng Shao Chen never take her presence more important than the laurel tree in the yard of his grandmother.

For instance, he will asked her two years after her junior high is over: Little love, you have graduated from elementary school.

Or after she had kept short hair style throughout the year, he would say: Little love. When did you cut your hair?

Not to mention that when she was fifteen years old, she summon the courage to seriously confess to him: I love you, Brother Shao Chen.

Cheng Shao Chen whom was intently watching the laurel leaves turned and looked at her: Uh?

Her crystal clear glass heart had crashed and broken into many pieces.

Although a few seconds later, her little brother Chen miraculously react that she had just said something. And then his reciprocity and casual answer to her: Oh, I like you. Then there are some additional conditions: When you do not give me trouble all the time.

Zhong Lian Chen innocent crush was never officially received in the field.

The only good news is that, everyone else call her Little Chen. Only Cheng Shao Chen called her Little Love. What a unique title. Although his intention is to no want their name to be mixed up.

But the sad past did not leave any psychological shadow on her. She happily flirt with variety of guys. Happy to talk about one after another love. But her heart is that the most superb guy must always achieve the following conditions: apathy but not cold. Slender fingers that can play musical instruments. Tall and think that is good in sport. Sound that is magnetic and cold with dimples when laughing.

Zheng Lian Chens love is just so boring.

Epilogue 3.3 : Special Accidental Episode

But she is being silly. She never had the fantasy to get together with this little guy, Cheng Shao Rong!

The degree of cousins genes should be high, but how is it that they are miles apart in their personality.

But why is the fate of such impermanence. She appreciate that Cheng Shao Chen, whom she see a few times throughout the year. And this contradict this Cheng Shao Rong, where he will appear just like the three daily meals in front of her.

This is because both of them grew up away from their parents. He lived with his grandparents while she stay with her maternal grandparents. In the courtyard, they happen to be comrades and also are neighbors.

So when her grandparents needs to be away and worried that nanny is not able to control her, she would often be sent to their home. So when the old couple is not home, without much financial concern, she was sent to the neighbor house. Often she treat her own home just like a hotel.

If it is not because of this reason, she would never want to be a close acquaintance with this guy, Cheng Shao Rong.

Cheng Shao Rong from his younger childhood days is just like a fine Swiss watch. He acts according to the set of tracks, not a second of bad move. Simply not a slightest error.

His love for the motherland, he is concerned about the collective. He highly respected his teachers and are united with his fella students. In one word, he is simply outstanding! In short, there is not a disadvantage as there are no mistakes. Just a boring guy.

Elementary school, he said: Zhong Lian Chen, you cannot swear.

Junior High school, he said: Zhong Lian Chen, your skirt is too short.

In high school, he said: Zhong Lian Chen, girls cannot smoke.

When in college luckily during college years, he was serving in the national service, so he is not around to control.

It is all to blame on him.

Three hours later, Zhong Lian Chen is already sitting on the southernmost tip of the aircraft. She needs to find a blue sky picturesque place to rest for a few days to steady her nerves.

She was spared too hurried, so forget the principle of gender equality. Should have talk less while investigating the charges in the five-star hotel room AA system problems.

But when she went, Cheng Shao Rongs face is really ugly. If she re-tender the tender spot, she did not know if he would accidentally strangled her.

Her death is a small matter. But the hurt to the country pillar of culture, it would be such a waste.

Zhong Jia Zui respected elders commented to the junior: Lian Chen, this child is very good-natured.

We have no misunderstanding on the meaning of the old man. He was never concern about Zhong Lian Chens gentle and virtuous character.

The old man subtext: This heartless child. Intuit is not the same as other member of the family.

Zhong Jia Shi is a scholarly brother. A civilian with Confucian mind. He is very attentive and careful with all things except Zhong Lian Chen.

Ms. Zhongs academic performance had in a year suddenly fell to the tenth place. It shocked the class. Only she nonchalantly said: Its all right. Next time I can rocket my progress.

Ms Zhong learned dance for nine years before she managed to enter quadrennial competition. The day before, she fell and twisted her feet. So she lost the possibility of a huge chance to win. The teacher cried while she gladly said: Oh hey! Thank goodness it is my foot and not my face. If it is my face, I would be too shameful to see anything.

