Across The Stunning Beast Princess: Phoenix Against The World - Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

The Palace Banquet [8]

However, the Ice Luan Spirit Bird and Huang Bei Yue didnt make a life contract. He just obeys Huang Bei Yue, so she can control him freely.

I dont need protection for now. With the identity of Huang Bei Yue, there wont be any danger.

Whats more, her skills isnt bad. This eras martial art masters, she doesnt necessarily put them in her eyes.

Although thinking about it for a day or two, the Ice Luan Spirit Bird have some understanding of Huang Bei Yues character. She said she doesnt need protection, then she must have absolute confidence.

Therefore, the Ice Luan Spirit Bird sneakily return to Princess Zhangs prefecture in the darkness.

The carriage ride is a bumpy, her half closed eyes suddenly her eyes swept across Xiao Yuns waist which display a fluorescent ice feather.

A summoners weapons are always placed inside their space ring. They usually would not bring it with them everywhere. When they have to fight, a weapon is also a tool for winning. Others arent familiar with your weapon, so during the beginning they arent able to analyze your tactics.

Those who arent able to afford a space ring, are the only ones who would hang their weapons on their body.

Xiao Yun obviously is able to afford it. She actually have a high level space ring, the space inside her ring is about the size of a city.

With such a high level space ring, not putting ice feather inside it, its obvious that she wants to flaunt it.

In the whole Karte continent, probably only she have a feather of the Five Spirit Beast as a weapon. This is simply the highest form of flaunting ah!

Xiao Yun paid great attention to her ice feather. Therefore, Huang Bei Yues eyes had swept across her, thus Xiao Yun became proud.

She took the ice feather from her waist, fiddling it in her hand, she glance at Huang Bei Yue, laughingly said: Bei Yue, what do you think of my ice feather?

Very pretty. Huang Bei Yue have a little bit of admiration, thats the feather that she personally pluck, of course its pretty.

Its not only pretty, do you know what kind of spirit beast this feather came from?

Huang Bei Yue shook her head, pretending not to know.

Xiao Yun proudly said: You know the Five Spirit Beast, like the Crown Princes Purple Flame Unicorn. This ice feature is on the same status as the Purple Flame Unicorn, from an ice spirit beast of the Five Spirit Beast, Ice Luan Spirit Birds feather.

Xiao Yun use many powerful words to describe it, making Huang Bei Yue have a headache.

How amazing. Even if she have the whole Ice Luan Spirit Bird, she still have to to flatter Xiao Yun who only have one feather.

Dont even mention how proud Xiao Yun is, Huang Bei Yue, even though you have a distinguished identity, you unfortunately dont have any ability. In the Karte continent, without any ability and having only an identity, it still doesnt mean anything.

No ability..

This is the first time Huang Bei Yue heard someone say this to her. If she doesnt have any ability, then in this world there is no one else with strength/ability!

Do you know Xi Tian daren who have recently appeared? When Xiao Yun saw that Huang Bei Yue isnt talking, she thought that Huang Bei Yue is feeling inferior.

Making Huang Bei Yue feel inferior, its what Xiao Yun like to do the most!

She is actually a nine star summoner, this ice feather is plucked by her. Grandpa already sent people to coax this Xi Tian daren. If anything unexpected doesnt happen, then in the future, this Xi Tian daren will be my teacher.

Huang Bei Yues half closed eyes suddenly opened, tilted her head, very astonished: Teacher?

When Xiao Yun saw the astonished expression, even more proudly said: Of course, I am the female genius of Nan Yi Country, Xi Tian daren definitely recognize my worth.

Genius? A three star summoner at the age of sixteen is considered a genius?

TLN: Poor Huang Bei Yue xD Having to deal with Xiao Yun

If it was me, I wouldve taped her mouth shut ~

The Crown Princes Purple Flame Unicorn

Ice Luan Spirit Bird

The Palace Banquet [8]. . .

However, the Ice Luan Spirit Bird and Huang Bei Yue didnt make a life contract. He just obeys Huang Bei Yue, so she can control him freely..

I dont need protection for now. With the identity of Huang Bei Yue, there wont be any danger..

Whats more, her skills isnt bad. This eras martial art masters, she doesnt necessarily put them in her eyes..

Although thinking about it for a day or two, the Ice Luan Spirit Bird have some understanding of Huang Bei Yues character. She said she doesnt need protection, then she must have absolute confidence..

Therefore, the Ice Luan Spirit Bird sneakily return to Princess Zhangs prefecture in the darkness..

The carriage ride is a bumpy, her half closed eyes suddenly her eyes swept across Xiao Yuns waist which display a fluorescent ice feather..

A summoners weapons are always placed inside their space ring. They usually would not bring it with them everywhere. When they have to fight, a weapon is also a tool for winning. Others arent familiar with your weapon, so during the beginning they arent able to analyze your tactics.. . .

Those who arent able to afford a space ring, are the only ones who would hang their weapons on their body..

Xiao Yun obviously is able to afford it. She actually have a high level space ring, the space inside her ring is about the size of a city..

With such a high level space ring, not putting ice feather inside it, its obvious that she wants to flaunt it..

In the whole Karte continent, probably only she have a feather of the Five Spirit Beast as a weapon. This is simply the highest form of flaunting ah!.

Xiao Yun paid great attention to her ice feather. Therefore, Huang Bei Yues eyes had swept across her, thus Xiao Yun became proud..

She took the ice feather from her waist, fiddling it in her hand, she glance at Huang Bei Yue, laughingly said: Bei Yue, what do you think of my ice feather?.

Very pretty. Huang Bei Yue have a little bit of admiration, thats the feather that she personally pluck, of course its pretty.. . .

Its not only pretty, do you know what kind of spirit beast this feather came from?.

Huang Bei Yue shook her head, pretending not to know..

Xiao Yun proudly said: You know the Five Spirit Beast, like the Crown Princes Purple Flame Unicorn. This ice feature is on the same status as the Purple Flame Unicorn, from an ice spirit beast of the Five Spirit Beast, Ice Luan Spirit Birds feather..

Xiao Yun use many powerful words to describe it, making Huang Bei Yue have a headache..

How amazing. Even if she have the whole Ice Luan Spirit Bird, she still have to to flatter Xiao Yun who only have one feather..

Dont even mention how proud Xiao Yun is, Huang Bei Yue, even though you have a distinguished identity, you unfortunately dont have any ability. In the Karte continent, without any ability and having only an identity, it still doesnt mean anything..

No ability...

This is the first time Huang Bei Yue heard someone say this to her. If she doesnt have any ability, then in this world there is no one else with strength/ability!.

Do you know Xi Tian daren who have recently appeared? When Xiao Yun saw that Huang Bei Yue isnt talking, she thought that Huang Bei Yue is feeling inferior..

Making Huang Bei Yue feel inferior, its what Xiao Yun like to do the most!.

She is actually a nine star summoner, this ice feather is plucked by her. Grandpa already sent people to coax this Xi Tian daren. If anything unexpected doesnt happen, then in the future, this Xi Tian daren will be my teacher..

Huang Bei Yues half closed eyes suddenly opened, tilted her head, very astonished: Teacher?.

When Xiao Yun saw the astonished expression, even more proudly said: Of course, I am the female genius of Nan Yi Country, Xi Tian daren definitely recognize my worth..

Genius? A three star summoner at the age of sixteen is considered a genius?.


TLN: Poor Huang Bei Yue xD Having to deal with Xiao Yun.

If it was me, I wouldve taped her mouth shut ~.


The Crown Princes Purple Flame Unicorn.


Ice Luan Spirit Bird.