Her first boyfriend abandon her and left with her best friend. Her friends are very angry. But she look normal: Fortunately he did not change his heart after I marry him. If that would had happen, my lost would have been big.

Because Ms Zhong had this and other liberal-mind. So by the time the plan landed after over an hour, she had already got out of her frustration and the loss of virginity. With a light heart, she looked out at the clouds outside the windows.

Although she is not willing to admit it, but the process of less than melt. Cheng Shao Rong is indeed a very handsome guy. He is tall and good looking.

Rolled between the sheet with such a person, there is really no lost.

If it happens that he is a small person, so ha ha ha, but she had gained from it.

But, she is still troubled. She actually did not remember any details of last night.

Its her body. How could she not have the right to know!!!!

Epilogue 3.4 : Special Accidental Episode

But Zhong Lian Chen can remember the incident from earlier.

In order to apply for a job, she had come to that city.

Her long-awaited work, which she had did a lot of preparation.

And now she was completely denied any adequate.

Zhong Lian Chen is not satisfied: Give me a reason.

Answer: First, Ms Zhong is too beautiful. Second, Ms Zhong net worth is too good.


As the saying goes, bad. This is really the case.

Then, she met her former boyfriend in an upstart in a hotel, Xiao Ren Dezhi. He disgusted her for a long time. She had severe disorders aesthetics deep inside her.

If she wants to write her own memoirs, this mans existence would be described as one that brought her a lot of pain.

She wandered at night on the bustling road. The sky suddenly without warning, began to pour rain. She promptly fled to the big hotel underground bar, semi-wet or drenched.

That ambiguous light bar psychedelic music. In order to warm her cold body, she ordered two glasses of spirits and drank them. Then she saw Cheng Shao Rong in the dim light.

Although they have not been too friendly over the past years, but they have also not formally met for many years. After half an hour, they relationship felt very cordial.

Zhong Lian Cheng pat on Cheng Shao Rongs shoulder: Yah, Rong er, it turns out to be you. A good boy like you also come to this place!

Cheng Shao Rong dodge her little claws: Zhong Lian Chen, you are still the same. Like this, how to get your married?

Zhong Lian Chen hooked his neck and truffle his hair: Oh, time flies. Our Rong Er has already grown up. I almost could not recognize.

Cheng Shao Rong brushed her hand aside: Zhong Lian Chen, men and women should keep a distance, do you not understand?

So they separate themselves away by half a meter and continue drinking. There is no idle chat between them.

Bachelorette should not come to this place.

Youre able to come to this place. Why I cannot come? Do not bother me. I am in a bad mood.

I am also in a bad mood. So you dont bother me.

Things that can put him into a bad mood must be interesting. Zheng Lian Chen love to play her nosy instinct. After an hour, she finally managed to dig out the reason. He just broke up with his girlfriend.

Jiang Wei?


Wow Cheng Shao Rong. She had spent most of her youth years with you. You actually dump her.

She dump me.

A good rejection. Zhong Lian Chen acclaimed in her heart. But with a look of compassion, she said: Jiang Wei really did not know that you are such a good young man. Holding the flashlight, one also cannot find anything wrong between both of you. Could it be just a misunderstanding? Do you need me to help..

There is no misunderstanding. She claimed that I am too handsome so she dont feel safe. And she said that my family is too rich, making her depressed.

Zhong Lian Chen spray the wine out while laughing. Rong er Rong er, a few years not meeting you, you now have this sense of humor.

As a result, a few minutes later, someone caused trouble in the bar. Gamba kick boxing. Cheng Shao Rong being a gentlemen guarded Zhong Lian Chen. She was holding the bottle of wine while lying on the shoulder of Cheng Shao Rong watching the enjoyable fighting scene: Cheng Shao Rong, I bet that the little man in black will win.

You are thoroughly bored.

If he loses, I will drink this bottle of brandy.

Zhong Lian Chen, how come your clothes are so wet?

Aiya, stupid! Left hook, right hook!

Cheng Shao Rong drag her towards the door while she glide her foot along the wall: You are so nave. How can you be so childish! Go and shower and then change your clothes.

Well, her pale memories stop here.

Epilogue 3.4 : Special Accidental Episode

But Zhong Lian Chen can remember the incident from earlier.

In order to apply for a job, she had come to that city.

Her long-awaited work, which she had did a lot of preparation.

And now she was completely denied any adequate.

Zhong Lian Chen is not satisfied: Give me a reason.

Answer: First, Ms Zhong is too beautiful. Second, Ms Zhong net worth is too good.


As the saying goes, bad. This is really the case.

Then, she met her former boyfriend in an upstart in a hotel, Xiao Ren Dezhi. He disgusted her for a long time. She had severe disorders aesthetics deep inside her.

If she wants to write her own memoirs, this mans existence would be described as one that brought her a lot of pain.

She wandered at night on the bustling road. The sky suddenly without warning, began to pour rain. She promptly fled to the big hotel underground bar, semi-wet or drenched.

That ambiguous light bar psychedelic music. In order to warm her cold body, she ordered two glasses of spirits and drank them. Then she saw Cheng Shao Rong in the dim light.

Although they have not been too friendly over the past years, but they have also not formally met for many years. After half an hour, they relationship felt very cordial.

Zhong Lian Cheng pat on Cheng Shao Rongs shoulder: Yah, Rong er, it turns out to be you. A good boy like you also come to this place!

Cheng Shao Rong dodge her little claws: Zhong Lian Chen, you are still the same. Like this, how to get your married?

Zhong Lian Chen hooked his neck and truffle his hair: Oh, time flies. Our Rong Er has already grown up. I almost could not recognize.

Cheng Shao Rong brushed her hand aside: Zhong Lian Chen, men and women should keep a distance, do you not understand?

So they separate themselves away by half a meter and continue drinking. There is no idle chat between them.

Bachelorette should not come to this place.

Youre able to come to this place. Why I cannot come? Do not bother me. I am in a bad mood.

I am also in a bad mood. So you dont bother me.

Things that can put him into a bad mood must be interesting. Zheng Lian Chen love to play her nosy instinct. After an hour, she finally managed to dig out the reason. He just broke up with his girlfriend.

Jiang Wei?


Wow Cheng Shao Rong. She had spent most of her youth years with you. You actually dump her.

She dump me.

A good rejection. Zhong Lian Chen acclaimed in her heart. But with a look of compassion, she said: Jiang Wei really did not know that you are such a good young man. Holding the flashlight, one also cannot find anything wrong between both of you. Could it be just a misunderstanding? Do you need me to help..

There is no misunderstanding. She claimed that I am too handsome so she dont feel safe. And she said that my family is too rich, making her depressed.

Zhong Lian Chen spray the wine out while laughing. Rong er Rong er, a few years not meeting you, you now have this sense of humor.

As a result, a few minutes later, someone caused trouble in the bar. Gamba kick boxing. Cheng Shao Rong being a gentlemen guarded Zhong Lian Chen. She was holding the bottle of wine while lying on the shoulder of Cheng Shao Rong watching the enjoyable fighting scene: Cheng Shao Rong, I bet that the little man in black will win.

You are thoroughly bored.

If he loses, I will drink this bottle of brandy.

Zhong Lian Chen, how come your clothes are so wet?

Aiya, stupid! Left hook, right hook!

Cheng Shao Rong drag her towards the door while she glide her foot along the wall: You are so nave. How can you be so childish! Go and shower and then change your clothes.

Well, her pale memories stop here.

Epilogue 3.5: Special Accidental Episode

Second Blow up a little difficult

Zhong Lian Chen under the blue sky and fine white sands waves resort and have a leisure tour around it.

Occasionally out of boredom, she would try again to recall the supposedly counted as one of the hallmarks of her life. The scene from that day!

Although her character is habitually careless, but no matter how much, after all, she did inherited her family point of being careful. She also have good thinking genes. Very occasionally, she will also have the research spirit.

She just grabbed her hair while thinking about that day. Ah thinking about it! She only vaguely remembered her tugging away on Cheng Shao Rong. And then they tugged back and forth. And then screen is blank.

However, according to her understanding of Cheng Shao Rong over so many years, as well as a profound understanding on her own, plus she is said to have a very good logical reasoning ability, there is no obligation to infer blame. The happening probability distribution are as follows:

Cheng Shao Rong rape her: 5% (or less)

They cannot help and lost themselves: 0%

She rape Cheng Shao Rong: 95% (or higher)

This conclusion really shame her.

But, Cheng Shao Rong is a strong and healthy guy whom is also a taekwondo master. While she is a weak current woman. Her sports scores never pass the edge of the struggle.. then how could she be such a genius, could have made him into submission?

She is able to think openly person. But she cannot stand the problem with no solution. She could not think of an answer and that resulted her into headache. So she makes up a few scenes to comfort herself.

Assumption 1:

Rong Er Come on. Drunk is a solution to unhappiness. Once you are drunk, you will forget everything.

I will have 1 glass and you have 3 glasses. Why? Because you are a man!

Finger guessing game! Who cheat you you go and find a witness!

Then, her bad mood melt away after being drunk.

She would then have the best of intention to help him take off his clothes. And then she looked at the sleeping half-naked beauty in front of her. So (leaving the omitted part to your discretion)

Assumption 2:

Cheng Shao Rong, lets wrestle!

Okay, okay. I know. Lets do judo!

You need to give way to me. Why? I am a woman!

The very gentlemanly Cheng Shao Rong give in a lot to her. She finally pressed him below her body. Her disgraceful because of this hard-won victory got carried away. Dancing, dancing and dancing. Suddenly dizzy, she fell..

Cheng Shao Wong, why you press me?

Dont allow me to move? I am bias! I move, I move move move!

Ha ha ha how red your face is. Cute! Yeah. Let me squeeze. Pinch me, I will squeeze

She touch left and right, pinch and finally..(leaving the omitted part to your discretion)

Assumption 3:

Hide the face. Too unbearable. The image is too detrimental!

Epilogue 3.6: Special Accidental Episode

Zhong Lian Chen nearly did not get any news on Cheng Shao Rong for nearly a month.

Although she does not want to get his message, but putting that incident aside, whatever the outcome, they are also considered refresher in the foreign land. He should also just check on her, right?

But thinking about it, it would be awkward if they are in contact. So it is better to just forget about the whole incident. Out of sight, out of mind. Cheng Shao Rong must also had the same thought.

In fact, when Cheng Shao Rong was away in the university, they have kept in touch.

He often handwritten letter and sent to her. Really old-fashioned.

The content of the letter are typically boring and serious. Just like writing a work report.

Such as:

We run ten thousand meters every day with sandbags.

Last week, we train up the mountain. And we found a big python.

Someone cannot stand the hostel anymore. So he dropped out. Such a pity.

Although these letters contain only few words, but being bored in her sophomore, his letter has become her most interesting reading materials. Showing her another part of the sky.

Of course, she rarely reply. Occasionally she will write one back. Lesser than his words.

Ai, pity.

Good luck! Good!

Later, on her third year, the schoolwork gets really busier. In college years, she sheep graze and overspend in blind love. So finally really neglecting their contact. Only when she returns to her grandmothers place and he went back to his grandmothers place, they would meet up and catch up.

Time ah. From the time the power of the most powerful thing in the world.

She kept his letters. When she discard waste materials and even love letters that she received from the beginning of junior high school, she only kept his letters.

This is mainly due to Cheng Shao Rong writing is very nice. The words are neat and elegant with demeanor generis. Back then, she thought, if one day she decided to practice calligraphy, it would be easier to practice according to his words. If according to those books, using his to practice makes more sense because those words in those books are very common, and do not highlight her unique taste.

As a result, Zhong Lian Chen forgotten about the whole thing. It was placed at the back of her mind until she received his phone call.

Cheng Shao Rong explained that he had not finished his vacation when he received an emergency call to go back to the troops to participate in a closed training. They were only allowed today to contact with the outside world.

Okay. Zhong Lian Chen admitted that she overestimated him. He is still a child that anilities prudish specimen type. No change at all.

They chat for a while. On the other side of the phone, Zhong Lian Chen hearing the sound of the breathing, knew that he was going to get to the subject.

Cheng Shao Rong halt and with little hesitation, finally said it: Little Chen you. Your body, all okay?

Uh, what does that mean? Her momentary reaction.

I mean.. you have not..

After a while, Zhong Lian Chen finally understand.

Cheng Shao Rong, you mean, you did not take any protective measures? Her forehead started to sweat.

How would I know that that day I will I though afterwards you .. In order not to make things worse: Not to mention the matter. She percepts.

I do not have experience! Why did you not remind me?

I am also not aware of the problem until a few days before.

Zhong Lian Chen back start to sweat. She grabbed the hair and try to recall her menstrual cycles dates.

She is done! She cannot remember. She has always not remember her own menstrual cycle.

She did not speak for a long time. In the phone, the little voice had a melting point of anxiety: Little Chen, if you really have something, I will face it together with you. You do not keep it to yourself. And you make your own decision. If you want to keep it, then we immediately get married. If you do not want it, then you must let me accompany you to the hospital for surgery.

Zhong Lian Chen cried out: You better pray that I am okay, Cheng Shao Rong. Otherwise, you are dead!

Yet another amusing incident.

Epilogue 3.7: Special Accidental Episode

Zhong Lian Chen realized for the first time the feeling of tossing and turning. Even the eve of the college entrance examination, she never felt such nervousness before.

She was holding on to get into domestic universities, therefore did not had to worry about going abroad.

She took a deep breath and started counting sheep. And then finally, she self-learn Scarlett anesthesia: Cross the bridge when we get there! When she finally recite for the 100th time, she finally felt asleep. In her dream, she see the doll that she trashed during her childhood climbing out of the rubbish bin. With his dirty face, he called out Mummy, hug! So she was awakened. The sky is already bright.

Then again, she found that the supposedly extremely worried issue that cause her ecstatic, in her muddled state of mind and anxiety, finally came. Her poor new bed linen.

Oh yeah! She is saved.

Zhong Lian Chen is so happy and started reflected her words and deed. She recalled the little attitude of Cheng Shao Rong yesterday that was really bad.

Conscience, she is the real victim here. If it is not because of meeting him, and he dead haunt her, nothing would had happen.

Zhong Lian Chen is something with not much principle and not an ideal girl. But Cheng Shao Rong is different. The incident between them would be considered a stain in his life.

Zhong Lian Chen remember that he seems to be having a difficult flight training today. She began to worry that if he is preoccupied, how dangerous it would be.

So she tried calling him to tell him and make him feel at ease. One, two. Average one hour of calling him with no success.

This time she was really scared. If anything happen to Cheng Shao Rong, then she would be the murderer ah.

Fortunately, Cheng Shao Rong mentioned in the phone yesterday, MUST contact him no matter what happen. He said that since his phone is not easy to call through, he had left her with the phone number for the camp.

So she hastily dialed the number given.

Who answered the phone is unknown. He do not anxiously asked her questions. Then over the phone, she heard him speaking to through the radio: Comrades. There is a woman looking for Cheng Shao Rong.

She was embarrassed but at least she knows that Cheng Shao Rong is fine. Just that at the end of the training, he was called to the heads office.

You are Jiang Wei?


Dont be shy, sister-in-law. It is not who you are. Shao Rong hide you so tightly, it is only now that we could hear your voice. She do not know this guy and the nonsense that he is talking about. Nor that she care if he recognize her. He talked for so long, not a chance for her to rebuttal.

The man finally gave her an opportunity to utterance and she said: Nothing important. Please help me to leave a message to him. Tell him that everything is assured.

She was about to hang up the line when another person pick up the microphone and said: Ms Jiang, wait. We want to talk to you about instructor.

The head hum is getting stronger.

She did not expect that it was a female instructor. Listening to the sound over the phone, sounded like a big sister figure who serious yes loving earnestness said to her: Little Jiang ah, Shao Rong is a nice guy. You can encounter such guy, it is considered that you are lucky. You better cherish ah.


Shao Rong these days have been depressed. When I asked him, only then he told me that you have broken up with him. Since you called, that means that there is an opportunity to turn this around.

In fact..

We are all women. So I can understand your feelings. Separated in a distance far away, the opportunity to meet is lesser. And Shao Rong has a temper, and does not know how to coax anyone. He will not say sweet words. But look at the good nature of the man, good character is most important. Shao Rong coming from such family background, but he is not arrogance. As a man, he work conscientiously. He never philander and treat each women with polite and respect. A really good kid.


Now is the critical period for Shao Rong. He has an excellent opportunity waiting for him. If he drop off the chain this time, it would be a pity. You must be a good support for him.

, ..

means jabbering away

She has been educated by this sister into the world of dizziness. She is afraid to say that she is not Jiang. If the instructor knew that she is the accidental flower that mess up with Shao Rong, she do not know if the instructor will climb over the communication signal line to strangle her.

Ai, why is life so frustrating.

Zhong Lian Chen after the morning of ideological and political education, she began to seriously carry out self-criticism.

She fel